In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

52. Time Skip

52. Time Skip

0Its been five years since King had sex with Diane that day and she was announced as another one of his Fiancé to the rest of Alfheim normally.     

There was no objection and it was clear to everyone in the castle. Be it the ministers or the rest of the servants on how Diane was very close to King.     

They didn't try to cover up their affection so that didn't help either. This was also the reason that no one ever scolded Diane or try to have any thoughts on her.     

Otherwise with her talents and looks. Some noble may have already proposed marriage to Aelsa for her hand.     

So King's name was like a protection for Diane from any unwanted flies around her. This gave her peace and quiet and allowed her to do her things normally.     

These five years have been very productive for King. He has fully mastered his illusions magic. Now he needs to experiment on his own or go to different areas if he wants to progress any further into it.     

He has mastered Intermediate magic as well. He can make lances, walls and all other kinds of things with his intermediate magic.     

He has a lot of progress with his Martial Arts and Spear Combat as well. He can confront Veteran Knights with his skills and his divinity allows him to tap into the future skills for a full minute which brings him an additional boost in skills.     

King taps into the future frequently everyday to further advance his skills and comprehend the spear arts as soon as possible.     

His progress is nothing short of phenomenal. Along with Diane and Elaine's help. His strength has been coming along really nicely as well.     

He has nearly 14-15 thousand tons of strength and he has started to lose count of this thing. He has set the bracelet to automatically act and restrict him when he reaches a milestone in his strength.     

He has literally stopped counting his physical strength because he is not a melee fighter anyway. He fights with magic and Chastiefol that can be controlled remotely and he doesn't need to do it himself.     

He has perfect control on Chastiefol and it can use full extent of King's powers. He can assist it by putting other elements on it through magic and enhance its strength in multiples.     

By now, he is already approaching Knights' strength with the help of Chastiefol and can destroy Cities with it.     

That is how strong Knights are in Alfheim. Each one of the normal Knights hold the power to level Mountains.     

While Royal Knights can level continents with their strength. Knight Commanders have no problem in destroying planets and even then their power varies depending on what regime they hold.     

Sir Ivory Hineyshot is the commander of Royal Knights and he can easily destroy a Galaxy if he gets down to it.     

King is constantly surrounded by powerhouses of terrifying scales. Aelsa herself is at a Universal plus level.     

Even then she is a new monarch or her strength could potentially reach further and she may even be able to reach a low Multiversal level in strength.     

Which just goes to show the strength of the upper three Realms of Alfheim, Jotunheim and Asgard. There is never a shortage of the strong here.     

King is learning under their tutelage and making progress everyday systematically. He is progressing in leaps and bounds everyday.     

By the time war comes, he will be able to destroy planets with his strength and he will only be hundred years old by then. Barely a Teenager by Alfheim standards of normal people.     

He still has a long way to go plus that Realm that he found may be conquered by that time or it might take longer. Only time can tell on that aspect.     

But right now, King is facing a big dilemma in front of him and he doesn't know how to cope with this at all.     

"Here we are Your Highness". Ivory smiled and showed King to the underground dungeon of the Stronghold.     

Here were all the death row prisoners that couldn't wait to die after the torture that they went through. Some were spies and some betrayed the realm itself.     

"What do I do with them?" King was puzzled and asked Ivory with a puzzled face.     

"You have to kill at least 10". Ivory answered simply without even changing his face like he was saying the most simple thing in the world.     

"What?" King subconsciously flinched when he heard Ivory's words.     

'I've read in some novels and FanFics that it feels terrible and disgusting when you kill humans'. King looked at Ivory like looking at a stranger.     

"Don't worry, your highness. This is a normal response of someone killing their fellow people but this is important.     

If you don't do it then you might never be able to step into a battlefield and her Majesty has already told me some things". Ivory explained gently but there was no refusal allowed in his tone.     

"Okay". King took a deep breath and nodded his head then he controlled Chastiefol and took a dagger out of its ability to turn into multiple daggers.     

Then he entered the cell and looked at the restricted people with an emotionless gaze. He was trying to seem tough and keep his emotions in control.     

"Hahaha, the little Prince is here". A guy opened his mouth and ridiculed without even minding that he was going to die.     

King didn't even turn bis head to look at the guy and walked up to slice his throat immediately. He just mechanically slit everyone's throat and then looked at his hands covered with blood.     

'I surprisingly don't feel much about killing these people. It is like killing and skinning those monsters in the enchanted forest.     

Maybe my Death Divinity is influencing into accepting it as a normal thing to do'. King then clenched his fists and turned back to look at Ivory.     

"Clap Clap, very good your Highness. You accomplished that without even flinching and retching on the floor. A mark of a true warrior". Ivory completed like anything and even clapped enthusiastically.     

"Thank you". King nodded with a smile and had a calm expression on his face.     

"Now let's go back. Someone will clean up here on their own". Ivory led him back to the Castle after King finished what they were supposed to do.     

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