I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 29: Seriously?

Chapter 29: Seriously?

0About 30 minutes after Kel had his strange encounter with Annie another knock resounded. At this point Kel wasn't in the mood for another cock tease. He remained laying in his bed and simply spoke out loud.     


After he spoke these words rather than a another strange encounter, he got an excited Silvya instead.     

"Kel-sama are you rested?"     

Kel sat up from the bed and nodded.     

"Mhm. Are the festivities finally ending?"     

Silvya began rubbing the back of her head while laughing awkwardly.     

"Uh you see Kel-sama, I may have said you won't be coming until you rest so they said festivities won't begin until you're rested."     

Kel sighed but couldn't complain as he wasn't very clear with his words. So he just stood up from the bed and walked towards the door but came to a halt as Silvya informed him of something.     

"Kel-sama, what about your reward? You can choose between an alteration or an ability".     

Kel nodded at her words and gave his response.     

"I want us both to have suitable measures in place against reincarnators systems. I wouldn't want my abilities to be displayed truthfully if scanned for example, I'm sure some reincarnators have this as a passive skill. Can that be done?"     

Silvya stayed quiet for a moment and nodded after looking at her staff.     

"Yes Kel-sama it is done."     

Kel nodded then finally took his leave from the room. Downstairs he found the titan holders seated around the seats in the room each going about their own way. They directed their gazes at Kel when he came down, he looked at them for a moment but soon left.     

"I guess he's going to the festivities, all that food. I'm so jealous!".     

"You know we aren't welcome Sasha, I'll cook us something?"     

"Hoh! Thanks Eren!"     

When Kel left the lodgings, he followed Silvya towards the City square where the festivities would be held. There he was greeted by fat energetic man with two women by his side. Upon seeing Kel, the man rushed towards him with the two women slowly walking behind.     

"Lord Saber! You're here! Good, good. Our Hero has arrived! Hahah, now the festivities may begin! Lady Berserker and Lady Archer are seated over at the buffet table, along with Lady Saber. We were just waiting for you. Oh I am Baron Demir Lark and this is my wife and daughter."     

Kel cast a short glance at the mother and daughter pair who bowed politely towards him, his attention then proceeded to scan the area and saw only people dressed in formal expensive attire while conversing. Kel then looked back at the Baron and replied in an annoyed tone.     

"Is this a joke?"     

The Baron immediately became nervous as a cold sweat appeared on his forehead.     

"I-Is there something you're displeased about Lord?"     

Kel turned his attention to the many homes further away in the lower parts of the City and spoke loudly.     

"You call this a City celebration but in actuality it's just a gathering for the wealthy and important figures of your City. The guards who defended the city in its time of need, the farmers responsible for producing all this food, the women responsible for cleaning the streets and preparing the food even in these harsh times and the children who became orphans after losing their parents defending this very city but still played their part in helping anyway they could are all nowhere to be seen. I will not force you to invite anyone, but I won't attend when even the people who fought by my side weren't invited. Enjoy your festivities Baron."     

Mordred appeared next to Kel and puffed out her chest.     

"If my Master doesn't attend then I won't attend as well, we'll drink elsewhere. Right Master?"     

Before Kel could respond, Illya and Berserker also approached.     

"It's no fun if you aren't here so I won't attend either. Let's go drinking!"     

Finally Archer, Rin and Astolfo followed and arrived by the group.     

"A drink doesn't sound too bad. Right Archer?"     

Archer nodded towards Rin while Astolfo showed a cute smile. The Baron who was now panicking quickly tried to fix his blunder.     

"Wait, Wait your Lordships, Forgive me I will fix this right away just give me a bit of time...?"     

Kel nodded and turned to leave.     

"You have 2 hours"     

The smiled and nodded rapidly.     

"Guards!! Get everyone to the square immediately, attending this celebration is mandatory! Nobody leaves till they are full! Chefs! Prepare some more food and drinks! Spare no expense!! Go go!!"     

