The Shinobi of Straw Hats

115. A Date

115. A Date

0The next day after Crown Prince ceremony, everything goes to normal again. Sinbad didn't get any work yet, because he is still to young even if he is the crown prince. Beside, it was just half a year since he become a royal, so he won't be able to handle the work. For now, he will need to be trained so he will be strong first.     

"Come on kid, don't be lazy just because you have your own crown!"-Jon     

"*pant pant pant* Yes."-Sinbad     

Jon increase Sinbad's training, because the kid ask for it himself. If the kid want it, then Jon will give it. So to make it fair, Jon also increase the guards training, much to their dismay.     

"Come on, do you want your future King to suffer alone? How can guards be like that?"-Jon     

The guards can only continue their training if Jon put it that way. Everyone continue to train till they collapsed, like usual. They will rest to cool their body first, and then Jon will heal their muscle. This way their muscle can grow faster and they can train again tomorrow. Jon also can train his medical jutsu while he do it.     

After he train his students, Jon didn't train again like usual, but he take a shower and get dressed. He will go to a date with Vivi after a long time. He also need some rest from his daily training routine and have fun sometimes.     

Jon & Vivi use disguise, similar to their first date some months ago. They leave the castle and go to other city. They ride a sand boat like in the past when they go from Katorea to Alubarna.     

"This really brings back memory."-Jon     

"Yeah, that time is like a date right?"-Vivi     

"Maybe, if you didn't count the war that almost happen that time."-Jon     

They sit on the boat together, Vivi sit between Jon's leg, and he hug her from behind. They just enjoy their time today, when nobody will disrupt them. But it's not long before some desert animals try to attack them. Jon just sigh and throw senbons with paper bombs at them to make them leave.     

"Can't they see we don't want to be disturbed?"-Jon     

"Ahahaha, i gues they know now."-Vivi     

"Where do you want to go?"-Jon     

"Let's go to Sandora River, then go to the sea."-Vivi     

"You miss the sea?"-Jon     

"Yeah, i really miss it."-Vivi     

"Alright then, let's hunt some bad pirates while we're at it."-Jon     

"You want to hunt yourself?"-Vivi     

"Am i a bad pirate?"-Jon     

"Yeah, you are kidnapping a princess right? Ahahaha"-Vivi     

"Ooh, i am such a bad pirate."-Jon grin then tickle Vivi and make her laugh.     

They finally go to Sandora river and get a big ship that go to Nanohana. After arriving in Nanohana, they rent a big boat and go to the sea. They enjoy the wind, waves, sunlight, and everything they can feel on the sea. Jon also take out 2 fishing rods to kill time and compete with Vivi.     

"Ah, Jon, look! A pirate ship."-Vivi     

"Hmm? Just let them be, if they don't mess with us, we won't mess with them."-Jon     

"But i'm worried of the people in Nanohana, because i know this crew. It's the Rat Pirate, they always attack towns and kill civilians. I heard they also capture some people as slaves."-Vivi     

"Now that is unforgivable. Let's go Vivi, it will be a part of your training."-Jon     

Jon stand up and carry Vivi, then he store the boat while standing on water. Then he walk to the pirate ship that come closer, and the pirates seem to notice him too. They open fire with their canon, but Jon easily cut the canon ball with his sword.     

Jon then run and jump to the ship and stand on the hound head figure. Jon put down Vivi and look at the pirates. He estimate that Vivi can handle most of them alone, so he's not worried. He feel with his Observation Haki, that there are only some people that pose threat to Vivi.     

"Aqua, think of this as your training, don't hesitate alright?"-Jon     

"I know that, you must forgot who i was."-Vivi smile     

"Heeh, but i never saw you when you were hunting pirates."-Jon     

"Then look carefully, Jet!"-Vivi     

Vivi attack the pirates with her new three section staff. Jon just observe while looking at the other pirates. Vivi easily defeat many of the pirates, they're just some small fries in the beginning of Grandline afterall. But it didn't take long before Vivi is exhausted, so Jon pull her back.     

"Let's work on your stamina after this, but you fought well, rest a bit! I have something to try, so look carefully!"-Jon     


"Hey you two, you're devil fruit users right? One of you must be the captain."-Jon     

"Grrr, i am the captain, who are you kid? Bounty Hunter?"-Captain     

"No, i just want to have some fun, by beating some weak pirate's ass."-Jon smirk     

"Hmph, you talk big, you need to pass through my crew and vice-captain here before fighting me."-Captain     

"Easy things."-Jon     

Jon then switch with Kurama, then he laugh and talk with Kurama's voice, surprising Vivi.     

"Finally, i can get some action again. Hey kid, can i use a tail?"-Kurama     



"I'm not him, you can ask later, i want to beat some people first."-Kurama     

Kurama then crouch on four limbs, and then red chakra come out and it start to shape like a transparent bubbly fox with one tail. Nails and fangs also grow, and it's longer than the previous change. Kurama growl and strike the pirates fast.     

The pirates got surprised, the captain and vice-captain which are devil fruit user know it's not good. They immediately use their devil fruit power and attack Kurama. The Captain is a zoan, and it's a rat, a big ass black rat. While the vice captain is also a zoan, a cockroach, no wonder they are so close to each other, they're pests.     

