I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 109: Hit-List

Chapter 109: Hit-List

0Kel was seated on the throne in the castle hall with Lilith and Mordred comfortably sitting on his lap. Kel now had questions over the offer Lilith had given him.     

"So what about these worlds that they reside in. Do they get reset?" Kel asked curiously but Lilith shook her head.     

"No, the world's will get purged after the reincarnator gets either purged or reincarnated again. Why? Because they are broken worlds. These worlds contain beings or laws that are made simply to suit the reincarnator, making beings there of incredibly low intelligence, laws don't make sense and the world in general is off"     

"Isn't it absurd that a reincarnator that was once normal is somehow smarter than everyone he encounters? Capable of making women fall for him after simple acts? No it isn't. These worlds are simply designed to suit the Reincarnator's whims, no matter how stupid." Lilith explained while crossing her arms.     

"Sounds chaotic." Mordred commented after hearing Lilith explain.     

"It is. Try seeing some of the options present Kel, they are interesting to say the least." Lilith advised as a panel appeared in front of Kel.     

He quickly began scrolling through the panels it was indeed as bad as Lilith described.     

"See one that you may want to purge?" Lilith asked with a smile on her face to which Kel nodded and opened a profile.     

[Reincarnator was apparently a top assassin before getting betrayed by his group. Wished for power so he could change the world to become a safer place. Gets transmigrated to MHA with the powers of the Yami Yami no Mi without a weakness, to also be in peak superhuman condition and the ability to absorb quirks without drawbacks. Calls himself a heroic villain. Kills randomly and rapes children in detail so he can turn them into loyal pawns. Name: Yami D. Black]     

A/N: Fic name- Darkness Human in MHA.     

"...." Kel continued to read the profile with a complex look.     

"Well what do you think" Lilith asked curiously.     

"Stupidly strong, Absolutely retarded, no vivid goal. Just another reincarnator trying to become an edgy and cool villain." Kel quickly summarized while shaking his head.     

"Indeed, when you're ready to handle him, simply pick the point in time you wish to deal with him" Lilith advised before standing from Kel's lap.     

A/N: He'll be dealing with them at the beginning because no way I'm diving deep into these horrid books     

"Noted." Kel replied and quickly and closed the panel while letting out a sigh.     

"In that case, I wish you luck. Feel free to go all out, that world serves no purpose after all." Lilith stated with a smile before vanishing from the room.     

"Hey Master? Can I come with you when you decide to deal with this man?" Mordred asked while showing a grin and radiating bloodlust.     

"I don't see why not. I have no reason to be covert so I can bring you all if needed. Silvya could use a break as well" Kel answered while caressing Mordred's skin.     

"I look forward to it, Master!" Mordred replied in an excited tone.     

Just as she was about to inquire more, Silvya returned to the hall with Serana in tow.     

"Has Silvya explained everything to you Serana?" Kel asked curiously while Mordred shifted her gaze to the two without moving from his lap.     

"She has but...I'm still trying to process it all...from what she says, you're basically a being higher than even the divines...and this place...I just...need time I suppose" Serana let out a sigh while shaking her head.     

"Don't worry, I myself am still far from being adjusted to this place, come to think of it...Genesis." Arias announced and almost immediately an ethereal woman appeared next to his throne.     

"Yes my Lord, what do you require?" Genesis, the mother spirit of Kel's world asked in a gentle tone.     

"I'd like to make some changes to the castle. Mainly changing everyone's rooms to suit their needs so they feel more at home. I want my room to be more modernized, I'm not sure about the others. Can you do that?" Kel asked and the ethereal being nodded.     

"It can be done" She replied immediately before going silent.     

"Right of course...I forgot about your motto." Kel sighed and just listened in as the others described what rooms they'd prefer.     

Silvya's said whatever Kel would have and while Mordred wanted a more medieval style room. Serana didn't hesitate asking for a room that allowed Sunlight in after hearing the Sun in Kel's world wouldn't hurt her. Why? Because "it could be done".     

Soon the women shifted from rooms and began asking for many changes or additions to the floating city. Kel chose to leave the hall at this point as he didn't want to participate. Afterall if he disliked any changes he could revert them.     

"This isn't how I imagined my life going..." he said to himself as looked at his majestic city.     

"Then how did you imagine it going?" A seductive voice inquired out of the blue.     

Kel turned to the source and found Lilith walking over to him. She then stood by his side and looked at the City as well while awaiting his response.     

"Well I'm not too sure...maybe go to college, graduate, start a family...basically the simple life destined for most people. I never had any grand plans to make it rich nor any special talent. And now here I am, visiting worlds that I never thought possible, passing judgement as I see fit and acting as a piece in a rivalry amongst gods...not exactly how I imagined my life would be." Kel replied honestly while showing a complex smile.     

"I can not say I relate. For as long as I remember I've been who I am. Carrying out my duties Alone in the vast void while the creator toyed around as he pleased. Bound by laws I do not even fully understand and forced to play my role as the destroyer by them. Life truly is a strange thing but I'm sure both you and I will adjust to this unfamiliar situation." Lilith chuckled as she stated with a small smile on her face.     

"You're easier to talk to than your title implies. It's funny how everyone seems to be adjusting here faster than me but I suppose that's partly due to me not fully accepting what's taking in place deep down. Only time will fully tell." Kel smiled as well and declared before turning to leave.     

"Only time will tell." Lilith repeated his words before they both fell silent and just looked at the City.     

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