The Shinobi of Straw Hats

59. Confrontation

59. Confrontation

0The crew wait for some hours then the enemies suddenly come. But now Robin isn't here, they don't need her anymore because they only come to take the item. They just appear in Iceburg's room using the door. There's only Jon, Chopper & Nami there, the others are staying guard outside.     

"Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa, and bar owner Blueno."-Iceburg     

"I'm sorry boss, but you have something we need."-Kaku     

While they have conversation, Jon immediately throw a senbon attached with paper bomb outside the window. It's a signal to the ones outside. They immediately rush to the room.     

"Where's Robin?"-Luffy     

"She didn't come"-Jon     

"OI YOU! Where's Robin?"-Luffy     

"She will leave with us later, and you can't do anything about it. She's a dangerous woman, so she will get executed and judged in Ennies Lobby."-Lucci     


"You can talk?"-Iceburg     

"Huh? You ask that?"-Sanji     

"But usually he can't talk, and it's his pigeot that talk"-Iceburg     

"Enough, attack them!"-Lucci     

Then the fight started, Jon want to attack but Luffy give him an order.     

"Jon, search Robin! You are the fastest here."-Luffy     

"Alright. Old man, how will they go to Ennies Lobby?"-Jon     

"Maybe sea train, so most likely she's in Blue Station."-Iceburg     

Jon immediately use his lightning mode and flickered away. He keep flickering to move very fast. He arrived in Blue Station in only a minute. He saw the train and some station worker there. He didn't want to take time for explaination, so he just flickered to the train without their knowing.     

Jon stand on the train and use his sharingan to search every wagons. After sometime he arrive at the front wagon from the back but Robin wasn't there. Only the train staffs are there and they arw preparing the train.     

"Dammit, they must've hid her somewhere. Then i will wait here, i can't search blindly or i will passed by them. I don't know if the crew can beat CP9 now, but even if they can, the CP9 must have an escape plan."-Jon     

Jon hide in the fuel wagon that will not be filled with people. While he hide, he send some clone to search in the city. He believe that there are many people guarding Robin now, so he can search for her. If she's inside that bar owner's dimension, then the best way is to wait here. That's why he send clones to search.     

~Meanwhile in Iceburg's Mansion~     

The fight between Strawhats and CP9 has started. Luffy fight with Lucci, Zoro fight with Kaku, Sanji fight with Blueno, Nami and Chopper fight Kalifa. They are in disadvantages as the CP9 use some strange and strong techniques that they never see before.     

They also have better teamwork, as the Strawhats usually fight separately. But after sometime, the fight became more even. Lucci decide to prioritize their mission as their time are limited.     

"Kalifa, get the item!"-Lucci     

Lucci suddenly walk on air and pass the Strawhats. He arrived beside Iceburg and search the item. He hold Iceburg's neck and ask the crew to stop moving. The crew didn't have choice but to stop.     

The other CP9 come near Lucci and Iceburg. Kalifa search the entire room but didn't found it. Then Kaku come near Iceburg and placed finger on his wrist. He try to detect his lie by feeling his heart beat rate.     

"Where's Pluton blueprint?"-Kaku     

"As i thought you want that. But i don't have it."-Iceburg     

Kaku silent for a bit before nodding to Lucci. Lucci place a finger on Iceburg's chest, but Luffy suddenly appeared and kick him. Luffy has entered his Gear 2 when they interogate Iceburg. He immediately attack when he saw that finger on Iceburg's chest.     


Lucci got kicked but he can defended with his hand in the last second. He was caught of guard and hadn't use his defensive technique or devil fruit.     

"It's okay, just a lucky punch. Blueno, let's go! We need to get it fast!"-Lucci     

"Is it a lucky punch? Try it again!"-Luffy     


Luffy's punch didn't hit Lucci because he has move away.     

"Iceburg, even if you don't have it, we know who will have it. Tom has 2 disciples, you and the other is Cutty Flam, that assumed to be killed years ago. But we know he is still alive, his name is Franky."-Lucci     

"!! NO!"-Iceburg     

The CP9 suddenly got inside Blueno's door and disappeared.     

"Shit they got away."-Luffy     

But suddenly an explosion happen in the mansion. The CP9 have planted bombs in the mansion some days before. The crew want to immediately get out, but there are many people inside the mansion. So they decide to help them get out first. After sometime, they finished and run to Blue Station immediately.     

~Blue Station~     

Jon wait for sometime until a clone dispelled and he got an information. There are many marines that grouping together near the station, but Robin isn't there.     

"As i thought, they must've hide her in that guy's dimension."-Jon     

He wait for sometime until the marines and CP9 agents come. But there is a new prisoners now.     

"Franky? Also Usopp?"-Jon     

That's right, the CP9 have went and take Franky ot Cutty Flam. Usopp has been caught earlier by Franky's gang. They thought he is still a member of Strawhats. They search the Pluton blueprint in his place but didn't found it, so they bring him instead. He must've seen and understand the blueprint, so they can ask him to make it again. Jon didn't think much about it and confront them.     

"Hold it!"-Jon     

Jon appear in front of them with his anbu uniform, but without mask.     

"You again."-Blueno     

"Hmm? Is he the one that interrupted our plan before?"-Lucci     


Jon didn't want to have a talk, so he immediately enter his lightning mode. He also use his new Wolverine claw and fuse it with his lightning chakra. He make clones and they use Hiding in Mist Jutsu.     

