I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 197: The Banquet Part 2

Chapter 197: The Banquet Part 2

0Kel and his peerage arrived in the underworld after spending several more hours traveling on a voyage that was anything but perfect.     

As they exited the train, Asia cautiously glanced around and prayed before experiencing another headache, which made her pout a little.     

So, what are your thoughts?     

Before telling her to gaze at the things in front of them, Kel walked outside and took a position next to her.     

"It looks very lovely." She murmured softly, surprised at how hell actually appeared.     

She wasn't the only one who was taken aback by this appearance; Raynare, who emerged a little while later, also displayed shock.     

"What the fuck? Where are the sinners on fire? The unending orgies? The depraved woman who breed with monsters an animals?"     

Raynare appeared to have been conned out of a fortune and was on the edge of crying.     

With the exception of Silyva, the other members soon followed suit and were all awestruck by the wonderful sight.     

"No sucubis," When Raynare kept harping on about how vile the underworld was, Issei had also been anticipating his own activities.     

"Why are you acting so shocked? You fallen angels must have visited this location at least once before, right? Or perhaps your rank wasn't high enough?" The four bowed their heads in shame as Kel questioned with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.     

"Why so glum? I thought you liked humiliation."     

Raynare, along with the other former fallen angels, now essentially resembled a country bumpkin, to Silyva's jab.     

"Okay, enough whining; we still have a long carriage trip to go before we arrive at the location where the banquet is being held. I don't understand why there are trains here but no sports cars.     

Kel experienced flashes of Skyrim when thinking about a carriage since quick travel obscures the terrible nature of immersion.     


The party divided into three groups and proceeded to the carriages that were waiting for them without spending any more time in the area than they had to.     

Asia, Silyva, and Kel traveled together. The remaining three made up the final group because Issei was with Dohnaseek.     

This resulted in some interesting conversations during the protracted ride. Issei and Dohnaseek initially didn't speak much until Dohnaseek mentioned this. "Succubi do exist…"     

From that point on, the discussion descended into the depths of depravity, whereas the three women's talk consisted mainly of insults directed at one another.     

"You horny, depraved, miserable excuse for a woman, I said! Kalawarner said to Raynare."     

"You look like one of those western shemales; at least I'm a woman, you know." Raynare clapped back swiftly.     

Guys, Master Kel told us to behave nicely. Despite Mittelt's best efforts, both of them gave her a disapproving look.     

"Shut up! Nobody finds you cute."     

At that moment, Mittelt's head vein suddenly burst open, and she glared violently at the two.     

"What do you know?"     

"I don't need to take this from a bitch with mileage so high if she were a car it would be vintage, and a stuck up cross mix between a feminist and a Jehovah's Witness, deep down we know you just need some dick!"     

From that point on, Kel's carriage in the front was also affected by the shouts.     

As she listened to the numerous curses being uttered, most of which she didn't even comprehend, Asia sat there uneasily.     

"Should I keep them under control, Lord Kel?"     

Silyva decided to take charge of their behavior after noticing that Kel's ability to relax was being hampered by the noise.     

She didn't want Kel to start feeling suddenly that welcoming people would be irritating and also how dare they attempt to thwart her future ambitions.     

"We're going to get enough attention as it is, so it would be appreciated."     

Silyva took his words to heart and quickly switched carriages after demanding a brief stop, while Kel sighed and nodded.     

Asia now appeared much more uneasy than before as the mood in Kel's carriage grew odd.     

"What's wrong?"     

Kel questioned without giving her a glance, but it was clear what was going through her head.     

If a former nun and her devil master were to share a cabin, wouldn't the laws of the universe never pass up such a golden opportunity? This situation fit the gold standard.     

"I've heard that devils are particularly insatiable and frequently indulge their cravings on lone girls who have no faith in God." Asia spoke like a terrified mouse who had been cornered.     

Kel grinned and made the choice to participate. "That's correct, but don't worry because I'll just prey on some other helpless ladies since you have such a strong belief in God." He answered.     


Asia, a once-fearful mouse, stood up from her seat and objected as if on cue.     

"Hm? Is there a problem? It's in my nature as a devil to become more erratic if I don't occasionally sate my needs. Maybe this is how your god punishes devils."     

On the innocent and naive Asia, who saw the best in everyone, Kel's words had a powerful impact.     

"I can't let you harm the defenseless, so... So what if I step in for them?"     

Asia had the guts to say it, but Kel couldn't help but chuckle at the young woman.     

"You were being teased, so relax." While Asia grew incredibly flustered and shirked back, appearing even more shy than before, Kel's once-devilish grin had softened.     

"You're really cruel,"     

Because of her shame, she murmured on the edge of tears.     

"You forget I'm a devil, and a pure blooded one at that," I said. Kel informed her.     

So you won't engage in... depraved behavior with helpless women, then? In an effort to allay her fears, Asia questioned in a stuttered voice.     

Kel, though, shook his head.     

"You realize I'm still a man with urges?"     

Asia responded after once more displaying a determined face. Then I'll tend to your desires!     

She felt compelled to shout this at the top of her lungs for whatever reason. Kel could do nothing but shake his head and stare at her.     

'She's the type of character who'd voluntarily take part in a monster gangbang if it meant saving someone else.' Kel pondered.     

Well, given that you offered... Kel admitted he was playing a joke on her since he wouldn't deliberately try to trick an impressionable girl into sleeping with him.     

But she insisted on giving in to his desires anyhow to prevent him from engaging in more infidelity in the future. Kel had no excuse for refusing.     

As soon as he confirmed it, Asia became timid and even gulped apprehensively. Was he about to eat her virgin body at this point?     

"Then come closer Asia." He called her name.     

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