Pokemon: Master of tactics

Pokemon master of tactics: Chapter 117

Pokemon master of tactics: Chapter 117

03 weeks later in area #10     

Alex opens his tent and looks at the sun that is just rising. Then he looked up and saw Crobat looking at him on a tree with a passive face. Crobat, who can also perceive creatures while sleeping, is really a very good Pokemon for monitoring the night.     

After 3 weeks, Alex has seen most of this area relatively well. Although he has not seen all of this large area yet, he saw most of it.     

He also meets the Onix who controls this area more than 3 times.     

The map didn't lie when it said that this Onix is ​​very aggressive. although Alex hadn't provoked it, it attacked Alex immediately when it saw him.     

Alex saw how strong this Onix was and ran away with his Pokemon. a level 54 gold pokemon is not a pokemon Alex wants and can fight.     

Although Alex's Pokemon have easily won against Golem, this Onix is ​​not comparable.     

Alex, who knows how important levels are in this world, knows that Onix can probably defeat any of his Pokemon with one move. If Onix uses a move like rockslide that has high attack surfaces, Alex's entire team is defeated. When all of Alex's Pokemon are unconscious, he and his Pokemon are very likely dead.     

He also learned from his 3 encounters that this Onix was ridiculously fast and that it can reach similar speeds as Crobat. Although Crobat several levels lower is as Onix is this performance of speed really impressive.     

After 3 weeks, Alex found many moonstones which of course he immediately collected.     

He found:     

1 top moon stone     

2 high moon stones     

7 mid moon stones     

22 low moon stone     

especially that he found a top moonstone made him particularly pleased. Although he did not need this stone, valuable items like top moon stone can never be too few.     

Alex can swap it with his "friend" Steven for other items if he really has no other use. Although he can also exchange it for money, it is relatively unnecessary for Alex who doesn't necessarily need money.     

But Alex not only found valuable moon stones but also greatly increased the strength of his Pokemon. All of his Pokémon have become stronger from fighting every day. It's really true that the fastest way to train is in the wild. Although it is dangerous, the benefits are really good     

Alex pokemon :     


Pokémon: Crobat     

LV: 38     

Type: Poison / Flying     

Abilities: Inner Focus     

Gender: Male     

Potential: Gold     


- Absorb, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, Swift, Haze, Leech Life, Mean Look,     

- (Innate Talent) Shadow Ball [E], (Innate Talent) Fly [E], (Innate Talent) Cross Poison[E],     

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Toxic, (TM) Sludge Bomb, (TM) Facade, (TM) Taunt     


Pokémon: Scizor     

LV: 37     

Type: Bug / Steel     

Abilities: Technician     

Gender: Male     

Potential: Gold     


- Leer, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Double Team, Feint, Fury Cutter, Wing Attack, Agility, Slash, Razor Wind, Iron Defense     

- (Innate Talent) Roost [E], (Innate Talent) Metal Claw [E], (Innate Talent) Brick Break[E],     

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Toxic, (TM) Thief, (TM) Facade, (TM) Giga Impact, (TM) U-turn, (TM) Sandstorm, (TM) Substitutes     


Pokémon: Kirlia     

LV: 34     

Type: Psychic / Fairy     

Abilities: Telepathy     

Gender: Female     

Potential: Gold     


- Growl, Confusion, Double Team, Teleport, Disarming Voice, Lucky Chant, Magical Leaf, Heal Pulse, Draining Kiss, Psychic     

- (Innate Talent) Disable [E], (Innate Talent) Calm Mind [E], (Innate Talent) Dazzling Gleam[E],     

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Shadow Ball, (TM) Will-O-Wisp, (TM) Thunderbolt, (TM) Thunder Wave, (TM) Helping Hand     


Pokémon: Ditto     

LV: 35     

Type: normal     

Abilities: Imposter (hidden ability)     

Gender: Genderless     

Potential: Silver     

Move: (Innate Talent) Transform [E]     


Pokémon: Shieldon     

LV: 30     

Type: Rock / Steel     

Abilities: Sturdy     

Gender: Male     

Potential: Gold     


- Protect, Tackle, Taunt, Metal Sound, Take Down, Iron Defense, Swagger, Ancient Power     

- (Innate Talent) Rock Polish [E], (Innate Talent) Sleep Talk, (Innate Talent) Flamethrower[E]     


Pokémon: Torchic     

LV: 15     

Type: Fire     

Abilities: Speed ​​Boost (hidden ability)     

Gender: Female     

Potential: Shallow Gold     


- Growl, Scratch, Ember, Sand Attack, Peck     

- (Innate Talent) Attract, (Innate Talent) Sunny Day, (Innate Talent) Overheat [E]     


Many things have changed in these 3 weeks.     

First, Scizor, Shieldon, and Torchic each learned at least 1 new move. Scizor learned iron defense. Shieldon learned ancient power. Torchic learned Sand Attack and Peck.     

Alex was especially happy when Scizor suddenly told him after a fight that he now knows how to use Iron Defense.     

Although it is strange for Alex, who is still familiar with the logic of his old world, the Pokemon suddenly learn moves, it seems to be completely normal in this world's awareness. he thinks it's similar to the instincts of animals in Alex's old world. Before he came into this world, Alex didn't wonder why animals have instincts. it was just a normal law of nature for him.     

Now that Scizor can use the move Iron Defense, Alex is overloaded with the move he wants to train Scizor.     

Scizor who has not yet trained Focus Energy and Agility on the Expert has now received a further reinforcement move with Iron Defense.     

After long deliberation, Alex has decided to let Scizor only train these three moves. If he has these three moves on the expert and Scizor can strengthen himself when running fast. In addition, his reinforcements will be even more effective if he trains these moves on the expert rank.     

Although training these moves is not really useful now, the advantages in the future are very great. Alex prefers to invest time in these moves now rather than later.     

In addition, Alex's 3 strongest Pokemon have managed to train all their Innate Talent moves to the expert rank.     

Shieldon and Torchic also managed to train one move more to the expert rank. (Flamethrower & Overheat)     

Another thing Alex noticed in these 3 weeks that two of his Pokemon technically have to evolve or at least in the games.     

Kirlia and Shieldon showed no signs of evolving even though they finally reached the evolving level. Alex didn't worry though. He thinks it has to do with the fact that Kirlia and Shieldon are very young. Although he can't prove it, he thinks it is very likely.     

Although Alex was happy about a lot of things in these two weeks, the thing that happened on the 13th day was really special for him.     

on the 13th day in area 10 at breakfast, Alex noticed something. When he looked at the status of his Pokemon from time to time, he suddenly saw something very surprised. Shieldon eating his breakfast was suddenly a Gold Pokemon when Alex checked his status again.     

Alex saw the scream loudly and started laughing. The fact that Shieldon has increased his potential through the help of his expensive food has resulted in unexpected feelings of happiness.     

Although Alex's Pokemon looked at him strangely when her trainer screams out loud and laughed for no reason, Alex ignored Kirlia's worried looks.     

Though he looked annoyed when Scizor and Crobat looked at him with sympathetic eyes. Alex knows these two Pokémon too well not to know that they are making fun of him.     

as a revenge to these two Pokemon, he slightly increased their training plan for this day without saying a word.     

Although Scizor and Crobat later noticed what Alex was about to do and want to start to complain to Alex, but only saw Alex who showed a sympathetic expression to their complaints.     



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