I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 30: Top Spot

Chapter 30: Top Spot


Kel stood in the restroom facing Annie who stood in front of the door blocking his way, insisting that she see he's non existent wound. But just as Kel was about speak a knock resounded on the door.     

"K-kel-sama I've put away the drinks, I'm here to help you adjust your sleeves"     

Annie looked towards the door then walked away from it. She stopped in front of Kel and put her hand on his shirt for a moment and looked up at him, but when he looked back into her eyes she quickly moved her head and spoke.     


Afterwards she pulled her hand away and went towards the sink then began adjusting parts of her uniform.     

"Kel-sama are you there?"     

Kel walked out of the rest room and spoke to Silvya before she could enter.     

"It's ok I just finished, let's go."     

As they walked away, Kel cast a glance back and shook his head.     

'I'm not sure if I was just cockblocked or saved from another blueballing. Seriously what is going on'.     

Once Kel arrived in his room, he found Mordred in her topless wearing only panties while drinking rum. Upon seeing Kel, Mordred came near and got on her tip toes trying to make Kel drink while laughing.     

"Come on Master you promised me. Drink!"     

Kel took the bottle from her and took a swig before passing it to Silvya. She looked at it for a bit then turned to Mordred and Kel who just nodded at her. She decided to take a sip, then a swig and eventually began to chug the whole thing until Mordred took it from her.     

"Have you already forgotten what happened at the Palace when you got drunk and kept making fun of Mordreds breasts."     

Mordred hmphed and held one off her breasts proudly.     

"Big breasts just get in the way during battle! Any big breasted warrior on the battlefield is just there to distract the enemies while real warriors like me do the hard work. Master knows my breasts are better right?"     

Not wanting to lose out, Silvya took out her breasts in front of Kel as well but was slightly shy.     

"K-Kel-sama? Which do you like best"     

Kel smiled and walked past them then sat on the bed. The two looked at each other a bit confused until he gestured them over. He first began cupping Silvya's breasts, making her release a sweet squeal. Kel was amazed by their sheer weight and bounciness.     

"Category 7...heavy duty, F-cup. Inch statistics from back sizes 32 to 56 are (2) inch 36 ½-37 ¾, 38 ½-39 ¾, 40 ½-41 ¾, 42 ½-43 ¾, 44 ½-45 ¾, 46 ½-47 ¾, 48 ½-49 ¾, 50 ½-51 ¾, 52 ¼-53 ½, 54 ¼-55 ½, 56 ¼-57 ½, 58 ¼-59 ½, 60 ¼-61 ½. Judging from the sheer bounce and slim waist you're roughly F-Cup, Back size 40. but such a small frame normally wouldn't house such a size so your Inch statistic is a whopping 54 ¼-55 ½ give or take, just a few inches shy of true G-cup territory."     

Kel didn't waste time and directly moved to cup Mordred's breasts. They were small yet so soft you could grab them in ways you couldn't grab regular small breasts. They lacked the major bounce compared to Silvya's, but had a bounce unique only to their size.     


Mordred frowned at her result.     

"Master how come hers get such a thorough explanation?"     

Kel spoke while continuing to grope one of their breasts each.     

"Bigger ones are harder to grade precisely, yours fit your frame, aside from your perfectly round behind. She beats you in chest, you beat her in bottom. You each have something going for you".     

Mordred still didn't like the result but let it pass and continued to drink. After some time passed, the group became slightly tipsy. Mordred looked at her breasts again and then Silvya's before turning to Kel.     

"Master does that mean my breasts hold no purpose and are only for battle right?"     

Mordred has her head tilted and asked in a genuinely curious manner. But Kel shook his head and gestured her over. As soon as she came close, he grabbed onto one breast with his hand while placing his mouth on the other.     

"Let me show you one of their uses to me specifically".     

Kel began twirling his tongue madly around her nipple, Mordred could feel her body getting hotter at her Masters touch. Silvya felt a tingly feeling between her legs as she thought of herself in Mordred's place. Despite being unsure about it, Silvya came closer to the pair and lifted one of her breasts near Kel.     

"I-If Kel-sama enjoys breasts, t-then please use mine if you wish..."     

Silvya closed her eyes and soon a squeal escaped from her mouth as Kel groped her tit and tugged on her nipple. Mordred didn't wish to let out a sound but began to pant more and more heavily.     

"Master, why do I feel...hot"     

"M-me too".     

