The Shinobi With The Straw Hat



0The feudal lord who had hired the Kaguya clan had waited enough, he wanted the control over the whole territory and not only the southern region.     

It was time to end the reing of the Kusa clan! Paying a large sum of money to the Kaguya clan, he ordered them to invade the north tonight.     

And so they did. Destroying the most important village under the Kusa clan, Hayakama village, first.     

"EVERYBODY WAKE UP! LARGE AMOUNTS OF KAGUYA ARE APPROACHING!!" the shouts of the sober guards awakened the Shinobi in the castle town.     

"I will go hold them down. Son, wake all the drunkards up, NOW!" Kentaro's grandfather, Hideo gave orders to Kentaro's father Tetsuo.     

Tetsuo had to do what his father ordered and quickly, unless he wanted to get beaten to a pulp.     

On Hideo's side, he runned towards the gate, the Kaguya where far away from the castle town. It gave him the time to reinforce it.     

"Earth style: rock wall!"     

After having performed the necessary hand seals, Hideo grabbed a rather big rock out of a big poach that was hanging at his waist, throwing it at the ground in front of the gate.     

When the rock touched the ground, a large piece of earth that was three meters in height and two meters in width came out of the ground.     

It greatly reinforced the gate.     

"Earth style: light-weight rock technique!"     

Hideo began floating in the air, this technique abled him to reduce objects gravity making them lighter. But once one attains a certain level of mastery with this jutsu, one can make themself so light, that it ables them to fly.     

Hideo Fujimoto had attained such mastery.     

The castle town had fairly tall walls, at least fifteen meters. This was nothing to trained shinobi and Hideo knew it. It would only be a matter of seconds before they climb over.     

Flying high enough until he could see further than the wall, Hideo saw hundreds of Kaguya's. They were three hundred meters from the castle town, all smiling maniacally.     

Hideo decided that before they could come closer, he would weaken them badly. The Kaguya used wind style, so what better than hitting them with their greatest weakness.     

"Fire style: fireball jutsu!"     

Like a dragon, fire came out of Hideo's mouth. Covering an enormous area, the Kaguya saw how the area affected by the fire was great.     

Defending against it was impossible, they had no water style users. They could only run and try to avoid it.     

Hideo managed to give a hard blow to the Kaguya, he had slowed their advance down.     


Hearing his father's voice, Tetsuo knew that it was time to join him with the clan members he had awakened.     

"Let's go! Lord Kusa join us when your men are able to fight!"     

Nodding to Tetsuo, Lord Kusa began preparing himself and his men.     

They followed Tetsuo. Kentaro and Habiki, his cousin were seeing forward to the battle. Kentaro had checked the system and to his surprise he had bought unparalleled taijutsu.     

He felt bad because he was trying to get the one million five hundred thousand for the unlimited Chakra. Thinking about it, if he killed large numbers of Kaguya today then he could get those two hundred thousand back or maybe not.     

They walked on the wall to arrive at the top, they saw lots of Kaguya burned corpses and lots of them were badly injured.     

"We are only fifty, they are hundreds. Fight until the end, never cower from a fight. Our courage is what makes us, let them taste our Fujimoto strength!" Tetsuo gave them a little boost.     

Jumping down to the other side of the wall, Kentaro saw his bredren charge into the masses. Cutting the Kaguya down and casting jutsus.     

It was time to show them that he had his place with them, that is why Kentaro had an idea. Covering his body with earth that he grabbed from the ground, Kentaro used his jutsu.     

"Earth style: shield of stone!"     

The earth that Kentaro had put all over him had hardened, creating a sort of armor. Unsheating his katana, Kentaro charged at the Kaguya.     

When he saw them attacking, they were so slow at least to him. Kentaro combined his taijutsu with his katana making him Invincible in a melee fight.     

A Kaguya attacked him from behind, but he felt the vibrations from his feet, so he knew that he was there. Spinning while kicking, Kentaro knocked him down.     

Jumping on the Kaguya, Kentaro pierced him with his katana, killing him instantly. Looking in front of him he saw two Kaguya's charging.     

Jumping backwards while taking something out of his kimono, Kentaro threw two shuriken directly piercing their skulls.     

He was going on a killing spree     

Such speed, the Kaguyas had never seen. But Kentaro soon found his rival, a large bone in the shape of a tail whipped him in the torso.     

The hit broke kentaro's armor and send him flying tens of meters further.     

"A user of the shikotsumyaku!" Kentaro was under pressure, the bone felt so heavy that it broke the armor with one hit.     

'It will be better for me to not approach him in battle, at least not now.' going the other way on the battlefield, Kentaro began fighting again.     

At this moment lord Kusa arrived with very little men, they went straight into battle without saying a word.     

Tetsuo Fujimoto and Hideo Fujimoto where observing the battlefield but they soon followed suit.     

Kentaro stacked lots of points. He wanted to be happy about it, but he couldn't, seeing his bredren fall at the hands of those barbaric shinobi made him angry.     

He wanted to end it once and for all, using the shield stone for a second time, Kentaro charged in the masses.     

A wave of Shinobi came out of the town castle, they were the Kusa who had yet to come.     

Hundreds of them joined the battle, the Fujimoto were overwhelmed no more.     

At least that's what they thought for the ten minutes following their arrival.     

They saw the Kaguya's slowly retreat, and followed them. At this exact instant fire balls descended from the sky.     

"Do not follow them!" Ordered lord Kusa to his men. The Fujimoto's had not followed them, none of them succumbed under those fireballs.     

Six hundred meters from the town castle was a little mushroom forest, the fireballs came from there.     

Noticing that the Kusa had stopped following them, the Kaguya stopped fleeing.     

They weren't really fleeing it was just a sneaky plan.     

Looking towards the forest, they saw a group of Shinobi coming out, they were fifty. They had something in particular that differentiated them from others, THEIR EYES.     

"It is the Uchiha clan!"     

What were they doing here? Shouldn't they be fighting against the Senju clan?     

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