Fairy Tail: Djinn Take Over [COMPLETED]

Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail

0A/N: Ok firstly I want to clear some doubts of my readers that this is Fairy Tail world not DXD you cannot compare Acnologia and Zeref to Ophis and Great Red. For Fairy Tail world these wishes are OP. Have you seen the power of Bararaq Saika?? And another thing MC have the full power all the four Djinns he have but he can only access them in 100% when he is using Djinn Equip and when MC is in human form he can only use 50% of the power.     


I was feeling something odd in this air so I decided to do only one thing that I could have done I seek my simple system.     

Axel: Are you there system?     

System: Yes host I am here how can I help you??     

Axel: Do you have any name??     

System: No host.     

Axel: From now on, call me Axel and I will call you Vega.     

System: Command accepted. How can I help you??     

Axel: What is this uneasy feeling??     

Vega: Axel this is Ethernano. Your body is currently sucking all the Ethernano around you to fill your reserves.     

Axel: Ok, so which way is Fairy Tail??     

Vega: Please follow the marker on the top of your field of view.     

After that, a pointer appears in my field of view like a compass pointer. I started walking while following the marker and I was soon able to see the city of Magnolia. I got excited and started walking faster. I soon entered the town and saw that everyone was looking towards me strangely so I looked at myself and saw that my clothes were different than what everyone was wearing that was the reason for all these strange stares. F*ck them… not literally.     

I followed the marker and soon reached a huge building that had Fairy Tail's marker over it. I could now sense the similar feeling coming from a lot of bodies in the inside. Some were high and some were low, so this was their magic capacity. I compared mine with them and mine was huge. If I used my full power I could defeat all of them even if they teamed up. So this is what they called the difference between Heaven and Earth. I was about to enter when I sensed another source of power but it was huge. Not as huge as mine but still huge. I decided to enter and pushed the doors.     

As soon as I opened the door I could see all of them looked towards me. I have to say seeing all of them in anime and real life is very different. Then I decided to look for any big characters and I found a cute strawberry loving redhead. That must be the reason the guild is so quiet. I put all these thoughts behind my head and started to walk inside. I reached the counter and was greeted by the she-devil who always had a sweet smile.     

Mira: Hello how can I help you??     

Axel: I was thinking to join a guild and some people recommended me this guild. By the way, my name is Axel Summers.     

Mira: My name is Mirajane Straus you can call be Mira and if you want to join our guild you need to meet our master.     

Axel: So is there any requirement or I can meet him?? Mira, please call me Axel.     

Mira: No, he is upstairs. Wait here Axel I will call him here.     

After that Mira leaves the bar and goes upstairs to look for master and I started to look around. Whoo…!! This is a dream come true, some luck I had. Then I saw something which was impossible in real life a girl wearing a bikini top drinking wine from a barrel. The f*ck Cana control yourself this is still morning judging from the position of the sun. Before I could check any more I saw a midget with little hair left over his head came down with Mira.     

Makarov: Hello my boy my name is Makarov I am the master of this guild I heard you wanted to join this guild.     

Axel: It's nice to meet you too my name is Axel Summers. What are the requirements to join your guild?     

Makarov: Just a little spar with any of our members to see what kind of magic you have. I see you are carrying a sword. Erza mind a spar with this young man??     

Are you serious old man you are going to make her fight with me?? She is an S-class mage who doesn't know how to hold back. She gets up from her seat and starts to come towards us. The whole guild has become quiet. I could hear them saying that I would die or similar things like that.     

Mira: Master are you sure??     

Makarov: Don't worry if it gets out of hand I will stop her.     

Thank you, Mira, for caring about me but I will show you guys how strong I am. Random guys were shouting from the back that I should give up or tell them how should I be buried.     

Axel: Please lead the way then.     

After that, all of us went towards the back of the guild and all the other members started to bet over the match.     

Cana: Mira it is such a loss that this cutie is going to die. I didn't even get to know him.     

Mira: Don't worry I am getting a feeling that he will somehow survive.     

Cana: Ohhh… that must be great.     

Currently, I was standing in an open field opposite to Erza and Makarov was standing far away from us along with the crowd. Makarov asked Mira to be the referee.     

Mira: Ok, the winner will be decided when someone gives up. No life-threatening attacks or permanently injuring attacks are allowed now start…!!     

Erza: Newbie, what's your magic??     

Axel: Take over magic.     

All the spectators along with Mira, Makarov, Elfman, and Erza were shocked to hear that. I guess they never thought that they would encounter this magic again.     

Erza: So are you too cocky thinking that you will not need it??     

Axel: Don't know, if you are strong then I will use it.     

Erza: Fine, have it your way.     

She pulled out her sword and charged towards me but as soon as she took her second step she fell down she was trying to get up again but she again fell down. All the spectators were silent they could even hear if someone dropped a pin. Erza raised her head up and stot a glare at me.     

Erza: What did you do to me….???     

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