I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 63: By Talos!

Chapter 63: By Talos!

0The group was currently leaving Dragonsreach as Yorgen walked up to them.     

"Hold on...where are you guys going? We need to make preparations to go to High Hrothgar. Since you helped me in the past I'm willing to let you guys follow me, As the Dragonborn Of Legend, my future is sure to be great! Treasure, fame and women *wink* *wink*. You'll become heroes in Skyrim, below the Dragonborn ofcourse but heroes still".     

Lokir narrowed his eyes and turned to Kel and so did Silvya and his newly appointed Housecarl Lydia.     

'I understand letting power go to your head but this guy is just begging to get beaten'     

"Sorry Yorgen, not interested. I have no interest in running errands for people all around Skyrim like some glorified steward. Good luck on your adventures, I think I'll stick to adventuring my way."     

'I can only tolerate so much, I'll just have to wait till he reaches level 81 on his own. Till then... I'll reap your rewards before you even see them. Not like he needs them since he won't permanently die'     

Yorgen crossed his at the response and turned to Lokir and the women.     

"What about you guys? I'm telling you, following me will lead you to riches".     

Silvya didn't respond and simply gave Yorgen a dirty look while Lydia crosses and shook her head.     

"I serve only my Thane."     

Yorgen frowned and this while Lokir shrugged.     

"You could be Jarl and still wouldn't follow you, in case you haven't noticed, I enjoy living."     

After everyone gave their answer, Yorgen's face turned sour and he stormed off. Lydia looked at him while shaking his head.     

"He must be blessed by the divines to have survived this long."     

Lokir snorted at her words and shook his head.     

"More like a scourge the Daedra sent to drive us insane".     

Kel laughed and shook his head as he continued descending.     

"Whatever he is, he'll soon learn being the Dragonborn isn't what he thinks it may be, don't you agree Silvya?"     

Silvya came out of her daze and stumbled before bumping into Kel's back.     


"Sorry Lord Kel, I'm just...a bit tired."     

Said Silvya as she hastily got off Kel.     

"No worries, why don't you and Lydia go to our new home and we'll join you later."     

Silvya nodded with a smile while Lydia nodded and said her parting words.     

"As you wish my Thane."     

As the two women left. Lokir let out a sigh of relief.     

"She really takes her duties seriously, this is the major downside of Nord women don't you agree?"     

Kel nodded slightly as the two continued to walk.     

"I'm sure she'll open up in time. For now let's stop by Jorrvaskr, home of the companions".     

Lokir followed before raising his brow in curiosity.     

"We're joining the companions? What about Yorgen? I thought you said he'd be our ticket to getting rich."     

Kel showed a smirk and nodded.     

"I'm just curious to see their requirements and nothing has changed. Yorgen will still be our ticket to wealth, for now we just have some rewards and treasure before he does. Imagine clearing an entire dungeon only to find an empty chest at the end."     

Lokir burst into laughter at the thought.     

"If it's anything like Bleak Falls Barrow then I'd be beyond mad to get nothing for my efforts. But how do you know which places he'll visit?"     

Kel rubbed his chin before answering.     

"Call it, a hunch. Besides, even I'm wrong we get the rewards and treasure either way."     

Lokir nodded but then thought of something.     

"*Sigh* but won't we kill most of the enemies to get to the treasure or is there another way."     

Kel chuckled and nodded.     

"There's almost always a shorter a safer way when it comes to Skyrim. Remember Bleak Falls Barrow? We only had to climb up some stairs and we found an exit. So don't worry".     

'This way, he'll still fight enemies and level up but get nothing to show for it.'     

Meanwhile in the Market near the bannered mare, the women came to a halt.     

"You can go without me, I have to check on something. I remember the directions to the house so it's no problem."     

Silvya spoke with a smile towards Lydia who nodded in return.     

"Alright, Incase you get lost just ask anyone to direct you to Breeze Home, it's the name of the house and most guards should know of it".     

Silvya nodded then Lydia did the same before turning and leaving. As Lydia left, Silvya's smile faded and she proceeded to go into Arcadia's shop.     

Inside Arcadia's cauldron...     

"W-well yes I do have something like that. One moment."     

Arcadia quickly rushed to the back of the room and came out with purple bottle.     

