I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 110: Sinner

Chapter 110: Sinner

0After Lilith and Kel finished their conversation they returned to the palace. Upon reaching the door, they stumbled upon Silvya who was on her way to come get them.     

"Is something up?" Kel asked casually and Silvya nodded before gesturing them toward another hall within the castle.     

Once they arrived in that hall they found a large table filled with a plethora of food. Seated on either side was Serana and Mordred who turned their attention towards them when they entered.     

"Genesis prepared this because I said you might be hungry Lord Kel." Silvya stated with a smile on her face and Kel nodded before taking a seat.     

Lilith showed a smirk and she too went to take a seat opposite to Kel's. Once everyone was seated they began enjoying their meals and making light conversation. It was at this moment that Kel remembered something and put his wrapped sword down before slowly removing the cloth.     

"You!" Immediately he did so, Meridia's enraged voice emerged and Kel sighed.     

"Yes me, can you change your form? You may want to take a look at what will be your new home." Kel said in a casual manner but the sword immediately vibrated and began to glow while changing shape.     

Once the light faded, a busty woman with a black blindfold was all that remained.     

"Where am I....Where have you taken me!" Immediately sensing she wasn't in her world anymore, Meridia couldn't help but ask in anger.     

"If you're that curious then...Genesis? Can you show her around and answer her questions for her?" Kel asked and the ethereal woman appeared beside him.     

"It can be done" She said before gesturing to the angry and confused Meridia to follow her. With her gone, Kel became the focus as Serana began to ask questions she was curious about after learning a couple of things about the world she was now in.     

"What was your own world like Kel?" Serana asked with her head slightly tilted. Her question caused Mordred and Silvya to also look at Kel as they were equally curious to hear his answer.     

"Well it's nowhere near as exciting as where I met you all but..." Kel began to tell them a bit about his world. Most things he said didn't make sense to Mordred and Serana especially but they still listened carefully until he was done.     

"Your personality in that world sounds like it was different." Serana quickly assessed and kept looking at him.     

"Well people change" Kel chuckled and replies while shrugging his shoulders.     

"Well I find it admirable you're dealing with these reincarnators, like how you did for Skyrim. You're essentially a hero." Serana said while showing a sly smile but Kel simply shook his head and laughed lightly.     

"You should think of all reincarnators as sinners, some committing worser sins than others. Just because I Hunt them, doesn't mean I'm all that different from them.... I too am a sinner and I acknowledge I'm far from the perfect candidate in doing this but that won't stop me from carrying out my duties..."     

"Should I one day die by the hand of someone else for my sins then so be it. It's a possibility I've come to accept. I'm not going to change my ways, if I'm scum then I'll remain scum. I won't pretend to be some hero or villain that I'm not. I'm just me, I Purge Reincarnator's" Kel declared casually while shrugging his shoulders. His conversation with Lilith revealed so much needed things he needed to know about life.     

"I'll toast to that Master. Then I too I'm just me, Master's Servant! I'll follow you to whatever battles you may face happily" Mordred showed a grin and raised her chalice.     

"I'll try to assist you as best I can as your guide. Because that's who I am." Silvya said while keeping her head low and raising her chalice.     

"I'm still unsure wether I've made the right choice following you to this world but I look forward to finding out" Serana also raised her chalice and gave a nod.     

"I welcome the company and hope that one day this city is filled with people just as lively" She gives Kel a suggestive look while saying this but he only sighs.     

"I'll work on it...." He stated as they toasted chalices.     

Just like that dinner came to and soon after Kel and Mordred began preparing to leave.     

"Isn't it too soon? Aren't you even going to rest a bit before going to deal with your target?" Lilith asked with a raised brow but Kel shook his head.     

"It won't take long. Besides, there's no rest for the wicked like me" Kel shrugged before wearing his white gloves.     

"Well then I wish you luck. See you soon" Lilith gave a small wave before they began to get engulfed by light until they vanished from the hall.     

E/N: If you guys have any novels like the darkness one please give it to us on discord. Who knows he might be the next one to be purged- MagnuS out     

A/N: Hit-list chapters will usually be 1 or 2     

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday or Join Discord to show support and be in the know of updates and everything happening. You can also read further ahead by joining and supporting me on pat.re.on     



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