The Shinobi of Straw Hats

60. Failed Attempt

60. Failed Attempt

0After talking with Jon, Robin sit at the back seat. Jon know she need time alone, he didn't know how it feel to be hated and chased for 20 years just because you can read something. But he know that Robin need love and care.     

The crew love her, but she need to see it herself. Jon's word move her, but she hasn't convinced and still think her choice is right. Jon know that his words alone can't convinced her. The only person that can move her heart until now, is Luffy alone.     

What she need is to see it for herself, that her friends will not let her die, especially Luffy. He is the reason she choose to continue living after almost died in Alabasta. Now she need to know that she have people that love her very much and will fight for her.     

While Robin sit silently in deep thought, Jon decide to sleep after eating some medicine and pills to recover himself. He also open his handcuff on both of his hands and put them in inventory before sleeping. He sleep like he is not a prisoner at all and just chilling like his usual day.     

Meanwhile, Sanji has infiltrate the back wagon. He defeat the agents and marines at the back and then find Franky and Usopp that being tied there. Sanji want to beat Franky but Usopp stop him and say he's not that bad. Sanji then let him off, and freed both of them, as his priority now is Robin.     

They move to the wagon's roof and call Nami. He call her, as the captain didn't pick up the call. Nami then call Luffy and he come inside the wagon. Nami & the others have chased them now, with another sea train.     

~Sometime ago~     

The Strawhats go to the Blue Station after they escape from the burning mansion. They run there fast, but they got separated somehow and some of them met the CP9 agents on the way. They fight but eventually lost to CP9's strange skills.     

After some time, they stand up again and try to find the train in Blue Station but it has leave already, only Sanji can arrive there and catch the train. Then Grandma Kokoro decide to help them and use the first prototype of sea train. The Franky family and Galley-la guys also follow them to save Franky and revenge Iceburg.     

~Back to now~     

Sanji then report what happened in the Blue Station and the situation right now. When they heard what happen with Jon, the Franky Family and Galley-la guys have shock in their eyes. The strawhats didn't feel that shocked but they're worried.     

"How's he?"-Luffy     

"That bastard will not die that easily."-Sanji     

"So where are Jon & Robin now?"-Luffy     

"Most likely in the front with CP9 guarding them. They're placed there because their threat level. Robin-chan because of her bounty, and Jon has defeated many of them in Blue Station. So they will not let normal agents supervised them."-Sanji     

"Alright then Sanji, do as you please!"-Luffy     

"Alright, Captain."-Sanji smile and he crushed the microphone.     

Then Sanji got ready and Franky decide to help them. He's touched with what happen in their crew. They ask Usopp but he refuse to help because he's not a crew member anymore. He walk away, but sometime later he come back with cape and mask.     

"I am Usopp's friend, and he tell me the situation. I will help you guys save that girl, my name is Sogeking."-, Sogeking.     

After his introduction suddenly he sing a made up song about Sogeking. Sanji & Franky of course see through his disguise. But Sanji told Franky to let it go, because Usopp maybe feel that he can't help them directly so he use this method.     

They make plan and execute it fast. They baited the marines and agents from the middle wagons to the back. After they all move there, including their captain, the three of them move to the middle wagon that's empty already, through the roof.     

Then they cut the chain that connect the wagons and 2 wagons in the back are left by the train with marines and agents in it. Then they come inside the wagon in front until they come inside a kitchen. The kitchen is guarded by a strange cook that actually is an agent.     

His name is Wanze and he make ramen noodle with his nose. Of course the three of them didn't want to try the ramen when he offered it. After some talk, they decide to let Sanji handle it. He can't let someone served food like that, that's his pride as a cook.     

Franky and Usopp move forward and arrive in the 3rd wagon that being guarded by a skinny man that looked like a weasel. Franky then decide to fight him and ask Sogeking to move forward. Sogeking slip past the 2nd wagon that filled with CP9 agents and come to the first wagon. He peek through the window and Robin saw him.     

Robin is surprised seeing him outside the window. Then he come inside and talk with her. Robin didn't know that Usopp has leave the crew already. Jon didn't told her that, because he know Robin try to save them all. So he will not told her this depressing news.     

Usopp try to convince Robin so she want to come back, but Robin didn't change her mind. It's also ironic when Usopp try to convince her to come back. Someone that has leave the crew try to convince her to not leave. They talk and forgot about Jon that sleeping quietly at the front seat.     

Their arguments make loud noise that attracted the agents attention behind. An agent that commanded directly by CP9, Corgi, is sent to check it. Sogeking immediately hide in Robin's cloak. The agent didn't find something amiss at all at first but then he find Sogeking that hiding.     

Sogeking then fight with Corgi, and eventually win. Sanji and Franky that has finished their fight also come forward and enter the 2nd wagon filled with CP9 agents. Robin then run inside the wagon and once again, refuse their help, she even attack Sogeking.     

