The System: Civilian Shinobi

[Trouble in Paradise! Part-3]

[Trouble in Paradise! Part-3]

0"WHAT DID YOU DO TO GAARA!!!" Temari screamed at me once she got her bearings right…     


[B-rank quest completed: Chunin Exams]     

[Description: Your sensei has selected you to take part in the chunin exams, prove that her trust in you was valid by being promoted to chunin]     

[Task 1: Pass the first test]     

[Task 2: Pass the second test]     

[Task 3: Inpress 5 proctors during the third test]     

[Rewards: Chunin rank, more items unlocked in the shop, +50 SP,+10,000 EXP]     

[Level up]     

'Why… the exams are still...'     

I backed away and raise my hand to indicate no fighting outside of the competition as I read the notification when a commotion took my attention away from the interface… There was smoke coming from the Hokage box and I could feel Baki rushing over to the meeting room…     

"Naruto! Sasuke! Get ready!"     

I unsheath my sword and started to focus on the rushing Jounin who appeared behind Temari…     

"Sasuke! Take Naruto and get back to Kakashi-sensei, the chunin exams are over for now..." I focus my attention on Baki as Sasuke and Naruto hop away… They seemed like they wanted to protest. but they didn't know what to do in the current situation...     

"So I guess I was wrong that we were allies..." I was concentrating on Mom and Dad's position but it seems that all the civilians have been put to sleep by the ANBU, they were danger-free at least for some time…     

"Ally is just an excuse to build power..." Wind natured chakra materialized on his fingertips and extended in the form of a sword…     

'Wind Release: Wind sword'     

I unsheath my sword once more all the while looking for escape routes… "So this is an invasion then..." a purple-colored barrier enclosed the Hokage box and I could feel two kage level chakra signatures inside it…     

"Where is Gaara!" he seemed anxious as he looked ready to attack any moment…     

"You should know that by now don't you… you even dared to bring the Ichibi Jinchuriki to the exams… so what was the plan? Gaara releasing the Ichibi in the middle of Konoha?"     

'Wind Release: chakra flow'     

My katana started humming with wind natured chakra as I notice Naruto has safely reached Kakashi-san…     

'That's two bargaining chips out of the way...'     

"You probably know that my raw speed is greater than you..."     

"So what kid, you are still years away from defeating me..."     

"I never said anything about defeating you, I just wanna point out even if you manage to deal a fatal blow to me, I am confident that I can kill Temari before that… you wanna trade, a civilian born shinobi of the leaf for the life of the only daughter of the current Kazekage..."     

I could hear him grit his teeth, he already knew that, and probably the only reason I was still alive… I felt Genma-san arriving towards us and Baki tensed before taking hold of Temari and running away…     

"You okay!" Genma-san had a senbon in hand and a serious look on his face as he was surveying the damage nearby…     

"Yeah! They managed to safely extract Gaara away so there's that..." I look around at various explosions and ninja's fighting in the arena…     

"Ready!" Genma-san said as we both took off towards the nearest group of sound and sand shinobi…     


'Man I am so tired...' I blocked the swipe of another Kunai from a sand ninja while I was dragging my sword through the next guy's stomach… Genma-san was next to me and we were fighting the last of the invaders present in the arena before the pressure was relieved and two blurs started killing them with much more efficiency…     

'Thank god for backup!' Kakashi-san and Guy-san were running through the last batch of invaders like a chain-saw while the rest of the genins were helping them by occasionally throwing kunai and shurikens through their back… I retreated behind Sasuke and Naruto and I took a breather while surveying the damage…     

'Most of the civilians remained unscathed along with mom and dad as the fight mainly occurred in the shinobi section...' Various clans were fighting outside the arena working on clearing the invaders but the main attention was still focused on the fight happening on the rooftop of the Kage's box…     

As I was taking a breather I sense Toad-san appearing towards us along with his team…     

"Tobi" His voice was gruff like always with almost no emotions present on his face… the rest of the guys joined in the fight with Kakashi-san and Guy-san…     

"Yes, Taichou!"     

"Change into your ANBU gear… we need your sensory skills to do a quick patrol of the village… need to sniff out any invaders still hiding..."     

"Hai Taichou!" I simply took off my Haori and took out my ANBU gear and wore it over my current clothes…     

The rest of the genins were a little surprised while Sasuke was giving me an intense stare…     

"Let's go..."     


After the little sweep around the village and killing any invaders that were still left behind, we arrive at the final place where the battle was still going on…     

'Those look like the first and the second Hokage… and Orochimaru...'     

The barrier was making things in Konoha safe along with making thighs harder for the Third Hokage… He was fighting three Kage-level Shinobi's alone and it took a toll on his vitality…     

'Why do Lord First and Lord Second feel so weak though…' Their level was still hidden but the pressure they were giving out is nowhere near enough to be lauded as the God of Shinobi…     

I can try to break this barrier if I use Iron sand, or kill one of the Sound-nin by manipulating the iron present in the roof, but I am not sure if it will work out for Konoha…     


"Yes Tobi"     

"I may have a possible way to break the barrier" he and the nearby ANBU were surprised by the statement but they remained quiet…     

"Are you sure!"     

"About 85%... but does Hokage-sama want me to break the barrier"     

Taichou indicated to Chigiri and he focused on communicating with Hokage-sama… it took a little while but he shook his head…     

"Hokage-sama said he can't on his conscience allow the brothers to be the reason for the destruction of Konoha… He also has a message for you Tobi!"     


"Where the tree leaves dance, one shall find flames. The fire's shadow will illuminate the village... and once again tree leaves shall bud anew. Keep the will of fire burning..."     


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