It obstruct the enemy's vision, but not Jon's. He immediately move to take Robin away. He can't fight these many strong fighter. They're different from those Billions and Millions in Alabasta. These guys are elites from Goverment and Marine HQ. He arrived in front of Robin, but when he's about to take her, he got punched. He rolled away then he get up.     

"Even if you make clones for distraction and mist to obstruct our vision, your smell is still the same."-Lucci     


Jon look at Lucci, no a leopard. Lucci turn into a humanoid leopard. He use his devil fruit ability, and it's a Zoan: Cat-cat Fruit model Leopard.     

"Zoan devil fruit huh?"-Jon     

Lucci then put both his arm together and point them to the ground.     


Suddenly a shockwave generate from his hands and make the ground break. The shockwave also spread and dispersed the mist.     

"What a strong move, but isn't it a waste to use it like that?"-Jon     

"Maybe, but it will make you at disadvantage to fight these many people."-Lucci     

"Sigh, you're right"-Jon     

All the marines and other agents got ready. They don't have more time, and need to leave soon. The aqua laguna is almost here, and they can't leave when it arrived.     

Jon told his 6 clones to use long range and aoe attack to lessened their number first, while he prepared for close combat.     

"Doton: Swamp of the Underground"x2     

"Katon: Great Fire Annihilation"x2     

"Chidori stream"x2     

The swamp appear and trapped many marines soldiers, but the agents can fly while kicking their feet. Jon has focused at them since the beginning as they are strong and have unique technique that he want to copy. They avoid the jutsus while bringing Robin, Franky and Usopp that has been handcuffed.     

After the swamp appeared, the marines that trapped there got attacked by big fire attack. After the barrage of attacks, many marines and agents are defeated, but there are more that avoid the attacks. Jon prepare to attack at close range with his new claw. He immediately confront the enemies and the one coming forward is Lucci. He is still in his humanoid leopard form.     

They move very fast and clash many times. Even with wolverine's claw, Jon's attack can be defended by Lucci's claw. But even if Jon's claw didn't injure him, the lightning chakra did. Lucci keep getting electrocuted and Jon saw his chance when Lucci jolted. He attack with rasengan on Lucci's torso, sending him flying backward.     

"No way, Lucci is.."-Kalifa     

"Lucci, we have to go now."-Kaku     


Jon want to attack again, but,     

"Stop right there!"-Kaku     

Jon look at them and saw the agents have put their hands on the prisoners neck. They threat Jon, so he can't move now. He know they will not kill Robin now, but they will kill Usopp with no hesitation.     


Jon store his claw in his inventory and put his hands up. Lucci smirk seeing this and he immediately move in front of Jon and punch him while in his zoan form.     



Lucci punch him with strong attack, but Jon still standing while gritted his teeth. He will not just get down after one hit. He will not get defeated so easily again after he fought Aokiji.     

Lucci keep punching Jon but Jon keep standing.     



Jon also saw Sanji arrive and hiding behind, but Jon give him a signal to not move. Sanji could be their ticket to escape, so he must be in good condition. After sometime, Kaku decide to interfere.     

"Lucci, let's go! The Aqua Laguna will come soon."-Kaku     

Lucci stop punching Jon and the marines handcuffed him with seastone. They thought that Jon is a devil fruit user. Afterall, he use some strange power before. Jon stand there while smirking. He didn't lose, even if he got beaten up, he didn't lose.     

The marines and agents bring them to the wagon. Robin and Jon are placed in the first wagon. The CP9 agents are in the second wagon. Usopp and Franky are in the back together with some agents to watch them.     

Robin is placed in the front as she is the priority, so with her in the front and CP9 behind her, no one can free her and she can't run by herself. Jon just deemed as dangerous and only the CP9 agents can suppressed him, so he is placed in front.     

There are only Robin and Jon in the first wagon. Robin help Jon treat his wound from before. But they don't talk at all since they arrived here. After they finished treating Jon, Robin finally talk.     

"Why? Why are you coming? You should have known why i do this."-Robin     

"Of course, but that's the more reason why we would come."-Jon     

"What do you mean?"-Robin     

"You want to sacrifice yourself for us. Why do you think we won't do the same?"-Jon     



Robin become silent and some tears start to form in her eyes.     

"You know us, we will never let our friends hurt. Even if we must fight the whole world, we will do it. Luffy want to be a Pirate King, he know and we know that being a Pirate King means we will fight the whole world. You being the world's enemy means we're the same.     

I know you must have tired of running away, but you have us now. If you're tired running, then walk with us. If you're still tired then we will carry you. If you're still tired then sleep and lean on our shoulder. If one of us tired, the other will help. That's what we called friends right?"-Jon     


"But this can kill everyone, i don't want to see my friends died again."-Robin     

"So did us, Robin. We don't want to see you die too."-Jon     

"But i'm just one person, it's small sacrifice for more person."-Robin     

"Yeah you're just one, but the value of someone can't be counted with number. You have to value yourself more."-Jon     

Jon then come closer to Robin and raise his handcuffed hands. He put his index and middle finger in front and place them on Robin's forehead. (Itachi style)     

"No matter what the world think of you, you are our precious friend. A friend we love and care for."-Jon     

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