The System: Civilian Shinobi

[Secrets! - Part 2]

[Secrets! - Part 2]

0[Secrets! - Part 2]     

'Okay, why did I have to use Iron dust...ugh! And don't make that face you bitch! I have to lie to you now...'     

"Okay, but promise me you guys won't tell anyone okay..." I gave them the puppy eyes but Shino seemed Immune to them...     

"But, Tobi-san..." Hinata hesitated so I shut her up real quick...     

"Promise me Hinata-chan..." I insisted as I stared into her eyes.     

"Okkkkay...okay I promise..." I nodded to her and turned my head towards Shino who nodded after me staring at him for a few moments…     

'At least there's that...Now I need a sad story and make myself look like a saint...a hard-working saint.'     

"So...ummm..." I lean back on the boat and look upwards towards the sky…     

'Hmm, this fog is still lingering...'     

"So, well I first learned that I can control metal during the first week of the academy..."     

I detached some of the Iron dust from underneath my left sleeve and let it hang in the air in front of them, twisting and swirling into various shapes as I continued to talk…     

"I always felt metal around me, at first I thought it was because of my sensor trait as I could sense chakra pretty well, but sensing metal was a hard pill to swallow...I ignored it at first but one day after training I concentrated on a shuriken and it got attracted to me...I trained since that day every day to control metal by manipulating this weird energy field around me...It kinda feels like chakra but it's like vibrating and stuff..."     

I look at their face and it seems I lost Hinata somewhere during the explanation… 'Yes exactly as for the sympathy card...'     

"I tried to search back on my family tree and I didn't find anything weird with mom and dad, but since we are civilians marriage restrictions among us are not as strict as in clans or shinobi's… My family had a lot of people from different regions so I don't know from where this could have come saw how attentive Kakashi-san was towards the rogue hunter nin with the ice bloodline right...I don't even know if it is a bloodline or a mutation like in the case of Lord First… I just wanted to be strong enough so I won't have to hide anymore..."     

I look at the sympathetic eyes of Hinata and continued, "I trained so hard these last six years so that I can become strong one day to find out the truth about this and still not cause any harm to myself or my family...I hope you guys will support me, I know every one of us has some secrets and we are a bipolar team, but I trust you guys and I hope you will trust me too..."     

I sigh heavily as I look towards the other boats which carried Kakashi-san, Zabuza, and Naruto paddling one boat and Sasuke, Kurenai-Sensei, and Sakura on the other boat...Shino quietly paddled away before he spoke up, "I understand what you are saying Tobi-san, I won't tell anyone unless it hurts Konoha..."     

I sent him a grateful look and turned towards Hinata who has some tears in her eyes, 'okayyyy...was that too much?'     

"I won't tell anyone Tobi-kun...I promise" she rubs her eyes and turns beat-red before looking away and saying, "I am sorry we forced this secret out of you but don't worry we won't tell anyone..."     

I give her a bright smile as I say, "Don't say sorry Hinata-san, I am glad I could get it off my it's good for our team, I am happy I got in a team with you guys…     

And with that closing remark, we were getting close to the shore so we shared a small peaceful time with each other…     

We got off the boat and I again place Haku on my shoulders and we all quickly get into formation and move towards the nearby outpost…     

'Huh! Except for all the lying and deceiving I am glad I wound up with them...Hey Zoey, if I was ever interrogated for being a spy and stuff will they be able to find about the system and you after searching my memories…?'     

[No, all information regarding your life will be slightly altered if some outsider tried to take a sneak peek into the world, only you in this world is permitted to know about the system.]     

'...why is that, it's weird that I never questioned this but why me, why was I chosen by the system?'     

A notification popped up and I almost threw Haku through the transparent window…     

[SS-Rank Quest Generated: Defeat the Rabbit Goddess]     

[You have chosen to question the system about some information that isn't available to you yet...defeat the Rabbit Goddess, Kaguya Otsutsuki to get the answer to your question]     

[Rewards: ???]     


'Zoey you do know the meaning of the word goddess don't the fuck am I supposed to defeat her...'     



'Let's just forget about it, the latest crisis was averted and I am quite happy with that outcome...'     


We arrived at the outpost after 30 minutes of walking, As soon as we passed through the security checkpoint where Kakashi-san used some documents and codes to get us all in a very familiar figure with long purple hair and a Katana on her back shunshin'd in front of Kakashi-san.     

"Taichou!" Yugao-san bowed to Kakashi-san a little and waited for instructions…     

"Maa...Maa...Cat, you are the captain now you don't need to address me as such..."     

"Yes Taichou" Cat answered and I swear I heard a grin in her words…     

Kakashi-san gave her an eye-smile and explained the current situation… "Judging by your guarded expression it seems like you recognized a certain rouge-nin...the other one that Tobi-kun is carrying is an Ice element user so you know what to do. They were a team so we decided to capture both of them instead of disposing of Zabuza...your duty is a little bit changed from what your mission requirements were. Your current mission is to escort team 8 back to the village and correctly handle the transfer of bodies to the T & I department...Understood!"     

"Yes, Taichou!" Kakashi-san rolled his eyes and turned towards his team, "Let's go!" and casually under the glare of 2 quite powerful women took out a copy of Icha Icha paradise and move away from the outpost…     

'...Respect Kakashi-sensei...Respect'     

I turn towards Yagao-san and notice her trying to sneak closer to me...I threw Haku towards her and say, "Here you go Cat-san, some extra weight and exercise will do you look quite fat in that outfit..."     

'Time to run...'     

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