Fairy Tail: Djinn Take Over [COMPLETED]

Queen of Dragons

Queen of Dragons

0Axel: Uh... Hi     

The three women were completely shocked when they heard Axel's casual greeting. The red-haired woman was Irene Belserion, Erza's mother. The two girls were her lackeys. Orange-haired one was named Juliet Sun and the dark blue-haired girl was Heine Lunasea. Juliet and Heine were guarding Irene to protect her from any harm but Irene passed them and came forward.     

Irene: Who are you??     

Axel: Just a random passerby... and who are you lady?? How did you get fire in this frozen wasteland??     

Irene: There is no way a random passerby would reach here though I don't sense any magic power from you but I am sure you are not normal.     

Axel: Wow... Beauty with brains really amazing. Lets cut to the chase Irene Belserion what the fuck are you doing in Ishgar??     

The two girls were shocked but decided to keep quiet for now. Irene was shocked but she could hide that really nicely.     

Irene: I am surprised that you know my name... but if you know my name you must know that what I can do with you right??     

Axel: Aren't you arrogant... no, the thing is you can't do anything to me.     

Irene: So you want to die without telling me your name?? Girls kill him and throw his body away... we can't have people knowing about us.     

Axel: Whooo... I am ssooooo scared... see I am shaking in fear. Ah well fuck it, it was fun till it lasted.     

Axel released his full magic power without holding anything back. The two girls started to shaking completely but Irene thought that she could still beat him if she went 'all out'. Axel disappeared from the place and the two girls dropped to the ground knocked out. Axel appeared in front of Irene whose eyes have turned cold and rage, anger could be clearly seen on her face.     

Axel: Now the insects are taken care of... we can fight to our fullest.     

Irene: You will regret doing that but I promise you one thing that your death will not be quick and when I am done with you... you will only be a piece of meat left to rot.     

Axel: Then why don't you try that...     

Irene moved forward and used her cane to hit Axel but he dodged leaping behind and exited the cave with Irene following him. Axel landed at some distance when suddenly the land erupted to attack him. Axel used his sound magic and Irene dropped on the ground and her attack also stopped at that moment.     

Irene: What have you done to me??!!!     

Axel: Nothing harmful... it is just one of my magic. Hello, nice to meet you... my name is Axel Summers.     

Gears turned inside Irene's mind when she remembered that the man standing in front of her was the 2nd randed God of Ishgar who could use Djinn Take Over magic. Irene somehow stood up forcing her body and Axel was impressed seeing her power and determination.     

Axel: I have to commend you standing up... you are the first one to ever do that.     

Irene: I will be the first one to do a lot of things to you....!!     

Axel: So kinky... then let's stop fighting and get into bed.     

Irene: YOU... YOU PERVERTED FIEND...!!     

Irene started to release even more of her magic power. Axel felt his magic power seeping out of his own body. Axel smirked and his body stopped losing magic. Irene was completely shocked.     

Axel: What shocked?? My magic is only mine.     

Axel then transformed into Valefor and started to irritate Irene to her core. Whenever she thought she hit something it turned into snow and blew away. Irene turned completely red due to rage and anger. Axel appeared beside her and kissed her on the cheek and this was the decision Axel regretted.     

Irene: I will kill you bastard....!! Universe One...!!     

Immediately the ground erupted and engulfed Axel dragging him towards the center of the earth. Irene then spat on the ground.     

Irene: My only regret will be I was unable to torture you...     

She turned around and started to leave when suddenly a huge amount of magic power erupted from the ground. Irene started to sweat because not even Zeref had this kind of magic power then she heard a voice that sent a chill down her spine.     

Axel: Extreme Magic: Absolute Zero.     

Irene somehow gathered her power and jumped on the air and the whole ground froze and shattered like glass. Axel flew out of the hole and half of his body was completely burned off. His bones could be clearly seen when suddenly his body started to heal at a visible rate which shocked Irene even more.     

Axel: Ok... I deserved that. But enough playing around.     

Axel immediately turned into Focalor and started to attack with wind attacks. Irene was a proud and arrogant woman but now she knew that she was no match for Axel. If he wanted he could easily kill her, she might have a chance if she turns into a dragon but she would rather die than turning into a dragon.     

Axel: This is the end... Foraz Zora.     

Axel released a cyclone from his hands which hit Irene and blew and blew a hole through a nearby mountain. Irene was bloodied and injured, she spat out blood from her mouth and started to get up when suddenly Axel appeared in front of her to knock her out but turned around. Irene was confused when she looked down at her own body and saw that her chest was completely exposed to Axel. Immediately her instincts kicked in and she covered her chest with both her hands.     

Axel took out a jacket and gave it to Irene, Irene unwillingly accepted the jacket and wore it.     

Irene: Why didn't you kill me?? Did you take pity or get enchanted by my body??     

Axel: None of those... though I would agree that those cushions on your chest are amazing.     

Irene: I knew it... I would rather die.     

Axel: I know that Irene... Queen of Dragons.     

Irene: How...??     

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