The Shinobi With The Straw Hat

New Enemy!

New Enemy!

0"What are they doing here!" lord Kusa had lost all hope, his eyes showed how terrified he was.     

"Stay calm, lord Kusa! A shinobi doesn't lose its cold blood." Hideo tried to calm lord Kusa down. He had to calm down, otherwise, losing the battle would only be a matter of minutes.     

The Kaguya's charged back at the Kusa's, Kentaro and his clan stayed behind. They were ordered by the clan leader to do so.     

" Father! Why make us stay behind!"     

"Shut up, Kentaro! The Kaguya's are our problem no more, those red-eyed bastards are!" Tetsuo made it clear to all the clan members.     

The fifty men got around the Kusa clan and the Kaguya clan, not interfering in their skirmish. They soon were two hundred meters away from the uchiha.     

A man came forward from their ranks, showing that he wanted to discuss things with the Fujimoto.     

"Father, let me go talk to him."     

"Are you crazy Kentaro, I will not let you go. I will go by myself." Tetsuo was soon stopped by Hideo, his father.     

"Tetsuo, Kentaro his the clan's heir. He must learn the ways of diplomacy in battle. Let him go, Habiki will accompany him."     

Tetsuo always listened to his father, but this, he wasn't willing to accept.     

"Father, I refuse to obey your words this time. Kentaro, he is my last and only son and last grandson. If he gets killed then-"     

Putting his hand on Tetsuo's shoulder, Hideo reassured him.     

"Do not worry, I will go with him then. Nothing will happen."     

Kentaro followed his grandfather, they walked until they were ten meters away from the uchiha who had come forward.     

"What a surprise to see the Fujimoto clan here, shouldn't your clan be fighting for the feudal lords in the land made of stones?"     

Hideo didn't speak and looked at Kentaro. He understood that he had to speak.     

"We have come here for bussines, we have met lord Kusa, he is a respectable shinobi. He has asked us to help him in his war against the Kaguya clan. I shall ask you the same question, WHAT IS YOUR CLAN DOING HERE, UCHIHA"     

The air was tense, Kentaro and the Uchiha looked each other in the eyes.     

"Who are you?" asked the Uchiha.     

"Who I am is not important. What is important is that you and your men should return from where you came before we consider you as enemies."     

The uchiha turned to look at his men, they all burst out laughing. The Uchiha turned his head aggressively and responded to Kentaro's threat.     

"Listen, as strong as your clan may be, we the Uchiha fears nobody. We have been paid, so we will finish the job."     

Finishing his sentence, the Uchiha began forming hand seals. Hideo, who also was a fire style user knew what jutsu he was about to cast.     

"Fire style: fireball jutsu!"     

"Earth style: mud wall."     

Placing his two hands on the ground, a wall was formed fast enough to protect them from the fire ball.     

The impact destroyed big pieces of the wall, but Kentaro was safe. Hideo grabbed him by the collar and flew back to the clan, who saw everything happen from far away.     

"From today onwards the uchiha are our enemies! Kill them all!"     

The two clans unleashed their war cries while charging at each other.     

The Uchiha had great advantage in combat, their sharingan permitted them to see every move of their oppenent.     

As for seeing the movements of Kentaro while fighting was close to impossible. With his Unparalleled taijutsu he made quick work of the Uchiha.     

Seeing their heir fighting like this, their fighting spirit increased.     

"Everyone stand back!" everybody listended to Kentaro.     

Slapping his open palm onto the ground, Kentaro for the first time was going to use a high level earth style jutsu.     

The ground began to shake, a large bronze thing in the form of a dragon head came out of the ground. The Uchiha were surprised by this jutsu, they had never seen it.     

It roared, it roared so hard that even the Kaguya and the Kusa had stopped fighting for a second.     

Revealing its lengthy stony body, it dived back under the ground. The Uchiha who were under pressure for a second, felt relieved.     

"Hahahahah, he can't even cast a jutsu. Poor talented clan!" they laughed and prepared to resumed fighting, unfortunately for them it was time to die.     

From the right of the uchiha clan formation, the bronze dragon head resurfaced, opened its mouth and charged with enormous force at the uchiha. When it catched contact with an Uchiha, the bronze head exploded.     

The explosion made it that the dragon head moved forward with even greater force, sweeping them violently. Some died instantly, some were propulsed high in the air like ragdolls and some were completely pulverized.     

Shunks of flesh and litters of blood were everywhere. From the fifty Uchiha, this jutsu killed thirty.     

"retreat! We must report it to Madara, that a shinobi with a straw hat yields unphatomable jutsu!"     

"Father, do we let them go?!" they were low spirited, killing them now would be an easy task.     

"Yes, let them report to their clan leader. This will boost our reputation, Let us go help the Kusa now."     

From the battle against the Uchiha, the Fujimoto lost twelve bredren, but they lost thirty.     

Charging back at the Kaguya from behind, they highly weakened them. They were now caught between two fires.     

The battle lasted until morning.     

When the last Kaguya fell, the birds began chirping and the sun was rising.     

All the Shinobi were exhausted, but the war was not over. They had to launch an invasion from the south and when the region was controlled, then they could shout the word victory.     

Every shinobi was silent. They had maybe survived, but they had lost brothers, friends, fathers, uncles.     

It was not the time to mourn their deaths, that is why this mood was present.     

"Men! We shall take revenge for what they have taken from us! If they have taken our brothers, we shall take theirs too!"     


while they were shouting, Kentaro saw some of them shedding a tear.     

"Kentaro, we shall help them take control over the south. Today you have proved yourself worthy of the clan's trust. That is why I give you the task to lead our men to the south."     

"Won't you come with us, father?"     

"No, I have to return home. Tensions are rising with the Kamizuru clan, those bee users work for a lord that wants our territory. When you are finished with the task at hand, come back home."     

Tapping on Kentaro's shoulder, Tetsuo and his Hideo went back to the land of stone.     

"lord Kusa, in three days we will invade the south. So prepare everything that is necessary. We will go check the state of Hayakama village."     

'Hopefully Todo and his family managed to escape.'     

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