I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 57: Fus

Chapter 57: Fus

0Upon holding the Golden Claw, Lokir let out a hearty laugh.     

"Haha, this thing is solid gold. It should be worth a good amount of septims or does it serve another purpose?"     

Kel smiled before taking the claw back from him.     

"It serves another purpose, it's actually a Key. We'll need it later on so it's in our best interest to keep it. Silvya mind holding on to this?"     

Silvya gladly took it from Kel and nodded.     

"Lord Kel, What are these strange patterns at the bottom of the claw?"     

Kel gestured the group to follow as he began to walk forward.     

"You'll see soon enough, for now let's keep going. Yorgen should catch up soon I think".     

The group continued onward and soon arrived into a hall.     

"This place gives me the creeps, I see a pressure plate ahead. Careful, they may be more".     

Lokir quickly warned and was about to continue when a strange growl resounded in the dimly lit eerie Hall.     

"Grrr..., Grrr."     

Growls and metallic noises began to heard throughout the Hall. Lokir was quick to unsheathe his bow and began searching for the source of the noise.     

"Shit! I can't see a thing properly, Kel any luck?"     

Kel held his sword over his shoulder and began looking around aswell. Silvya did the same but noticed something strange.     

"Lord Kel, I saw something move, over there"     

Lokir immediately for the direction Silvya pointed and shot arrows in that area. As he did this he heard the growling grow louder until pair of pale eyes coming closer.     


Kel spoke with a smirk before rushing towards the eyes and swinging his sword. It only took a single strike with his strength to defeat the thing. As he got closer to the wall he an object against him.     

"Lokir, Silvya, they are some torches mounted to the walls. Light them up quickly".     

Lokir and Silvya split into two different directions and began lighting torches while avoiding attacks. Soon the Hall was lit and the group could see their enemies better. Lokir looked on with wide eyes while Kel prepared his sword.     

"What are those things?!"     

A surprised Lokir questioned while shooting arrows towards his attackers.     

"They're drauger, undead warriors brought back to life because we invaded their resting place."     

Lokir still confused could only fire his arrows faster.     

"Wait...don't tell me necromancy is involved here as well?".     

Kel finished off the last one before shaking his head.     

"No this isn't necromancy, don't worry, think of drauger like bandits just not living. But...if you see one that's wearing a helmet and has glowing eyes...find cover. Let's move".     

Lokir gulped before following.     

'What happens if I don't find cover....'     

After encountering one more group of drauger and going through a few more corridors. Kel and the others arrived by a large door.     

"Here we are."     

Silvya walked close to the door and ran her hand across it.     

"Lord Kel, What is this?     

Kel approached Silvya and held out his hand.     

"It's a Nordic puzzle door. Hand me the Claw, it's the key to opening this door thing both literally and figuratively. You see these markings below the Claw? They match these three movable rings on the door. We just have to align them in that order and we're in."     

Silvya nodded and aligned the three movable rings according to the pattern on the Claw. After doing so, Kel put the Claw into a socket in the middle of the door and three large click noises could be heard. Kel then backed away as the foor began to shake.     

"Uh...is that supposed to happen?"     

A worried Lokir was quick to voice his thoughts on the matter.     

"Lord Kel is never wrong".     

Silvya proudly said before puffing put her chest.     


"Well...Uh...I-...How can argue with that."     

'When am rich, I'm going get myself a bunch of beautiful women to tend to my every need aswell...'     

Lokir's fantasy was cut short when he began hearing strange chants.     

"Uh...What was that?"     

Kel smiled and walked through the now open door.     

"The real treasure of the crypt".     

Past the Nordic puzzle door. The group found a large open room. The chanting was coming from a wall with carvings on it. Before Lokir could comment on it, someone else spoke first.     

"*pant* *pant* Sorry I'm late guys, what's that strange noise?"     

Kel pointed towards the wall before answering.     

"Words of power. Just go closer and you'll understand or not. Depends."     

A curious Silvya turned to Kel and spoke.     

"What happens when you understand?"     

Kel walked closer to the wall and could feel the chanting become louder as he did so. He kept his eyes closed for a moment before turning back to the others.     

"If you don't understand it'll just sound like noise to you, but if you understand a Word of power. You'll be able to do this..."     


As Kel said this word, the group felt a large force pushing them and they stumbled slightly.     

"Wow...can anyone do this?"     

Yorgen looked on amazed as he asked but Kel shook his head.     

"It takes a lot of training or special blood running through you. You never know, give it a try. If the wall stops glowing then it's words can no longer be learned."     

Everyone stood close to see if anything would happen. Suddenly the words on the wall began to glow brightly and a light flowed into Yorgen's direction before fading along with the glow on the wall.     

"Haha I did it! Does this mean I'm special! I can't wait to try-*Boom!*"     

Yorgen's celebration was cut short as the sarcophagus in the center of room had its seal pop open.     

"Lokir quickly aimed his arrow towards and saw a drauger large emerge out of it, it wore a large horned helmet and had blueish glowing eyes."     

When Lokir so this, he slowly lowered his bow. He was about to back away when the drauger suddenly looked in his direction.     


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