The Shinobi of Straw Hats

156. Bigger Alliance

156. Bigger Alliance

0After the misunderstanding solved, the minks lead Straw Hats and Law to the Whale Forest. They climb the Whale Tree up to it's back, and find a hidden door. They get inside and anticipating to see Raizou the ninja.     

"Can he really use ninjutsu like me?"-Jon     

"Maybe he will say nin-nin, not like you."-Luffy     

"He will also wear a real ninja clothes, not casual one like you."-Usopp     

"But comfortable clothes are the best clothes."-Jon     

"Yeah yeah, maybe he is a REAL ninja and you're FAKE ninja."-Zoro     

"Huh? What'd you say lost bush head?"-Jon     

Jon & Zoro brawl again like usual, and then they all reach the inside room. They finally see Raizo the ninja that being tied on a red poneglyph. Their excitement suddenly vanished when they see Raizo.     

"Isn't he too old to do ninja works?"-Jon     

"His face is also too big for an infiltration."-Franky     

"A-at least he wear ninja like clothes."-Usopp     

"But maybe he still can do ninjutsu."-Law     

"Hey, did you say nin-nin?"-Luffy     

"Show us your ninjutsu!"-Zoro     

The boys inspect and judge him as they like. Raizo is surprised by them, and say that a ninja didn't showing off his ninjutsu, and he didn't say nin-nin. He didn't comment about looking old and have big face though, he seem to get used to it.     

""Eeehh?!""-The boys got disapointed     

"Sigh, maybe he's a fake ninja."-Jon     

"What a disappointment."-Law     

"So it's just a bluff."-Zoro     

Raizo finally give up and decide to show some of his ninjutsu. Jon is very excited and want to see how Raizo will do it.     

"Ninpo: Enton no Jutsu!"-Raizo throw a smoke bomb and run away very fast while being obscured by the smoke.     

"Ninpo: Bunshin no Jutsu!"-Raizo create an illusion of having many clones with his speed.     

Then Raizo take some shurikens and throw them to the wall, creating a Shinobi word. He look at the boys that didn't seem impressed at all.     

"Hmm, i can do it better."-Jon     

""Jon can do it better.""-Boys     

"EEHHH?! They're disappointed."-Raizo shocked     

"Are you a shinobi too, young man?"-Inuarashi     

"Yeah, let me show you my ninjutsu."-Jon     

Jon do the same trick he used to impress the Straw Hats when they first met. Jon make some shadow clones and transform them into everyone here. Then he use Kawarimi between his clones to shuffle them. Then he & his clones jump to the ceiling and sticking there before he cancel all of his clones.     

Jon flicker down and the Straw Hats nod in approval. The samurais, minks, and Raizo got very surprised instead. They never know that there will be any ninja outside of Wano, and they tell Jon about it.     

"Hmm, samurai is from Wano, so it's not strange that ninja is from Wano too."-Jon     

"Where did you learn the ninja arts?"-Raizo     

"I found a hidden manual in an uninhabited island. Well, there are 2 giants there, so it's not really uninhabited."-Jon     

"Your ninjutsu seem very different to mine, could it be not from Wano country."-Raizo     

"Hmm, i assume it's not, because i use chakra as the source of my ninjutsu."-Jon     

Jon & Raizo start to discuss their ninjutsu and the others left them. It's the first time for Jon to talk about ninjutsu with someone who understamd it. Altough Raizo didn't use chakra, but their concept of ninja arts are the same.     

The others ignore them and doing their business. Some Straw Hats & samurais go out to see the destruction by Jack. Robin read the red poneglyph, with Nami & Neko accompany her.     

Jon keep talking with Raizo and get many inspiration. He can try to recreate some ninjutsu that Raizo say, and he can teach them to his village. Raizo & Wano's shinobis use tricks, like normal people, so Jon can use it for his village.     

Robin finished reading the poneglyph, and Neko call the ones outside. They approach Robin, and she started to explain the content. Robin & Nami then assume that it is some kind of map, not like the previous poneglyphs.     

Inu explain that the red poneglyph is called road poneglyph. There are 4 road poneglyph, and they pointed to 1 island each. By finding those 4 islands, they can find the coordinate of Laugh Tale, which didn't get pointed by any Log Pose.     

Inu seem to know a lot about it, so he reveal that Kozuki Family is the family of stone masons. They're the ones who invented poneglyphs 900 years ago. The minks as Kozuki's friends also know about that fact.     

However, the knowledge of reading & writing the poneglyphs ended on Oden. He died before passing the knowledge to Momo. He was executed by Kaido & Wano's Shogun, Orochi.     

Kaido chase the samurais because Oden was a former member of Roger Pirate. He want the information about Laugh Tale, but Oden didn't passed anything about that to his retainers. What he passed down, is for them to open Wano's border.     

"Hmm, is that also why Doflamingo try to find the samurais?"-Robin     

"It must be it, and i believe he didn't told Kaido anything about them."-Jon     

The samurais & minks tell them that they just want to do Oden's last wish and get revenge on Orochi & Kaido. They have people in Wano & the minks still have trump card too. Kin'emon cry, then begged the pirates to help them in the incoming war.     

The Straw Hats are excited about fighting Kaido and having many more allies. However, Luffy refuse and ask Momo if he's really the heir & leader, or just a crybaby. The other Straw Hats want to stop Luffy, but Jon & Zoro stop them.     


