Rebirth in KurokoNoBasket

Student Life

Student Life

0Now that the Nationals were over, Shun returned to his school life as a student.     

Shun and the entirety of Tokiwadai's bench were required to attend supplementary lessons. So, the club activities for players that participated in the Nationals were suspended for a week.     

The next day when Shun entered his classroom, the full hoard of his classmates surrounded. For a second, he thought that they were going to grab him and hit him on his back. Shun had developed a small trauma from yesterday's award ceremony.     

Shun: "Woah! Woah! Woah! What is going on?!"     

His classmates were waiting for Shun to ask him about the Nationals.     

Classmate One: "Kageyama, we heard that you got all the individual awards in the Nationals."     

Classmate Two: "Did you really scored seventy-seven points in the finals."     

Classmate Three: "I hear that you flipped off a whole team at the award ceremony."     

Shun turned on his smile and said.     

Shun: "Yes, the committee was generous to award me all the individual awards; I won Best Defensive Player, Best Offensive Player, Best Support Player, and the Most Valued Player.     

Yes, I scored seventy-seven points in the finals, it was awesome!     

And yes, I flipped off the winners of the Nationals, though my mother did scream at me from the stands when I flipped them off."     

Shun talked, and answered all the questions from his classmates, and even accepted invitations to karaoke and arcades, which he usually declines.     

Shun sat at his desk and greeted his seatmate.     

Shun: "Yo! Sugimoto, how are the things going in the third-string. When is the next promotion test?"     

Sugimoto Terufumi was Shun's classmate and played for the Tokiwadai Middle School in the third-string.     

[A/N - 1: Look at the end of the chapter.]     

Sugimoto had been playing basketball since he was six years old, but he was not good at, but because he had been playing for so long, he considered himself an experienced basketball player.     

But when he looked at Shun, he couldn't help but compare himself with Shun. Shun was everything he wanted to be. Shun was popular, good at basketball, and good at studies.     

Sugimoto looked at Shun, and he couldn't help but sigh.     

Sugimoto: "Since you started to stay late after practice, a lot of people started to work harder, and for the promotion test, the next one is next week."     

Shun took out his studying material for the first class and ask.     

Shun: "What about you? Are you confident about getting up to second-string this time."     

Sugimoto puffed up his chest and declared.     

Sugimoto: "Of course, I am confident. I am an experienced basketball player, after all."     

Shun smiled and wished him luck.     

Shun: "Well, good luck. I am looking forward to it."     

Shun was sure that if Sugimoto worked hard, he could become a regular of the second-string team, but above that was anyone's guess.     

What followed was a regular day at the school, he caught up with his friends and studied diligently.     

After school, he attended supplementary classes for the days of school he missed and then met with his friends at the arcade for some fun.     


Shun arrived at the arcade with his friends.     

As soon Shun entered the building, he was overwhelmed with the atmosphere of the place.     

The place was filled with all kind of games; there were pinball machines, crane machine with all kinds of prices in them, Pac-man, Tekken, car simulation games, bike simulation games, the hammer game, air hockey, pool, shooting games, VR games, a bowling center, and all kinds of coin games.     

Shun had a lot of fun at the arcade, he was absolute pants at video games, but he crushed everyone at air hockey, pool, and bowling.     

The arcade center staff were worried about their crane games; Shun was picking up prizes like crazy by the time he finished his bag was full of prizes, and he had two tote bags filled with them.     

Shun had won all types of stuff with him; stuffed toys, figurines, keychains, fidget spinners, rubric cubes. Name it, and Shun had it.     

Shun: 'God-speed impulse is a cheat when it comes to crane games.'     

Some elementary school students were this close to worshipping Shun and the ground he walked on.     


As Shun walked back to his home happy with today's haul, he saw Satsuki walking with some groceries on her hands.     

Shun ran and caught up to her.     

Shun: "Momoi-san!"     

Satsuki looked behind the to find Shun running towards her, so she stopped and waited for him.     

Satsuki: "Good evening, Kageyama-kun. How are you doing today?"     

Shun smiled and replied.     

Shun: "Today was a fun day. I went to the arcade with my friends; it was so much fun. I destroyed the crane games at the arcade and won a lot of prizes. You should have seen the faces of the elementary school students that were there."     

Satsuki laughed and pointed at the bags he was carrying.     

Satsuki: "Yes, I can see that from the full bags you are carrying."     

Shun: "Although I did have to take supplementary classes for the classes I missed due to the Nationals."     

Satsuki: "I too had to attend the classes with the rest of the first-years."     

Shun: "Oh yeah, I didn't think of the managers, you guys are really helpful in keeping the club up and running.     

They keep track of the players' performance, act as a communication bridge with the coach and the players, ready the refreshments, and so many more things. I am pretty sure our club would collapse without our managers.     

So, I would like to thank you on behalf of all the players of all sports clubs all around the country."     

Satsuki smiled brightly, and that smile made Shun heart skip a beat.     

Satsuki: "You're welcome. And, thank you for the compliment."     

Shun shook his head and cleared his throat.     

Shun: "D-Don't mention it."     

Satsuki tilted her head in confusion.     

As they reached their house, Shun stopped her and took out some prizes from the crane games and handed them to her.     

Shun: "I won too much. I would be happy if you take some out of my hands, and please do share some with Mrs. Momoi, she looks like the type that would enjoy them."     

Satsuki accepted the gifts and said.     

Satsuki: "Well, if you insist so much, I will keep them. And, you are right, my mother does like stuffed toys, she would be delighted to see them."     

As Satsuki opened the gate to her house, she stopped and called for Shun.     

Satsuki: "Thank you again for the compliment and the gifts, Shun-kun~."     

Shun was surprised because he knew that she only used nicknames with her close friends.     

Shun smiled and replied to her.     

Shun: "No problem, Satsuki-chan~. See you later."     


Shun entered to his home and presented several gifts to her mother. She was extremely pleased with her son.     

Shun's father could only sigh and shake his head.     

At Satsuki's home, she gave some of the stuff to her mother and kept some for herself.     

Mrs. Momoi: "Ufufu~, Shun-kun is such a good boy. He even remembered to gift some to me. If you guys were any older, I would have thought that he was trying to butter me up for my daughter."     

Satsuki blushed slightly and yelled.     

Satsuki: "Mom! What are you talking about!"     

Mr. Momoi had only one thought in his mind.     

Mr. Momoi: 'Must. Protect. Daughter'     

Shun felt a cold shiver go down his spine.     

Shun: "W-What w-was that!"     


[A/N - 1: The character is from Yowamushi Pedal. He is always saying "I'm an experienced cyclist, after all.", so I changed it. The link will be in the comment.]     

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