The System: Civilian Shinobi

[Tsunade Senju! Part-1]

[Tsunade Senju! Part-1]

0I woke up to the sound of someone tapping my window when I sense a foreign chakra signature close to my room…     

'Huh! What's he doing here...'     

Sasuke stood on my window and was looking outside as if making sure no one sees him…     

"You know if you keep stalking me Sasuke, your fangirls will be quite disappointed..."     

'And there it is...'     

He was glaring at me before grunting and opening the window and hopping in, I remove my bedsheets and sit up while saying, "what is it Sasuke?"     

"I talked to Kakashi, you were there when he confronted Itachi and another Ninja from the mist… He also said you were the difference that made sure everyone was safe..." He then mumbled something and I didn't quite catch that…     

"Speak up Sasuke, you didn't wake me up just to tell me something I already knew did you..." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow so he said, "I want your help"     


"You want my help?"     

There was a bewildered expression on my face as he continued, "I know how strong you are, I want to be strong too!" There was determination in his eyes like always but this time there was jealousy and little inferiority mixed in his emotions as well…     

'Huh! Guess his superiority complex is coming down little by little...'     

"You know our fighting styles are completely different… I don't know how to help you… you are more similar to Kakashi-san why don't you ask for his help..."     

"But Itachi defeated Kakashi"     

'What… you Idiot'     

I sigh and slap my head as I stood up and walk up to him, "What do you think is more dangerous Sasuke, a sword or a Kunai?"     

His puzzled expression was a little funny as he answered, "A sword?"     

"And why is that?"     

"...Because the sword is longer and sharper than a Kunai" he was still confused at the sudden shift in topic…     

"... and what if I sharpen the Kunai with wind natured chakra?"     

"Then you can also do the same thing to the sword can't you..." He smirked as he gave his reply seemingly confident in his answer…     

"And what if I throw the sharpened kunai straight at you before you can close the distance with a sword..." As he was about to protest that he can cut the knife down with a sword I levitated a knife in front of his face and started mock attacking him from different directions…     

" have a Kekkei Genkai..." his words were just a whisper so I continued by saying, "so what do you think is a better weapon? A sword or a Kunai?"     

He thought about it for a second and then said, "It depends on the ninja using it..."     

I nod and said, "Finally… so who do you think is stronger me or Kakashi?"     

"... It depends on the situation..." Realization seemed to dawn on him as he started to think about what I was saying earlier…     

"You seem to be getting the point… Kakashi-san is a different ninja than me, Itachi is a different ninja than me, every ninja is different and could be useful in different situation… just because I am weaker than Itachi doesn't mean that there isn't a situation possible where I won't come out on top in a fight against him… just because I am stronger than you at the moment doesn't mean you have no chance of winning… you need to be the best Ninja you can become, do you understand Sasuke? Itachi's path to power was through killing and constant fighting… if you do go down that path you can achieve that, but do you want to, it's all up to you in the end..."     

Sasuke seemed to be considering my words as I push him out of my window…     

"Now get lost I need some sleep..."     

I fall down on my bed but another annoying presence was just hovering outside my house…     


I jump out of my apartment window and land in front of Sakura…     

"Isn't it a little early to be following Sasuke, Geez..."     

She looked a little flustered before saying, "I have a favor to ask you, Tobi-kun"     



"Can you help me? You are the only Iryo nin I know..."     

'Since when did you know me… ugh! At least she has the required chakra control for it... I'll give her a few tips that's it...'     


I stood back in the meeting room where my fate was once decided but this time with a different audience… Both the elders were there but Danzo was nowhere to be seen, me and Shikamaru stood in front of the Shinobi council, which consists of the elders, the clan heads, and the Hokage… Only Hokage-sama's seat was empty, Kurenai-sensei and Asuma-sensei were standing behind us with proud smiles on their faces…     

"Tobi Shou..." The female elder has pointed me out so I stepped forward and bowed my head a little…     


"Due to your performance during the Chunin exams and the invasion after, the council has seen fit to award you the rank of chunin. Please step forward..." She took out a chunin flak jacket and another scroll… I step forward and take both the items into my hands before bowing my head and turning back when her voice stopped me, "It is nice seeing another civilian shinobi rising through the ranks! Keep up the good work Tobi!"     

"Thank you, elder-san" I felt a little awkward at not knowing her name but she just smiled and nodded me along…     

'Could have at least told me her name… ugh old people are weird!'     

I walk back to Kurenai-sensei and she patted my hand while smiling at me…     

'...beautiful... Asuma-sensei you sure are lucky...'     

I turn to him as he raised a fist towards me which I tapped lightly…     

'One step closer to the top...'     

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