"What are you doing? Let us go!"-Nami     

"Let Luffy do what he want, he know what he's doing."-Zoro     

"But he's just a child."-Usopp     

"Child or not, a leader must do what he need to do. If he keep hiding in his child identity, then he will never grow up to be a leader."-Jon     

Momo walk toward Luffy, and he remember how his parents got killed. He cry and say that he want to fight Kaido. He say that he want to avenge his parents and protect his retainers.     

"I want to do all of that, but i'm still a child and weak. Luffy, please help us."-Momo kneel to Luffy, stunning his retainers     

"I accept."-Luffy offer his hand to Momo     

Momo take Luffy's hand and they formed an alliance. Law protest because Luffy didn't ask him as an ally, but he agree anyway. Then they formed a Ninja-Mink-Samurai-Pirate Alliance. Altough Luffy stated that he will help after solving Sanji's problem.     

"Uuhm, so, did i join the ninja or pirate side?"-Jon     

Jon ask a useless question and get a side glance from everyone. Well, not everyone, because Luffy & Nekomamushi is thinking hard about it. Then they just give up and let Jon choose on his own. The others slap their forehead and sigh.     

Then everyone leave the Whale Tree and go to the forest. On their way there, Nami asked about where the log pose end point if not Laugh Tale. Inuarashi say that log pose point to another island, but they aren't wrong because the log pose still point to where they could find clues of Laugh Tale.     

They then discuss the next step on their plan. They will go to Wano, but Neko say he want to find Marco first. The others elated, because if they have Marco's assistance, then it will be good.     

"Marco? His name sound familiar, Marco... Marco..."-Luffy can't remember Marco     

"Oioioi, you should met him in the Summit War right?"-Usopp     

"He's the one who saved us from Aokiji."-Jon     

"Hmm? Which one is he?"-Luffy still can't remember     

"He is the one with Pineapple like head."-Robin     

"!? IT'S HIM!"-Luffy     

"How can you remember someone like that? Altough he really look like a pineapple, a lazy pineapple."-Jon sweatdrop at Luffy     

"Oi, don't be rude!"-Usopp slap the air     

However they don't have much hope, because the Whitebeard pirate remnants have been destroyed by Blackbeard pirate in Payback War. Marco the Phoenix also disappeared a year ago. Also, if they find him, it's hard to know whether he will help them or not.     

They arrive at the Minks residences, and the minks are happy to see Raizo again. They want to start a party, and the Straw Hats want to join. However, Nami held Luffy and say they need to leave now.     

The Straw Hats discuss, and decide that Jon, Nami, Chopper & Brook will accompany Luffy to Whole Cake Island. Pekoms will come with them too as their guide. Robin then ask them to copy the poneglyph there if they find one.     

Suddenly, the ground shaking, and Neko hear Zunesha's crying. Suddenly Luffy & Momo hear a mysteriou voice, make them get a headache. Jon though, suddenly see something that interlapse with his own sight and it caused him have a headache too.     

Luffy & Momo then realize that they hear Zunesha's voice. Zunesha ask them to command it to attack, make them confused. Jon try to close his eyes and he see some ships attacking Zunesha's leg.     



"That will kill all of us."-Neko     



"MOMO, DO IT!"-Luffy     

Momo command Zunesha to attack, and the elephant raise it's trunk. Jon can see that Jack & his mens get afraid. Zunesha then swing it's trunk at the ships and destroy them instantly.     

Zunesha thank them and then tell Momo that it can't do anything except walking. It was punished to keep walking since ancient time because of a crime it did. That's why it need command from someone who can hear it.     

Luffy & Momo can hear it, maybe caused by their Observation Haki. Momo can't use it yet, but every people have haki in them. Jon can see it also might be caused by his haki and eyes ability. Rather than hearing things, Jon can see things that can't be seen by others.     

'It's the first time something like this happen. Altough i can see better & farther and even see chakra or having X-ray ability, but it's the first time i see somewhere far away without being there. Can this be what happen when Observation haki & sharingan ability merge further?'-Jon     

'It can be, but don't get too excited kid! You just share a vision with this elephant.'-Kurama     

'You're right, maybe it's this Elephant's ability.'-Jon     

"Just how did Jack find this place easily?"-Neko     

"Well, he must have the map or pose right?"-Luffy     

"No way, Zou keep moving and it's not an island, so there's no pose pointing here."-Nami     

'!? Don't tell me! A Traitor.'-Jon is shocked, but he didn't change his expression.     

Jon think of any possibility, but still can't point the traitor. It can be one of Law's crew, samurais, or eben minks. He has keep an eye on the samurais & Law since they met, but he hasn't found any suspicious thing.     

Now he will go to Whole Cake Island, so at least he need to send Zetsu to keep an eye on them. Then Jon gather Zoro, Robin & Franky that will go to Wano. Usopp has gone somewhere with Nami, so he'll just tell the 3 of them. Jon then activate a seal that will not make any noise leak.     

"What is it? You're very careful and secretive."-Robin     

"There is a traitor among us."-Jon     

"!? WHAT?"-Zoro, Robin, & Franky     

"Are you serious?"-Franky     

"Yeah, just think about it. How can Jack find this moving Elephant 2 times easily? We can only track this place with Vivre Card, so he must have someone's card."-Jon     

"That's possible, so what should we do?"-Zoro     

"I will command my Zetsus to keep an eye on Heart Pirate, Samurais, and Minks. They will report their investigation to you, but don't do anything even if they find the traitor!"-Jon     


"Without any strong proof that can convince everyone, it will just create problems."-Robin     

"Exactly, so just be careful and keep important information to our crew. I believe you guys can do it, and keep acting normally."-Jon     


"Alright."-Zoro, Franky, & Robin     

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