I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 55: Crypt

Chapter 55: Crypt

0After checking around the area for anything of value, Kel and others finally entered inside Bleak Falls Barrow.     

"Uh...this place is pretty dark, can someone light up a torch?"     

A worried Yorgen was the first to voice his thoughts on the place. Lokir shook his head before replying.     

"Well what did you expect? A lit up sanctuary with lusty Argonians?"     

A/N: Argonians are a humanoid/reptilian race     

After speaking, Lokir lit up a torch and handed it to Kel who then led the way through the corridor. After walking for a bit, Kel suddenly came to halt and put out the torch before crouching. He turned his head then whispered to the group.     

"I hear voices coming from the room ahead, stay low and move quietly".     

The others nodded towards Kel before following his instructions, soon they arrived in a large room that was illuminated because of a campfire on the other side. The room was large and very old looking with vegetation growing out of certain parts of the walls and floors. The voices Kel heard came from the area where the campfire was.     

"More bandits...they seem relaxed and I don't see any weapons on them, should we attack?"     

Lokir quickly assessed in a low tone towards Kel. Kel nodded at the statement and gestured Lokir to go ahead as he was the most stealthy. Lokir began breathing slowly and moved forward slowly, making sure to stay as silent as possible. Once he was close enough he drew his brow and aimed at one of the two bandits present by the campfire.     

"Oh come on Milda, the others won't be back for awhile, what do you say. Let me show my gentle side hehe*arck!*"     

Before the male bandit could finish his statement, an arrow pierced through his head, killing him instantly. The woman he was speaking to panicked and jumped from where she stood to avoid being hit next.     

"W-who's there!! Do you know who you're messing with!!..."     

'What happened to the others outside...could there be more than one attacker? Another bandit band?, soldiers? I have to get out of here!'     

The female bandit came to a resolve and jumped from where she hid for cover and took out the fire before running away into one of the passages. Without the light from the campfire, Lokir couldn't see properly and his aim was off.     


Lokir chose to fire still just in case, when he heard the woman groan, a smile appeared on his face but it quickly faded when he still heard footsteps rushing away from him.     


Lokir snorted before Kel relit the torch and came closer and turned to Lokir. Lokir shook his head while sighing.     

"She's more clever than your average bandit...but I'm sure I landed a hit somewhere, my arrows are tipped with numbing poison so she won't get far. Should we go finish her off?"     

Before Kel could respond to Lokir's question, an excited Yorgen spoke up first.     

"Oh! Let me do it, I can handle some injured bandit no problem. You guys go ahead without me and I'll catch up."     

Lokir gave Yorgen before looking at Kel for confirmation. Kel shrugged and turned in a different before answering.     

"Alright that will work, but if you ran into someone that's not the injured bandit then retreat. Lokir loot the dead bandit and search that chest in the corner."     

The still excited Yorgen unsheathed his sword and followed the trail of blood. Meanwhile Lokir began searching the bandit.     

"Dammit! 3 septims?! Just how poor are these guys? All they have are potions for helping in bed...*sigh* on to the chest then".     

Silvya who was still extremely worried about her own matters began to speak.     

"Uh...Lord Kel? Is there anything I can do?"     

Kel shook his head while looking around the room for any hidden items or mechanisms.     

"No, for now just keep an eye out for anything that stands out, hopefully we can get you some spell tomes here"     

Silvya once more lowered her head and agreed in a low tone before walking away.     

"I-I understand..."     

'I don't want to be a burden...I want to do my best to help but I'm useless as is...'     

Silvya's thoughts by Lokir's sudden burst of laughter.     

"Haha! Yes! Kel, Silvya, come and see."     

Kel and Silvya approached Lokir who was crouched near a chest. Silvya didn't have much of a reaction, she only looked forward and occasionally cast glances at Kel who was currently smiling.     

"Not bad for the beginning, how much gold is that?"     

Lokir chuckled happily before responding.     

"Not sure but it's definitely above 500 septims. Plus there's also some jewelry here, not sure what gems these are but they don't look cheap. If we ran into more loads like this in here, we'll leave much much richer."     

Kel nodded and gestured Lokir to stand.     

"Quickly put everything into a bag, I'll manage to carry it till Yorgen comes back, we need you light and agile afterall".     

Lokir nodded and began packing the gold and trinkets.     

'This is amazing but...what if he just runs away with the gold? Is that why he sent Yorgen away? No? He can easily kill us both. I better just follow, if worse comes to worse I should just be ready to escape'     

Lokir finished packing and tossed Kel the bag and the trio followed him into a different passage.     

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