I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 14: Arrival

Chapter 14: Arrival

0As the priest finished speaking, a group of figures entered the arena and stood below the platform. The priest then smiled and spoke once more.     

"Sadly only 5 seal bearers have gathered together as the whereabouts of the other 2 are unknown. But it is only a matter of time before they are revealed, and our race will once more have its guardians. May the seal bearers please introduce themselves to the crowd."     

Once the priest said these words. One by one they began to introduce themselves.     

"Fiore Forvedge Yggdemillenia, heir to the Yggdemillenia Empire."     

"Celenike Icecolle Yggdemillenia, head of the Icecolle noble family".     

"Rin Tohsaka Trembelio's, heir to the Trembelio's noble family".     

"IIIyasviel Von Einzbern, heir to Einzbern family"     

"Heh, Alexander Beckham, soon to be the Master of the Saber class servant!"     

Alex's introduction had got him many angry stares. One could not comprehend how a nobody could so presumptuous in the face of nobility. When he arrived in New Babylonia he didn't get the treatment he thought he would. Being a non-noble, he faced quite a lot of discrimination from nobles. He was given a wonderful accommodation, food and servants to attend to him. He had tried requesting to see the Titan holders who stayed isolated from the rest of the city in a run down estate. He was of course turned away, and the same was the case by the Trembelio's and Einzbern's. Only the royal family saw him.     

They wished to know if he was willing to join their Empire and fight under their banner. He agreed, but with outrageous demands. The first being full access to all areas of the city, permission to visit the Titan holders whenever he likes, A high noble title and permission to see princess Historia as well. He was refused bluntly and told him his demands were excessive. Being confident in summoning a Saber class he made the Queen an offer if he indeed summoned the Saber class he would have these conditions met and if not, he would swear allegiance to the Empire without the need of any conditions.     

The Queen was reluctant but if he indeed summoned a Saber class. The conditions would be worth meeting, so she agreed, and they signed a soul contract. Breaking this contract would lead to one's mana pool being locked. The reason why the Saber class was put so highly was because the last one was extremely powerful. They didn't have much knowledge on undying spirits, so they could only speculate that the Saber was the strongest, although those who knew fate knew it actually depended on who was summoned. The Queen was an honest woman, so she had no need to refuse a soul contract, this was mainly to ensure Alex didn't go back on his words.     

He was now looking up at the booth we're the Queen was seated with her daughter next to her. The other nobles on the other hand all had different opinions.     

The head of Berthmolei family aborted and spoke.     

"A nobody dares to be so arrogant. How laughable."     

The head of the Vaulualeta family laughed happily.     

"If he has the potential then he can be as arrogant as he wishes. Don't forget, even our ancestors were nobodies. You're simply a spoiled child who rose to power due to her bloodline, Be quiet in the presence of real Lord's brat".     

The Trembelio's head laughed out loudly.     

"Haha, leave the child. She is about the same age as my daughter, of course she lacks respect and experience. Let the harsh world be her teacher. She's merely upset her family didn't produce a seal bearer,, yet a young man with no bloodline possesses it. Fate truly is a cruel mistress Haha! Don't you agree old man? Oh, don't be so grumpy, I know on the inside you're happy your granddaughter is down there".     

The old man McDonnell was referring to was the Einzbern head.     

"Tch. To me, you're all brats. Hmph, respect should be earned, demanding for it simply because of a title is pure dragon shit. Now let me watch in silence".     

The Yggdemillenia head smiled and laughed as well.     

"Always so cranky huh Einzbern, don't forget I'm your elder. You still a snot-nosed brat when I first visited your father. Haha, a perverted one at that, kept trying to look under my servant's dress".     

The heads seated in the booth broke out into laughter at Darnic's words. Old man Einzbern's face simply became even more angry looking than usual.     

Back on the arena, the priest was ready to announce the ritual to begin when the ground began to shake. A large wolf carrying a man and a woman suddenly came into the arena and all gazes went towards it. Some gazes like McDonnell's and Darnic's were very widened. Why? For McDonnell, he had personally tried making the beast his familiar but failed while Darnic who had been around for hundreds of years knew many of the beasts that resides in the high tier danger zones and the wolf he saw now was definitely among the most dangerous and violent.     

The stadium the people were in was under high security and Kel had to show his Seal to be allowed in. Which he now did again upon everyone looking at him and spoke.     

"Kel Zagaroth, Independent Magus!"     

Kel then patted Akita and spoke, looking at Silvya.     

"Stay here with Akita Silvya. I'm about to earn some rewards, hehe."     

Silvya bowed multiple times and then cheered Kel on.     

"Good luck Lord Kel!"     

As she did this her large chest was bouncing along. This drew the attention of many male nobles as she was a great beauty. Kel walked over to the others and spoke politely.     

"It is a pleasure to meet you all".     

After speaking this words, Kel stood near Alex and faced the platform. Alex was not happy with another good-looking guy appearing.     

'Dammit! Who the fuck is the guy, I don't remember him from the anime's, so he must be from the manga. Tch I should ask for height as well. Whatever, my main waifu will only serve a Saber Master and for the others I have the advantage of knowing their personalities, so there is no way I'll let him woo my waifus!'     

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