I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 160: Dignity Lost

Chapter 160: Dignity Lost

0Time went on and soon enough the bell indicating that the physical education period had ended rang.     

"Awww" The many girls around Issei and Kel expressed their displeasure at this in unison before they began walking away while waving at him.     

"Finally..." Issei who had still been doing press ups slumped to the ground and began breathing heavily while shaking his head tiredly.     

"I didn't think you'd last that long, good work. I'm not really big on motivational talk but I'm sure you get the idea." Kel commented with a smile on his face as he picked up his towel and put it around his neck.     

After most of the girls had left, Rias and Akeno began walking over to Kel and Issei's direction.     

"Are they coming this way or am I just too exhausted to think properly?" Issei asked but Kel shrugged his shoulders and watched them get closer.     

"Feeling better?" Kel turned to Akeno and asked to which she smiled and nodded.     

"Much better thanks to you." She replied which brought a chuckle from Rias before she cleared her throat and spoke.     

"I'm sure you are. Akeno tells me you recruited someone under your banner so I thought it only fitting we properly introduce ourselves." She explained, causing Issei to look at her dumbfounded.     

'Wait does that mean that they are really part of this whole demon, angel business?' Issei wondered before both Rias and Akeno turned to him and exchanged greetings.     

"Oh uh, it's real nice to meet you too. I'm Issei Hyoudo, second year and a devil servant under the Zagaroth clan." He introduced while rubbing the back of his head and avoiding eye contact.     

"You don't have to advertise the clan name every time you meet other devils you know?" Kel pointed out but Rias shook her head.     

"It's quite alright really, even encouraged. That way you're less likely to end up in unsavory situations." Rias explained, causing him sigh and just shrug.     

"You'd know best." He said simply before the girls got ready to leave.     

"Well we'll be off, I hope to see you at the end of the school day to discuss something." Rias explained vaguely before walking away with Akeno.     

"You seem like a big shot in the underworld." Issei thought out loud but Kel simply chuckled and gave no response before snapping his fingers.     

When he did this, a magic circle appeared underneath their feet. Next thing that occurred was their outfits changed into the school uniform before the circle faded.     

"Woah, talk about convenient." Issei looked over himself and found he even smelled and felt like he was fresh from a shower.     

"I was just saving us the trouble of having to go in the locker room. Anyways I'm off to class, don't forget what you need to do after school." Kel waved his hand in the air and walked away leaving Issei to look in the direction of the locker.     

"Yea...no way I wanna go in there. Must be my devil senses tingling." Issei thought to himself before eventually heading away.     

Kel however hadn't immediately gone to class but instead made a stop by the English teachers office. Inside he found Silyva in standing in front of her desk looking at folder after folder.     

Kel took a moment to look at her from behind before clearing his throat causing her to turn rapidly and drop the folders.     

"Busy?" Kel teased before walking over and helping her pick them up.     

"No, I just lost a few students grades...I lost them all." Silyva confessed after getting a long stare from Kel who just sighed.     

"Just fake results according to what they usually average. Do you really think teachers actually carefully go through each paper?. Anyways the magical girl outfit thing was a surprise but I suppose it's humiliating enough, good work. I hope you carefully planned it out." Kel praised while Silyva showed a cheerful smile and nodded as she felt she'd left no loose strings.     

However, sometime later in the locker room, Julius woke up only to find himself in a less than decent state as he recalled every single detail of what just happened before showing a look of absolute anger.     

He ripped off the magical girl outfit and prepared to dress up but felt he needed to use the bathroom, mouthwash and then a shower before walking towards the door.     

"I'll kill every single one of them! How dare they!! No, I'll do something worse! Far worse!" Julius expressed in sheer anger but as he got to the door he found a note.     

[ The fallen angels sincerely hope you enjoyed the little event they arranged for the esteemed Bael Clan's cherished heir. This is just a warning of what's to come if you interfere with us, oh and I wonder how you'll deal with the poor mortals we manipulated. We can't imagine the devil community will approve of you slaughtering humans anyhow nor do we think you'd like this display to go public but we have recordings just in case. We've attached a copy behind this letter so unless you want to be the famed man slut heir, I suggest you suck it up and move on. Whoopsie no pun intended. ]     

"...." Julius could only grit his teeth in anger as he had now lost his only source to vent. The humiliation and just plain suffering he went through was expected to just end there... This was a very hard pill to swallow for Julius.     

A/N: Pun Intended.     



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