Fairy Tail: Djinn Take Over [COMPLETED]

Era of Dragons (II)

Era of Dragons (II)

0A/N: As promised I am back, I have promised previously that I will release mass chapters when I return so here it is. I hope that 7 chapters are enough for your guys.     


~WITH ERZA~     

Erza was currently wearing her flight armor to fight with the Dark Dragon. The Dragon started charging it's breath attack when Erza appeared beside its huge head and plunged her sword in its eye. The dragon roared in pain losing control of its breadth attack which exploded in its mouth further hurting the Dragon. The Dragon started to lose velocity and dropped on the ground. Erza didn't wait much longer and attacked its other eye making the Dragon completely blind. The Dragon started to swipe its claws blindly and randomly at all directions.     

Erza re-equipped into her Heaven's Wheel armor and several swords appeared behind her. She attached the Dragon with all the swords but its scales were too thick to be hurt by a measly sword. Erza decided to do something which was most valid for her at the moment, she decided to attack the DRagon from inside. Erza flew and entered the Dragon's mouth which shocked many mages but soon they understood why did she do that. The Dragon started to roar in pain and wail around trying to claw out its inside.     

Erza was making a mess inside the Dragon with her swords, she was cutting anything and everything which came in front of her and she didn't feel disturbed with all the blood and gore getting on her. Currently, she had only one aim and that was to slay the Dragon with any means necessary. She soon found the organ which she was looking for. The 'Heart' beating inside the Dragon's chest. Erza didn't think much and plunged her sword in that organ and continued to stab it without mercy. Soon the Heart stooped beating Erza could feel the Dragon has dropped on the ground dead.     

Erza walked out of the Dragon's mouth completely bloody, her whole body and even her armor matched the color of her hair. She saw a lot of mages were waiting for her outside the fallen Dragon. Seeing her walk out of the Dragon all of them started to cheer even if they were disturbed to see how bloody she looked.     

(A/N: I don't know what color does Dragon's blood have but I thought red would fit nicely)     

Erza: Fuck...!! I need a long shower.     

After saying that she sat down on the ground.     

~WITH UR~     

After leaving Erza to fight with the Dark Dragon Ur flew towards a Flame Dragon which was completely made of Fire. But she was disappointed when she saw that her opponent was already taken by one of her Guildmates so she decided to stand back and watch the fight.     

10 minutes have already passed and Ur was now disappointed, highly disappointed in her fellow Guildmate who calls himself a Dragon Slayer and cannot even hurt a Dragon of its own element. What if it would have been a Water Dragon or Acnologia? Acnologia was several times stronger than all of these weaklings combined any day of the week and what would this Dragon Slayer do if it had faced Acnologia?     

Ur was too much of a gentlewoman to say this to Natsu on his face but it didn't stop her from thinking all this stuff. According to her Natsu should stop calling himself a Dragon Slayer and start calling himself a Fire Mage. Even if Gray would be nothing in front of a Dragon but he doesn't claim himself to be a proud Dragon Slayer. Natsu was a Dragon Slayer for goodness sake and if this was all worth of his power then she was glad that neither Gray, her sisters, or Axel called themselves a Dragon Slayer.     

Ur sat down on the ground and closed her eyes unable to see the scene in front of her eyes anymore.     


She separated from the others and found herself against a Dragon with fish-like fins. It was Levia, Ultear didn't even reach the ground and several Ice Spears appeared below the Dragon which made just a scratch on the Dragon's skin. The Dragon turned its head towards Ultear who landed in front of him. The Dragon thought that it might be all her power which she used in the previous attack and showed a mocking grin to Ultear. Ultear didnt knew if it was the Dragon's natural face or was it truly mocking her either way it pissed her off and she decided to be done with it.     

Ultear: Ice-Make Frozen World.     

She activated the same spell which she used against Jura but this time she used her full power. The place immediately turned into an arctic zone filled with Ice and Snow while Snow was still falling. At first, the Dragon was amused to see this but soon started to feel the chill and coldness that surrounded him. The lungs of the Dragon started to chill and its body started to turn numb and it started to feel its movements became sluggish. All this time Ultear had a mocking smile on her face. Soon the Dragon saw that its limbs have started to freeze and it hurt too much to even breathe. The Dragon spat out blood the next moment but it froze before it could even reach the ground. Soon the Dragon was completely frozen and turned into an Ice Popsicle.     

As soon as the Dragon was frozen Ultear broke her spell and all the cold weather vanished only leaving the small arctic zone. The next moment several Ice Vines shot out of the ground soiling the Dragon and started the apply pressure. The body of the Frozen Dragon started to crack and soon crumbled into millions of Ice Pieces killing the Dragon.     

Ultear: Phew... I am tired.     

~WITH MIRA~     

Mira found her opponent to be a purple Dragon with a knife-like horn on its head. Its name was Scissor Runner, Mira immediately transformed in her Satan Soul and launched Darkness Stream from the ground. The Dragon was caught in the attack and came out slightly bruised after the attack. The Dragon glared at Mira and started to charge a breath attack while Mira looked at it with battle intent clearly seeping out of her .     

Mira: Let's see how strong you are...     

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