"It looks small because it's still not yet diluted but give me a day or two and I'll have it-"     

Before she could finish speaking, the bottle was swiped from Arcadia.     

"No need, it's perfect as is. Oh and let's keep this visit silent. It would be a shame if Lord Kel stopped bringing ingredients".     

Arcadia wore a nervous look and nodded.     

"O-of course, you were never here".     

As Silvya exited the shop, she looked at the bottle in her hands while wearing a cold expression.     

'Kel-sama may want to wait but anyone who dares insult Lord Kel must pay...'     

As time flew by and evening fell upon the city, Kel and Lokir retured from Jorrvaskr and arrived at Breeze Home. Which they had just purchased the very day.     

"Welcome back my Thane, is everything well?"     

Lydia asked curiously as Lokir looked quite upset.     

"No it's nothing, just some Nords being Nords. I mean I can understand me being asked to go on a fetching quest to prove myself but how to ask someone who killed a dragon to prove their might? Absolutely ridiculous. What's worse is after you do manage you'll be low ranked within the companions despite your skill. A welp that anyone can boss around. Tch, I'm glad you gave them a piece of your mind Kel."     

Lydia nodded at Lokir's words and responded.     

"Yes, their methods have grown to become well...outdated. Most Nords like to stick to tradition so I'm not even all that surprised. What did you say to them my Thane?"     

Kel showed a smile while looking around his home and then answered.     

"Oh nothing much, just that actions speak louder than words".     

Lokir began chuckle while shaking his head.     

"And by that he means, beating more than half of their senior members in combat without even drawing his weapon. Haha, it was definitely a sight to behold."     

Lydia showed a smile as she looked at Kel.     

"I now regret not insisting on accompanying you."     

Kel showed a smile in return and reassured her.     

"You're free to insist next time. By the way where's Silvya?"     

As Kel asked this, Silvya emerged from a room with a large plate in her hands.     

"I'm here Lord Kel, I went out and bought some ingredients and made you some Sweet Rolls, Please enjoy".     

Kel walked up to Silvya and took one then ate it immediately. After taking a bite he looked at Silvya and spoke.     

"This tastes amazing Silvya, you're full of pleasant surprises."     

Silvya showed a bright smile from being praised then proceed to hand one roll to Lydia and Lokir. Lydia too nodded in agreement to Kel's words.     

"You're not kidding, this could be the best sweet roll I've ever tasted"     

Everyone then turned to Lokir who had a tear running down his face as he ate.     

"So this is what a sweet roll that isn't stolen tastes like...amazing"     

As Lokir said this, a loud commotion began to heard outside.     

"What's with all that noise?"     

Kel asked while wanting to check by the window, Lydia however spoke first.     

"Some people from the Dawnguard have stopped in by in the City. I think it's just their battle Trolls catching attention. It's not something you see everyday but with the growing number of vampire attacks I sure hope it is"     

As Lydia said this, the commotion got even louder and guards could be seen running towards the market. Lokir quickly gulped his sweet roll and spoke.     

"Doesn't sound like the good kind of commotion."     

Lydia stood and nodded in agreement.     

"You're right, maybe the trolls are acting up. Do you wish for me to check my Thane?"     

Kel shook his head.     

"No need, I'm also curious to see what's going on"     

As Kel walked out, Silvya immediately followed and so did Lydia and a hesitant Lokir. As they got closer to the source of the commotion, they began hearing murmurs and seeing shocked expressions.     

"By the God's, What is happening"     

"Guards quick, do something!"     

"Hide the children!"     

"What do we do? We can't harm either of them or it's trouble!"     

"Then arrest them!"     

As Kel, Lokir, Silvya and Lydia finally got to the scene, they were rendered speechless. In the middle of the square, Yorgen could be seen making love to a troll.     

"I feel sick.."     

Lydia covered her mouth in disgust while Kel and Lokir just looked on with puzzled faces, behind them, only Silvya wore a smile.     

"Oh yes! You like that don't you! Say my name!"     

As if in some sort of trance, Yorgen ignored everyone around him and carried on in his deed. As everyone went silent, soon enough even the Jarl came to see if what he heard was true. Upon arriving his grew wide as he exclaimed loudly.     

"Talos Help us! The Dragonborn is a Troll fucker!"     


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