The System: Civilian Shinobi

[Vengeance! Part-3]

[Vengeance! Part-3]

0Shikaku-san was the first to react as he asked, "Who is against us?" his mind seemingly already working on strategies and battel positions to occupy…     

"Konoha against Iwa, Kumo, and Suna..."     

'Three of the top 5'     

An outcry of alarm rang through the room as Tsunade-san asked, "Even Suna? We just talked about the alliance?"     

Itachi looked at the setting sun and said, "I need to get back soon so I'll explain this quick… during the Konoha Invasion, Suna lost their Kage and their Jinchuriki has gotten more unstable, their new Kazekage is not up to the level of a Kage so they are in the weakest position, Temari is sent on an assassination mission as they hoped to take out Tobi when he was still A-ranked but that failed, Kiri is in no condition to take part in the war and that is the only reason they are not participating… Iwa was persuaded as information about the Lord Fourth's legacy still living was spread among their council members… Kumo was persuaded because our actual military numbers are far less than all the three combined..."     


[S-rank mission updated: Assassin]     

[Description: Temari was sent by the Suna-council to gain your trust and to seduce you and after that try to kill you...]     

[Task 1: Discover signs of Treachery]     

[Task 2: Figure out Suna's plan]     

[Task 3: ???]     

Everyone was processing the information as he continued, "...also Tobi-kun here has made Akatsuki wary, he's 16 years old and already widely recognized as an S-rank shinobi and this shows Konoha's building power… the main aim of Akatsuki is to capture the tailed beasts and with the help of this war they want to diminish the firepower of all the hidden villages..."     

'...that's a solid plan, but what do they want the tailed beasts for?'     

Shikaku-san voiced my question, "Do you know what is their aim with the tailed beasts?"     

Itachi-san shook his head and said, "We only know that the leader of Akatsuki has a little god complex and he desires peace by creating a weapon of mass destruction..."     

He then took out two scrolls and threw one towards Hokage-sama and one towards me… as soon as I came in contact with the scroll a notification appeared in front of me…     

[S-Rank Crow Summoning Contract Acquired]     

[Write your name within the scroll and then use summoning jutsu]     

"Contact me with that Tobi-kun, I need to rush, the other scroll has information regarding every other member of the Akatsuki..."     

Before he could rush out I asked, "What about Danzo?"     

He hesitated for a second before saying, "That decision is up to Hokage-sama..."     

His figure faded as he dismantled into several crows and they flew out of the room destroying the privacy seals… Tsunade-sama redid the privacy seals as she said, "Any Ideas Shikaku?"     

I look towards Shikaku-san who was deep in thought going through several scenarios before speaking, "First we need Naruto back in the village along with Jiraya-sama..." Tsunade-sama nodded and turned towards Kakashi, "I hope he left some way to contact him?" Kakashi-san seemed to realize something and laid out a scroll that had a summoning matrix…     

'Summoning Jutsu'     

"Yo! Wassup?" A red toad appeared from the seal and he was wearing a Haori?     

"Gamakichi, I need you to take this message to Jiraya..." before Kakashi-san could greet the toad, Tsunade-sama scribbled something on a scroll and threw it towards the toad who vanished with a puff of smoke…     

"Alright, that's one thing done..." Tsunade-sama started and then looked at us to speak so I said, "We, need to take care of Danzo… an indetectable genjutsu, which can even affect an S-rank shinobi can't be just ignored… and as I am the only other Katoamatsukami user along with Itachi… I want to lead a task force against him..."     

All three of them looked at me curiously for a second before Tsunade-sama said, "Who do you need for the mission… I don't want Danzo's hideout burned, but I want everything in there preserved… I want to know everything there is to know..."     

'Huh, Seems like Tsunade-sama is pissed at being kept in the dark… I wanna say no one but after encountering Kabuto's freakiness, let's better be safe than sorry...'     

"Uchiha Sasuke..." Kakashi-san seemed ready to protest against such a dangerous mission but Tsunade-sama said, "Start preparing… I want this Danzo situation dealt with as soon as possible before the war begins, also Kakashi will be accompanying you as a safeguard..."     

I wanted to protest but then I sighed, "Alright Hokage-sama" I walked away from the room, "Also..." Tsunade-sama's words stopped me as she continued, "'s time Sasuke learned about your little secret right?"     

'... well bonding while killing the reason for his clan's massacre can be counted as a consolation? Right?'     


It took me a minute to find the familiar mop of a raven-haired teen as he was bustling about doing his rounds in the Konoha Hospital... I arrived beside him and said, "New mission, meet me at the usual place..."     

I then vanished in a Shunshin and arrive at the top of Lord Fourth's head, Sasuke took his time and he arrived 5 minutes later with an annoyed expression on his face…     

"What is it?"     

'At least he has started speaking in words rather than just grunting… yay for small victories...'     

"I met a masked man a few years back..." He was giving me a puzzled look so I continued, "... he had a Sharingan in his only visible eye and he was crazy powerful… he told me a story… a story of how a power-hungry old man used a mind control genjutsu to make an heir of a clan turn into their Shinigami..."     

He seemed to have caught on to what I was saying as his shoulders started shaking a little bit as he was looking at me with disbelief and a tiny bit of hope… I looked at him straight in the eye and send a massive amount of chakra into my right eye…     


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