I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 31: The Ultimate Heresy

Chapter 31: The Ultimate Heresy

0After Kel,Silvya and Mordred has taken showers and changed into their attires they proceeded downstairs to meet the others. Upon seeing Kel and Mordred, Rin showed a look of disapproval.     

"Kel, this is a celebration you must dress the part. People in the city will all see you tonight. That goes for you too, Mordred. Those clothes are unbecoming of a servant. Even Heracles got dressed as well as the titan holders. Silvya a little less revealing outfit will do as well. Quickly the carriages will be here soon."     

Kel ignored Rin's idea and began walking towards the door.     

"It's a city celebration, not some noble gathering. If you dress all extravagant how will the regular people be able to approach you? Besides, the less nobles that talk to me the better. No offense but most nobles make me want to slap them silly. Mordred would sooner die than wear a gown and we can't find anything else in Silvya's size so here we are."     

As Kel said this, most of the girls looked at Silvya's breasts and then theirs, this made their expressions turn complex. Rin hmphed and crossed her arms before asking her next question.     

"Ok fine but where are you going? The carriages will be here soon."     

Kel showed Rin and the others a smirk as he answered.     

"We're walking there, like everyone else. It's only a few buildings away so I don't really see the point of a carriage. Anyway I'll meet you guys there."     

Kel quickly left the lodgings before Rin could make an even bigger fuss. Outside he found city streets were bustling with people rushing towards the square. Others were doing final touches to decorations. Low class Magi lit up the streets with many floating specks of light that hovered around everywhere.     

Mordred for one seemed really eager for the festivities.     

"This is amazing Master, it's so much better this way. This is how celebrations should be haha, drinks and plenty of meat!"     

Kel smiled and added on.     

"You forgot women".     

Mordred's smile faded as she looked at her Master, even Silvya who was still embarrassed did the same.     

"I-if Kel-sama is still stressed I-I can help..."     

"Oie Master you promised it would be me next time, I also still feel stressed as I fought to much."     

Kel quickly decided to interject before they got into details.     

"I was joking about the women, let's end it here before the whole city knows about your stress Mordred".     

Mordred pouted but didn't retort while Silvya just kept her head down as she got a bit fidgety from remembering what happened not too long ago. It took about 10 minutes to arrive at the square which had many tables with food arranged properly with the biggest in the center.     

"Woah Master! Look over there! Oh and there!"     

Kel let out a chuckle as Mordred admired the paper figures of her and him that were hang around on some buildings. Silvya too saw some of her and Akita though her chest size on then was greatly exaggerated. This made her look at her own chest and then the figures.     

After close attention one could see many paper figures of the other seal bearers. A woman dressed in nun clothing approached Kel when she saw him looking at the paper figures.     

"A-Are they to your liking Lord Saber? The children of our orphanage worked extremely hard on them..."     

Kel took a glance at the children a little further away from the nun. They looked at him, Mordred and Silvya with wide eyes. Kel smiled and waved at them before turning her attention back to the nun.     

"I take it your orphanage has become more and more packed since the demons gathered near your city?"     

The nun nodded with a frown on her face.     

"Alas they are too many things to be rebuilt but families in town have been very generous and donated whatever they could, so we have managed to get by just fine. The goddess still watches over us."     

Kel nodded towards Silvya and began walking away with Mordred. Silvya gave the woman 5 gold coins which she received with trembling hands and tears running down her face. Silvya smiled and quickly ran after Kel. A child who was making her paper figure saw this and made the chest on the figure larger.     

Upon seeing Kel arrive the Baron rushed over to kiss ass, I mean greet Kel.     

"You look quite dashing Lord Saber! Even my wife can't take her eyes off of you haha!"     

Kel ignored the suspicious compliment and just nodded.     

"I liked what you've done with the-*BOOM!!*"     

Suddenly a loud blast came from a part of the city as flames began to engulf buildings.     

"M'lord fire!!"     

"Sire! A demon beast horde is charging this way!!"     

Kel furrowed his eyebrows and voices his thoughts.     

"This feels off...Akita go check on the demon horde, if it's something you can handle launch fire, if not launch water. Go!. Mordred come with me, Silvya, go into the air and tell me any strange observations you see."     

Silvya and Mordred both nodded and readied themselves.     

"Ready Master!"     

"Hai! Kel-sama"     

As Kel rushed to the lodgings he found the titan holders and seal bearers on the floor weakened. Alex and a horned busty woman with purple hair stood in front of the scene. The only one standing was a badly beaten and bruised Astolfo, who was getting paler and paler as he stood defending the seal bearers. Alex laughed at the scene like a madman.     

"Hehe, A shame that Kel couldn't be here after that humiliation he caused to watch this. You all laughed at me and shamed me, Now I've find my true purpose. To lead the demons into conquering all of humanity and you are the first. Behold my new demonic body and fantastic cock, a gift from my lovely demoness Magus. I will violate you all and turn you into my sex battle slaves haha. I can't to see the look on that bastar-"     


Kel launched himself into the room and landed his fist into Alex's gut before smashing another into his face. The demoness rushed towards Alex and spoke in a panicked tone.     

"Lord we must escape! He isn't affected!*Boom!*"     


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