Kurama is still attacking the lackeys, when suddenly the rat and roach attack. Kurama just use his tail to swat the roach, and his claw to scratch the rat. With Kurama's power, even at one tail, it's easy to hit those two. But Zoan users are durable, especially rat & roach, they just won't die.     

They attack Kurama many times and get defeated everytime, but they just keep getting up. In the end, all the lackeys are defeated, and only those two are still standing. Kurama got enough, and finally use both of his chakra hands to catch them. Then he throw them to the sea, but the roach can fly. Kurama just swat him down and he fall to the sea.     

"I hate roach, such annoying thing that live everywhere."-Kurama     

'Oi, dude, switch back!'-Jon     

"Alright, alright."-Kurama     

They switch again, and the red chakra disappeared. Jon then tied all the pirates and check the ship. He only find some money that are not enough even for a week. Now he's sure that they will rob in Nanohana so he's glad they stop these pirates.     

"Jon, what's that before?"-Vivi     

"Ah, i will explain it on the boat, let's send these guys away from here."-Jon     

Jon then turn the ship to the sea and he break the steering wheel, so they can't turn the ship again. He also clean the ship from any valuables which just a few, including log pose. After the ship sail away, Jon & Vivi go back to Nanohana.     

"Hmm, where should i start? Right, you know i have this mysterious power from chakra right?"-Jon     

"Yeah, everyone in the crew also know this."-Vivi     

"That's right, and believe it or not, there is a form of chakra that have sentient. This sentient now live inside me, because i am the only one in this world that can use chakra. I find this sentient in Impel Down, when i help Luffy to free Ace."-Jon     

"Wait, is this chakra sentient bad for you or good for you?"-Vivi seem worried     

"Both, it is bad because if it leave my body i can die. It's good because it give me more power and can help me in many things."-Jon     

"Wi-will you be alright?"-Vivi hold Jon's hand worriedly     

"I'm fine, we are in good terms now, and help each other. He hate humans at first, because he is used as power source, as weapons. I convince him that we can live together to pursue freedom, so we're good."-Jon     

"If that's really the case, then i'm relief. So what is this sentient actually?"-Vivi     

"A Nine Tails Fox, a huge one at that, but maybe he can shrink if you want to see him."-Jon     

"You can get him out?"-Vivi     

'Hey kid, you want to summon me?'-Kurama     

'Yeah, so shrink your body to a regular size fox. You will walk around with us, i can summon you for an hour now.'-Jon     

'Ugh, i didn't want to shrink my body, but i want to walk around too.'-Kurama     

Kurama shrink his body to a regular sized fox, and then Jon summon him. Vivi now can see the small Kurama on the boat and she really like him. She immediately hug Kurama, much to his displeasure. He want to struggle, but didn't because it will be dangerous.     

"Hmm? It seem there is a chakra string that connect us."-Jon     

"Yeah, it's invisible to other people though, so don't worry."-Kurama     

"You better hide your tails too, it will attract unwanted attention."-Jon     

"Tch, too much problem just for going out."-Kurama     

Kurama make his 8 tails disappeared and leave a tail behind. Jon then introduce Kurama to Vivi and explain the situation further. Then they finally arrive in Nanohana again and Kurama move alone. He want to move his body in the real world after such a long time.     

"Let's eat! I'm hungry, we haven't eat anything after breakfast."-Jon     

"Hmm, then let's cook the fishes we got earlier."-Vivi     

"Ooh, you want to cook? I still have my camping tools, including kitchen ware."-Jon     

"That's great, let's buy some spices."-Vivi     

They buy some spices, then leave Nanohana and go to a rock formation, that give them shade. Vivi ask Jon to make the fire, while she cut the fishes and give seasonings. Then after she finish the preparations, Vivi take a pot and put the fish, vegetables and some water in it. She also roast some fishes that have been pierced with sticks.     

"I don't know that you can cook. I thought a princess didn't need to cook her food."-Jon     

"But i will not be a princess again in the future right? So i need to learn how to cook for my family."-Vivi smile, and Jon blush, then he hug Vivi     

"Thank you."-Jon     

"What for?"-Vivi     

"For believing me and our future, for everything that you have choose to sacrifice to be together with me."-Jon     

"I choose the one that can make me happy, so i'm being selfish you know."-Vivi     

"We all are selfish, that is humans, so you're not wrong."-Jon     

"Hehe, let's eat!"-Vivi     

Jon & Vivi eat the soup and roasted fish, and Jon surprised that it's good. Vivi must've train a lot, so he's happy and compliment her. They finish all the food, and Jon really didn't let anything left on his plate.     

"That's the best food that i ate after some years."-Jon     

"You're exagerating, hihihi."-Vivi blush     

"I'm not, the only food that's better than this was my mom's cooking. That's how delicious this dish is."-Jon smile     

Vivi smile hearing Jon's compliment, she worked hard for this afterall. Jon come closer to Vivi and their lips are very close to each other.     

"Hey kids, i'm back."-Kurama     

Jon & Vivi immediately turn away from each other and cough. Jon curse Kurama with all bad vocabularies he know. Kurama's timing just couldn't be any worse.     

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