The square now turned into a frenzy as people started running around in all directions shouting. But Kel decided to take a slight detour.     

"May I go in?"     

A woman dressed in clerics clothing towards Kel and nodded.     

"Of course Lord Saber".     

Kel gave the woman a smile and turned to Mordred and Silvya.     

"You two wait here for me, I won't be long"     

After saying so Kel walked into a dimly lit room with a figure lying on the bed.     

"How are you feeling my murderous teammate?"     

When the figure saw Kel his immediately began to tremble.     

"W-What are you doing here! I haven't told them anything I swear!..."     

Kel smiled and shook his head.     

"I'm not here to hurt you..."     

'For today'     

"Rather I'm just here to check up on you, my temper has always been a problem of mine so when you triggered me well this happened. Even if you told anyone, not many would believe you. If the case went deeper and we had to speak in front of a Saintess who can detect lies. I simply have to say you tried to Kill me. Who do you think will suffer more, me who defended myself or you who attacked. I advise you to be very careful now that you've made your intentions towards me clear...*chuckle*... I won't ask how the effects of the aphrodisiac wore off. That large group of men holding pouches of Silver outside tells me all I need to know. Anyways get well soon."     

Kel left the room with a smile on his face. Alex had an angry expression on his face from being further humiliated.     

'System did you scan him?'     

[Yes. he is above average, even for pure mana holders and is a skilled combatant, he was an orphan....]     

The system proceeded to give Alex a false history about Kel, which just made him angrier.     

"Dammit! No wonder he is so good at magic and fighting. He was raised by high tier mana beasts! It makes so much sense...but how am I going to beat him? System what are my chances of success should I fight him in a few months?"     

[0.000000000000000001%. Host has zero points, chances of getting stronger have been reduced drastically whereas he will continue to grow stronger, might I suggest being Lowkey]     


After Kel left with Mordred and Silvya, they picked up some alcohol from a nearby pub before it closed and went towards the lodgings.     

"Thanks Master! I can't wait to taste all these!"     

Kel smiled and nodded.     

"It's no problem, I enjoy a good drink too afterall."     

As they arrived at the lodgings, Kel opened the door only to jumped on and hugged by Sasha.     

"Thank you!! I can already imagine all the kinds of meat, drinks, pastries *drool*"     

Mikasa had to intervene and pull Sasha away. Kel didn't mind and maintained his smile.     

"I don't know what you're even thanking me for, Just get ready for the festivities or you might find the food has finished."     

Those four last words were enough to send Sasha running towards her room. Kel then turned and looked at the other holders who also had smiled on their faces as they watched Sasha run.     

"You guys should do the same. Mordred, Silvya I'll find you in my room I just need to use the restroom to tidy my sleeves are bit."     

Kel went towards the restrooms while the titan holders started leaving to get ready. In the restroom, Kel began adjusting his sleeves properly. Suddenly though, the door opened and another figure appeared near him, washing her hands. Seeing Kel not react to her being there, she spoke first.     

"Why did you do this?"     

Kel finished adjusting his sleeves and prepared to leave.     

"I didn't do anything, I just said I wouldn't attend if everyone who helped in any way wasn't invited. So just go ready with others."     

But just as Kel began heading towards the door. The blonde haired girl rushed passed him and blocked the door while looking at him seriously. She pointed towards him and spoke, still maintaining her serious face and tone.     

"I need to check your wound..."     

A/N: If some you had questions and my then sorry but the notifications are too many to see them all. With that said I shamelessly urge you to join my discord. Questions will be answered in the general chat. For those more cultured there's a meme-bank and lewd-bank. The latter having pretty good content. I'll release chapters there first from now on so I can post here with little to no errors for you guys. And finally the spoilers channel where I'll answer any questions regarding future content, love interests and what not for all my books. If you're an author feel free to shamelessly advertise your fic or fic idea and get tips to help you or gain new readers. New world's and waifus will also be voted there     

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