Kel continued to suck on Mordred's modest breasts while sensually teasing Silvya's. As he saw Mordred become more and more engrossed, Kel moves his hand from her chest and slid it slowly down her body until he held one of her asscheeks firmly. From there he guided onto his lap which she did after some slight hesitation. Silvya sat next to Kel as he played her breasts, switching between the two massive peaks on her chest.     

Silvya couldn't help but spread legs and let out small sweet moans which she tried her hardest to hide. Mordred on the other hand wrapped her arms around Kel's neck and kept her head against his chest, not wanting her face to be seen as she tried her best to not release any feminine noise. However she found herself feeling an unbearable itch between he legs and decided slowly move against Kel's leg to satisfy it.     

By doing so she began feeling a great sensation instead. When she tried to stop, she'd feel the itch once more and soon found herself grinding against Kel's leg on her own. Her breathing became louder and heavier and so did Silvya's, while her panties became soaked and juices began to trickle down her leg. She felt extremely embarrassed and wanted to rush away and clean herself but she couldn't bring herself to move away from Kel's touch.     

Soon Kel stopped sucking Mordred's nipple and shifted to Silvya's. This made her arch her back and curl her toes as the sensation of Kel's wet tongue on her puffy sensitive nipple was almost too much to bear. As for Mordred, Kel used his hands to grip both Mordred's asscheeks and made her grind faster.     


Mordred who had fought many battles found herself struggling hard just to not let out a feminine noise, when she had succeeded in doing so for years. Kel smiled and lifted one hand off her cheeks and brought it back with Force.     

"*smack!* Mhmm!"     

Mordred's eyes gaped wide open, she couldn't she had just made such a depraved and feminine sound. She began convincing herself it wasn't what it seemed in her mind but once again, Kel repeated it.     

"*smack* mmh!"     

Mordred gripped Kel's shoulder's hard. She couldn't understand why she felt such a sensation when he hit her with force. Similar to the rush she got in battle but so much more depraved. Kel smiled after getting her to finally make a sound! He began to smack and grip each cheek over and over and made her grind more roughly.     

"Nghh*smack!* Master...this feeling*smack!* mmh! *smack!* mmmh! Why is so *smack!!* so good..."     

"K-Kel-sama...mmh...please *slurp* mmh...please forgive me for being s-such a shameful g-guide *sucking noises* nghh...I can't help...it any longer."     

Silvya gripped onto her breasts as she felt her whole body trembling, her spread legs gushed out juices between intervals as she moved her hips against the bed. Mordred however gushed right on Kel's leg, grinding against it roughly with each interval until it was finally over. Both her and Silvya were breathing heavily with juices still flowing out of them. Both too embarrassed to speak or even stand up after that ordeal until Kel spoke.     

"I didn't peg you both to be squirters, very nice"     

Mordred kept her down in shame.     

"Master how can the heir to the throne of King Arthur wet themself. It's beyond shameful"     

"I-I'm a disgusting shameful guide *sniff*"     

Kel sighed while stroking both their heads and spoke.     

"Let me explains better..."     

After the summarized biology lesson, Mordred no longer felt shame when she was told it was natural and that normally anyone can reach that point of relief even men, they just vary in what they release. Mordred was satisfied in knowing she didn't pee herself, but Silvya still felt embarrassed.     

The three of them were now about to take a shower, when Silvya spoke.     

"K-kel-sama, If even men do it, how come y-you didn't. Are you not relaxed?"     

Mordred also nodded her head as they both stared and Kel's bulge.     

"It's different for guys, one way to relax is to actually use your breasts Silvya"     

Kel took off his pants and took out his throbbing hard cock. Mordred who had seen it before wasn't as squeamish as Silvya. Kel looked at Silvya and instructed her.     

"All you have to do is put my cock, between your breasts and move them up and down, it shouldn't take long since you two were close to making me relax."     

Silvya got her knees and looked up and Kel with a blush on her face. But she still followed his instructions and buried his cock between her massive tits and began to move them.     

'Sorry Principal Anders, you've lost your spot in 2nd for titjobs right behind Joshua's mom who still takes first'     

"Master is their anything I can do to help?"     

Mordred puffed out her chest but Kel shook his head.     

"You can help me relax next time as she's almost...there!"     

Kel shot his cum onto Silvya's breasts and face, Mordred looked on with wide eyes.     

"You were right Master, but how come yours is white and...sticky"     

"and kind of salty".     

Silvya added as she showed her tongue that had cum on it.     

"I-I like the taste of Kel-sama relaxed..."     

Mordred came close and used her finger to scoop some cum and taste it for herself.     

"Hmm...not bad".     

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