The Shinobi With The Straw Hat

The Hidden Villages

The Hidden Villages

0In the large fields of the land of earth, one thousand shinobi were running towards the south.     

As soon as the Tsuchikage's order was given, they rushed to where they were expected to be, near the border with the land of wind.     

In front of those running one thousand shinobi, twenty figures could be seen approaching.     

Those twenty figures were not dressed in Iwa's battle outfit. They had loose black tops and black pants with a small katana on their backs, their red oni mask made them even more menacing.     

"The Anbu." the two hundred Jonins knew who those men were. As for the eight hundred Chunin, they didn't know.     

Seeing that their seniors did not act against the unknown squad, the Chunins did not act against them.     

The Anbu went through the massive number of shinobi. When they were far away, an Anbu looked behind him to see the one thousand shinobi running.     

"Don't get distracted, number 16. We must urgently deliver the intel about the individuals from the land of wind." number 16 looked at the captain and nodded his head.     

This squad was one of the five squads of the Espionage Group. They had received order from Koro, the leader of the group, to return immediately with the requested intel.     


Deep inside the desert, in a tent who was encircled by thousands of shinobi. A man was sitting around a table with other people.     

"I have already gathered all the desert-dwelling shinobi, join me! I am the strongest existence in this land!" Reto was trying to convince the many clan heads.     

"Lord Reto, you may be the strongest, but it doesn't matter. We won't join you!" a man exclaimed.     

"Hashirama Senju, Madara Uchiha. Those names are terrifying on their own, but now they are together. What don't you understand? If we all unite as one, we would not be easy targets." the clan heads were reluctant to accept, but it was all true.     

"It will not be long before the other nations' clans unite as well. Hoki family, Hirogane clan, all of you! Join my side!" Reto had convinced all the clan heads.     


The sky was bright and the sun shone. On a mountain top encircled by many clouds, three men were sitting around a marble table.     

The three great clans of the land of lightning had come to discuss about the recent happenings in the world.     

The Gobetsu clan, the Senko clan and the Kuro clan decided to meet under the request of Ay, the head of the Kuro clan.     

"Those bastards have come together, I even heard that the Sarutobi and Shimura clans were highly interested in joining the Senju and the Uchiha." the head of the Gobetsu clan exclaimed.     

"It would not be a surprise if the many clans of the land of fire joined them too. Lord Ay what do you request as the strongest man in this land?" the son of Torune Senko asked.     

"Our wars have mostly been against foreign clans who were not native to this land. I request that we join our three great powers! The weaker clans and families will come to us and also join our village." the heads of the Senko and Gobetsu clan nodded.     

"They have named their village by the name of Konohagakure. Since we have so much mountains and clouds, our village shall be named Kumogakure!"     

Compared to Reto, Ay had no trouble uniting with the two other great clans of the land of lightning.     

The same process happened in the land of water, where the most respected and experienced shinobi, Byakuren, made the clans understand the importance of uniting.     

One month passed, the numerous clans had united and asked to the feudal lords if they could create their hidden villages in their lands.     

They then proceeded with the constructions, the shinobi would spy on the villages in construction.     

Konoha was seen as the most advanced village in terms of buildings and administration. With Hashirama's wood style, everything was quickly built.     

To everyone's great surprise, the village with the greatest infrastructure and most elaborate system and administration was Iwagakure.     

They were not dumb nor were they ignorant. From the information they received, Iwa had a great population and even academies.     

This could only mean that Iwa had united for a long time now. The hidden villages of the other countries saw Iwa like a big threat.     

Kentaro didn't care if they discovered the academies and the shinobi ranks. They would come up with those ideas later on, he just made the process faster.     

The only thing that was kept under secret was the Anbu Corps and the way Iwa managed the land, the Shinobi and its people. All of this had to be kept secret as long as possible.     


"Hashirama, it looks like someone had the same dream as us." Madara looked seriously at Hashirama.     

"He not only had the same dream, he achieved it before us." Hashirama stood up and walked around the room.     

"It can only be one man, that's why every trace of him had disappeared for five long years. Kentaro Fujimoto, what a sneaky bastard." Madara couldn't help but smile.     

"From what we could gather, we know that Iwagakure has ninja academies for kids. They even have ranks for the shinobi, we could implement the same things here in Konoha." Hashirama was looking forward to all of this.     

"I will send a message to every Kage. I want to to express the goodwill of Konoha as neighbors, I'll try to form alliances." Madara didn't like that at all.     

He silently left the room. He wanted every other hidden village to bow in front of their might.     

Madara walked around the streets of Konoha, the people looked at him in fear. He came to a halt and looked towards the sky.     

"Yes, they must bow down to the might of Konoha. Kentaro, maybe I'll pay you and your insignificant hidden village a visit." Madara's eyes were wide open.     

He hated Kentaro from the bottom of his heart. Since the day he had lost his fight against Kentaro, Madara wanted to kill him once and for all.     

The hidden villages were just born and tensions were already rising.     

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