The Shinobi With The Straw Hat

The Nutcracker

The Nutcracker

0The constructions had started for one week now. The foundations had been set very quickly, the people together with the shinobi helped building the tower-like structures.     

"No! Not there, more to the left!" Kenchikuka wa going crazy, he wanted to beat everyone up.     

"Here?" Wanda was trying his best to understand Kenchikuka's instructions.     

"Wanda, Wanda! Come down, your incompetent ass has nothing to do in my worksite!" Wanda came down of the slightly built structure.     

Strangely enough, he was feeling hurt in his heart because of how Kenchikuka was treating him.     

"Kentaro, you go place that stone on its place. Do something for once." Kentaro flew up and carried the stone.     

By following Kenchikuka's instructions, Kentaro managed to place the stone perfectly. Kenchikuka was very satisfied.     

"Good, good. Since you are so good at doing this task, take care of this whole structure by yourself." Kenchikuka walked away, Kentaro looked blankly at him going away.     

'This kid is gonna kill us all if he continues like that....' Kentaro started carrying the stones and slowly building the structure.     

Our protagonist was slowly getting depressed because of Kenchikuka's sharp tongue, this boy knew how to make people feel bad.     

On the other side of the worksite, Daitan was getting grounded on by Kenchikuka. Apparently, he hadn't placed a single stone on the structures to come.     

"What do you want, you little pest! I hear you shout all day long, look at my poor son! He has no soul in him anymore, I shall slap the devil out of you." Daitan prepared to slap Kenchikuka.     

With one swift motion, Kenchikuka punched at Daitan. The holy architect put Daitan out of functions for a whole decade.     

"For you have dared to attack the holy architect, your nuts shall pay the price." Daitan had become purple, he had never expected Kenchikuka to posses such power.     

The men who were actively working didn't dare to dissapoint Kenchikuka, they did everything without committing errors and by perfectly following the plans.     

Eight men of the Kamizuru clan in contrary stopped working and went after Kenchikuka, he had to pay for what he had done against Daitan.     

"Hey, boy! We know that you are the architect and all, but the clan leader you cannot harm. It is our duty to beat you up." Kenchikuka looked at them mockingly.     

He placed his brown goggles on his eyes and motioned the Kamizuru to come at him. They charged at the boy, they didn't consider him as a threat.     

"Taste my vegetation power." he made four fingers of each hand penetrate the ground, he was going to use the Haru clan's vegetation style.     

"Ahhhh!" each of the eight Kamizuru were binded by one vine respectively.     

Kenchikuka walked towards them, he had a vicious look on his face. The eight Kamizuru knew what awaited them.     

"To attack the holy architect.....I can only be sad for your ignorance, but even so, you'll need to pay the price." the eight Kamizuru gulped.     

"AAAAAAAAHHHH!" the sounds of suffering men resounded in the worksite. Those screams were filled with pain, sadness and despair.     

Every men was trembling from fear, Kentaro was sweating exceedingly. He knew why the men shouted like that, he knew that their nuts had been put out service for at least a decade.     

'He should call himself the nutcracker instead of the holy architect.' Kentaro worked even faster to not suffer the same fate.     

He had already been attacked viciously by Kenchikuka. Only that he had suffered a light attack, Kenchikuka could strike even more ferociously.     

Minutes later, Mū joined Kentaro to help him with the construction of the structure.     

"Big bro, I gathered some intel about the psycho boy." Kentaro had tasked Mū to do this for research purposes.     

"Kenchikuka Haru, hailed as the holy architect.     

He is a child prodigy from the Haru clan, he is one of the few who has access to their unique vegetable style." Mū looked seriously at Kentaro.     

"Vegetable style? I never heard of it. Oh fuck, he's coming, get to work you stupid!" Kentaro went down to go get a stone.     

Kenchikuka looked at Kentaro coming down and getting the stone, he was satisfied with Kentaro's work, but something didn't seem right.     

There was a mummylike figure who was walking as if they had all the time in the world. Kenchikuka walked towards Mū.     

"Excuse me, yes, you." Mū looked at Kenchikuka with un bothered eyes. He didn't like Kenchikuka at all.     

"What do you want, HOLYY ARCHITECT. What!? You're going to use your vegetable style to put me down, let me tell you that It isn-" Mū fell to the ground, he was spasming.     

"For you have disrespected my clan's vegetation style, I have collected your nuts." like the grim reaper, Kenchikuka left after putting Mū out of function.     

For six whole months, the men were living in complete fear of having their nuts taken away from them.     

At last, the final stone had been placed. The village started to take form, the only thing that was lacking was the network of bridges and the cone shaped roof of the Tsuchikage's residence.     

Six more months were needed for all of this, the bridges were beautifully done. Amaterasu gave the idea to carve the battles of Kentaro on the sides of the stone bridges.     

His battle against shukaku which was explained to the carvers by the five kunoichi.     

His battle against Matatabi which was explained by Goro who had been summoned for this only purpose.     

On the bridge which led to the Tsuchikage's residence, Kentaro was carved facing two men. Those men were Hashirama and Madara.     

And last but not least, the carvers also carved Kentaro using the astral creation against a powerful enemy.     

The villagers were all looking at the last piece of the village getting placed. The cone shaped roof of the Tsuchikage's residence had the Kanji Earth written on it.     

DING! "Mission completed: create the first great shinobi village."     

DING! "+100 000 000p"     

On this day, The Village Hidden In The Stones was born.     

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