The System: Civilian Shinobi



0I let the Iron sand barrier fall apart and the iron sand went back under my clothes… I opened my inventory and slowly let a lot of Iron sand submerge into the water hidden behind my legs...     

"Stop underestimating him Kisame… "     

Kisame had a shallow cut across his chest but his clothes were torn off because of the extended range of the wind...     

'We need more backup...I don't think anyone here can handle Itachi...'     

"Tobi-kun stop rushing at enemies that are way above your power level..." Kurenai-sensei was glaring at me while I was concentrating on dumping more and more Iron sand into the water and controlling it to form a layer deep beneath us…     

"Sorry! Kurenai-sensei" I chuckle a little and focus on the wounds that were healing in front of our eyes on Kisame's body… Chakra was flowing from his sword into him and healing his injuries…     

'That sword… I need to take it away from him to give us a fighting chance… otherwise, it will keep healing him by taking our chakra… if only Jiraya-sama were here *sigh*… I can use the inventory to store the sword but how to get him to leave it alone...'     

"I'll deal with you, you brat..." Kisame got ready to charge in my direction and I once again push wind natured chakra on the sword…     



Almost everyone was surprised by Itachi's command and even Kisame gave him a puzzled look…     

As Itachi explained his reasoning and said "I'll end this fight quickly… for someone not of the Uchiha blood, you have mastered the 'Penetrating-eye' of the Sharingan quite well, but you do not have Uchiha blood… let me show you the true powers of the Sharingan..."     

He then closed his eyes as massive amounts of chakra went into his eyes…     

While Kakashi-san shouted at us to close our eyes I had a different thought on my mind...     

'Chance!' I stimulate my leg muscles with swift release and push more chakra into my eyes… tracking the movement of everyone I dash straight for Kisame…     

As Itachi-san had his eyes closed he wasn't able to react this time…     

'Shadow clone Jutsu...'     

2 Shadow clones from beside me as I rush at Kisame…     

'Secret Sword Art: Moonlight'     

I use the complete moonlight for the first time in actual combat and my two shadow clones both attacks at near blinding speed, the clone left of me attacked Itachi with a lateral strike right towards his eyes, my other clone attacked Kisame with a lateral slash while I drop behind him and jump on his back to perform an overhead slash to cut off his right wrist…     

I manipulate the Iron Sand beneath us to quickly cover me from all sides while I threw both the Sword and his wrist into my Inventory…     

'Iron Sand: Barrier'     

'Right part 1 success now if Guy-san can hurry we can think about dealing with them...what...'     

I manipulate the Iron sand to fly myself back and I drop beside Kakashi-san who was on his knees... I close my eyes and place my left hand to cover his eye and let healing chakra settle his unsettled nerves…     

'There's too much damage… I cannot heal him completely… If I hadn't gone forward to attack I could have but...ugh! I can only resort to slowly letting his nerves relax… Come on Guy-san'     

"Heh! Itachi did tell you not to underestimate me didn't he..." Kisame was on his knees too and was missing a very obvious limb…     

"Heh, nice job" Kakashi-san seemed to have stabilized a little as he stood up a little… I let go of his eyes and shifting to stand behind him and healing his injuries through his back…     

"You Brat!! Where's Samehada!" Kisame seemed to have gone in to rage mode as he dashed towards us with his other first raised… Kakashi-san got ready with a Kunai in order to try and fend him off but I felt Guy-san approaching… I cover all of us with my Iron sand…     

'Iron Sand Barrier'     

There was a heavy impact on my shield as Kisame collided before being kicked back by Guy-san… I let the shield drop after Kisame retreated…     

"Nice timing Guy-san"     

"You are looking for Sasuke aren't you..." Kakashi-san asked Itachi as we all stood there with closed eyes...     

There was a weird fluctuation of emotion from Itachi upon hearing Sasuke's name but his response was in the same monotonous drawl, "No, we are after the Fourth's Legacy..."     

'Why would he reveal who he's after… is that a diversion… and Fourth's Legacy? Naruto?'     

Before Kakashi-san could say anything Kisame tried another attack but guy-san repelled him back again…     

'Huh! If you take away his sword and Ninjutsu, Guy-san can easily beat this guy… The one I am worried about is...'     

Itachi still stood in his neutral stance without any look of fear on his face before saying, "Kisame, we're leaving..."     

"But..." Before Kisame could say anything further he deactivated his Sharingan and I could see his movements were about to turn away…     

'Shadow Clone Jutsu'     

'Swift Release'     

'Wind Release: Chakra flow'     

'Secret Sword Art: Moonlight dash'     

A shadow clone materialized beside me and dashed towards him at full speed before disappearing…     

When I got the memories of the shadow clone back, I realized what the difference between me and him was…     


He knows how to use it like the back of his hand… when my clone got a kunai stuck in his heart… my eyes met his and they seemed to be able to see my every move…     

Itachi and Kisame vanished and they started to rapidly depart from the village until they went outside of my sensory range…     

Kakashi-san seemed to be alright now but his muscles still spasmed from phantom pain… I started collecting the Iron Sand back into my inventory when I notice everyone was staring at me…     


'Heh! I know I'm awesome...'     

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