But then Sogeking throw a smoke bomb and tackle her to the 3rd wagon. Franky then pick Robin up and they run to the last wagon. Then they cut off the chain and the wagon is detached from the train.     

"Oi, did we forget something?"-Franky     


They forget about Jon, and Jon is still sleeping like there's no tomorrow. He eat some medicine and his body need sleep to digest them completely. Now he sleep like a log and didn't get disturbed by the loud fighting sound at all.     

"Ah, we forget about Jon. Well, he can take care of himself. Let's run away from here!"-Sanji said lightly     

"Oioioi"- Franky & Sogeking     

But then their wagon is being pulled again. The CP9 agents has throw some spiked roped and catched their wagon. Then they try to take Robin but Franky push the front wall until it broke and the wagon is freed again, but he is pulled by the train instead and captured again.     

Then Blueno use his devil fruit and make a door inside their wagon. He appear behind Robin and take her with him before instantly disappeared and appeared inside the train. Sanji & Sogeking can't do anything now as they have been left by the train. They can only wait for the other train.     

Meanwhile, Robin & Franky are placed in the first wagon. Then everyone see it, someone has sleeping quietly in the big commotion earlier. The CP9 also see Jon's handcuff has gone. They don't know how but they handcuffed him again before they left to the 2nd wagon again.     

"How could this guy sleep in all that commotion? Let me wake him up."-Franky     

Franky then try to punch Jon's face, but suddenly Jon move and hold Franky's neck with his arm from behind and pointed a kunai on Franky's neck. Then he wake up and look at Franky with his sharingan active.     


"OIOIOI, CALM DOWN! I-IT'S ME."-Franky     

"Franky? Bastard, what are you doing?"-Jon     

"I-i just want to wake you up."-Franky     

Jon then look around and find Robin look at him with wide eyes. He didn't find anyone else and they still inside the train. He let go of Franky and sit.     

"What do you want?"-Jon     

Franky then told what happened to the clueless Jon. Jon is very surprised that he is still sleeping after all that commotion. This side effect of his medicines are really strong.     

"Hmm? I'm handcuffed again?"-Jon     

Jon then open his handcuffed again easily by put it in inventory. Franky and Robin just look at him with wide eyes. He's still chilled even after that explanation. But then, Jon try to sleep again, makes them more dumbfounded.     

"Oi, you want to sleep again?"-Franky     

"Of course, i must prepare myself for the fight that will come later."-Jon     

"Why not escaping now?"-Franky     

"Even if we escape, they will chase us again. So it's better to end this all for good. We will destroy everything and defeat everyone that want to disturb us. We can't keep running away forever."-Jon     

Jon didn't care anymore and just sleep. But he can't sleep again now after he's awake. Then he decide to read some scrolls. He read about hand seals, chakra shape and nature transformation.     

He has read these scrolls since he got defeated by Aokiji. He realize that his ninjutsus aren't strong enough and he can't execute it fast enough. He need to make them faster by learning hand seals again, and he need to make them stronger by learning chakra shape and nature transformation.     

He can only make 2 hand seals in a second. That's why it will take some second to make his ninjutsu. Their enemy will become stronger and faster. If he can't make ninjutsu fast enough, he will be defeated instantly. Every second matters in a high level fights.     

His slow hand seals also become a reason why he like lightning mode. It can be made fast enough and make him faster. With lightning mode on, he can make hand seals 2 times faster.     

But he know he must make hand seals faster even without lightning mode. Lightning mode only stimulate his body to use more of it's potential. It also hasten his metabolism, similar with Luffy's Gear 2nd.     

Lightning mode break some CO2 into O2 again inside his blood. That makes his cell got more O2 at one cycle of breath. So his metabolism become faster and his body got more energy to use. With more energy, his body become stronger and faster for a short period.     

But like Luffy, it also has side effect. Because his cells work faster it also damaged faster, so he can't use it excessively. He decide to train medical ninjutsu in the future too, so he can heal his cells. But he need to finish his Fuinjutsu and weapons training first. Learning everything at once will only hinder his progress.     

He also need to train his physique again. He stopped it when Merry got damaged heavily. But they will use a new ship later, so he can train again. Zoro can alrrady lift 100 kg only with his hands and swing it like a sword. But Jon still need all his body to lift 100 kg. At most he can do Zoro's hand training with 50 kg.     

Jon always wear his training weights and only take them off when they prepare to fight. Now he can almost move normally even when he use weights. But he still need to take them off before fighting and he also take them off after training. He use it again only after he finished resting. Basically he use it for daily activity and training only.     

Then for chakra shaping, he has read a lot of books and scrolls about it. He need to shape his chakra faster to execute his ninjutsu faster too. He also train nature transformation to make his ninjutsus stronger and more potent. He need to master both technique if he want to make new ninjutsu.     

Jon got immersed in his reading and learning, that he didn't realize the morning has come. He only realize it after Franky shake his shoulder and told him that they have arrived. They have arrive at Judicial Island, Enies Lobby.     

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