The Shinobi With The Straw Hat

The Battle Of Kento Field(2)

The Battle Of Kento Field(2)

0"Earth style: hell zone rock shard!"     

The ground shook violently, little rocks shards were raising from the ground. Claping his hands together, Kakuzu directed the rock shards to his target     

The Shinobi who was targeted got destroyed, litreraly.     

Hardening parts of his body, Kakuzu charged into the enemy ranks, they didn't stay there waiting for their deaths.     

The enemies killed many. From the two hundred men Kakuzu led, only seventy remained.     

To the north of the battlefield, lord Yamada faced the black clothed shinobi.     

They were the Mitsubushi clan, speciallized in assassination. The fire style was the element that was the most present in their clan.     

Today was a rainy day, their fire style was weakened because of this.     

"Toka Mitsubushi! You damned traitor!"     

The Mitsubushi clan had always had a neutral stance in the land's war for power. Today they had shown their alliance to the Yochida, they had promised the Yamada clan to never ally them.     

"Yosuke Yamada, old friend. I am forced to do this, it is imperative for my clan's future that your clan gets destroyed!"     

Lord Yamada spat on the ground near lord Mitsubushi.     

Preparing his two axes, lord Yamada charged at lord Mitsubushi.     

The two shinobi collided. They engaged in an intense skirmish.     

"Fire style: fireball jutsu!"     

Thirthy Mitsubushi came forth and casted a fireball each. In response to this, the same number of Yamada made a large wall.     

"Earth style: Mud wall!"     

The mud wall was made fast enough to block the thirty fire balls.     

The impact created a little explosion, killing some Yamada.     

The two sides charged at each other.     

To the south Kakuzu was taking many of them by himself, the two sides were killing evenly.     

The Yamada to the south had all died and so did their enemies. Kakuzu was the only survivor, he joined the forces to the north.     

"Look Yosuke, all your men to the south have died. It is only a matter of time until the three clan leaders join the battle too."     

While fighting, lord Yamada looked towards the south and only saw one man running towards them.     

"Tss, it doesn't matter you traitor! Today you will die and so will your men. We have the help of one of the strongest shinobi!"     

Hearing lord Yamada's statement, lord Mitsubushi wanted to laugh out loud.     

'To have the help of one of the strongest shinobi? What a joke!'     

The battle of Kento Field continued.     


Two kilometers further of Kento Field, Kentaro had stopped running.     

'I have brought them far enough.'     

The three clan leaders were angry. He had challenged them and then he had ran from them for two kilometers straight.     

"Alright old hags, I will take the three of you by myself. So bring it on!"     

The three clan leaders looked at each other and then turned to look back at Kentaro.     

They charged at him from three different angles.     

Unsheating his katana, he waited until they were close enough. In front of him was the clan leader of the Yochida. On his left, the clan leader of the Nichimura and on his right, the clan leader of the Matsuda.     

Kentaro jumped in the air and kicked the one on his right and left. After the two kicks he slashed vertically with his katana towards lord Yochida.     

His katana was blocked by lord Yochida, he proceeded to kick Kentaro to the stomach.     

When he thought that his kick had landed on kentaro, he only felt a gust of wind.     

"Above you, dickhead."     

Looking above him, lord Yochida saw Kentaro's heel descending towards his head.     

Lord Yochida jumped back, avoiding Kentaro's attack.     

His heel hit the ground and it created a little crater.     

Lord Nichimura and lord Matsuda attacked Kentaro together.     

Kentaro embraced their attacks. Left hook, right uppercut, high kick, he saw them all coming.     

Kentaro dodged them all and responded with kicks and punches of his own. His attacks were devastating, breaking bones and cutting their skin.     

"Filthy brat!"     

Lord Yochida had enough of this, he began forming hand seals.     

"Wind style: wind bullets!"     

Looking towards Kentaro, lord Yochida began spatting wind bullets out of his mouth.     

Kentaro avoided them by going left and right, he got cut by some wind bullets but he didn't get injured too badly.     

"I see, let's get serious then!"     

Kentaro planted his Katana in the ground. forming hand seals, he prepared to deal great damage to lord Yochida.     

"Water style: water shuriken jutsu!"     

It was raining hard. By casting this jutsu, Kentaro transformed the countless raindrops into many water shuriken.     

This technique was devastating. Seeing so much water shuriken falling from the sky towards him, lord Yochida created a sort of wind barrier by moving his arms consecutively in front of him.     

He managed to block most of them. His barrier was not perfect, this resulted in some water shuriken reaching and cutting him.     

Looking to his right, Kentaro saw lord Matsuda casting an earth jutsu.     

"Earth style: Boulder throw!"     

A big Boulder, two times the size of Kentaro was send towards him.     

Kentaro ran towards the Boulder and punched in the center of it, breaking the Boulder in four pieces.     

Kentaro attacked lord Matsuda while showing him the power of a real earth style user.     

"Earth style: earth bomb."     

Using his advanced mastery over the earth style, Kentaro began shifting the earth under lord Matsuda's feet.     

While doing this, Kentaro moved chemicals present in the earth to the outer layer of the earth.     

Like this, Kentaro made the earth explode out of the most simplest compounds present in it.     


Lord Matsuda was sent flying tens of meters away, he landed on the ground and stopped moving. Kentaro knew that he wasn't dead because he didn't get the points.     

Kentaro clapped his hands together and the ground under lord Matsuda turned into mud, swallowing him.     

Seconds later, lord Matsuda died.     

Ding"+1000 points"     

Turning towards the two remaining lords, Kentaro was prepared to charge once again.     

As for them, they were overwhelmed by what just happened. How could lord Matsuda, the strongest earth style user in the land of waterfalls die so easily.     

"One down, two to go."     

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