The Herald Workgroup

Chapter 222: Are you stupid

Chapter 222: Are you stupid

0After an unknown period of time, I fell asleep in a daze. My heart suddenly began to beat violently while I was asleep.     

Feeling that something was going to happen, he suddenly opened his eyes and saw a black shadow slowly approaching.     

I exclaimed," Who are you? No, don't come over. Someone come over."     

Soon, the light in the ward lit up. A nurse walked in and asked," What's wrong?" "Is there something wrong with the patient?"     

After turning on the light, I could clearly see that the man in black was using a chain to lock the old man's body.     

I pointed at the old man with a trembling finger." Beautiful nurse, hurry up and take a look. The old man's condition is very bad."     

The nurse went over and realized that the grandpa did not breathe. She quickly ran out and called a doctor for emergency treatment.     

After the doctors and nurses left, in order to prevent my father from being afraid, Bai Qi had him sleep.     

After that, I ran over and pulled off the black-clothed man's iron chain. I did n' t want to let him go. As a ghost, I'll report you if you believe me.     

That black-clothed man, also known as Ghostly, looked at me with puzzled eyes:" You, can you see me?"     

I nodded and took out my token. I asked in a low voice," Why are you here to seduce that old man's soul?"     

The black-clothed man did not answer my question, only leaving a sentence:" Today is his luck. Next time, he won' t be that lucky."     

After saying this, he disappeared in front of me. That night, the old man finally managed to rescue him.     

The old family also rushed over in the middle of the night. For some reason, they all looked at me with strange eyes.     

They were all whispering amongst themselves, and one of them said," What did I say earlier? This girl is very strange. If it weren't for her being here, how could something have happened to the old man?"     

The other agreed," I think so too. Why don't we ask the old man to change to another ward?"     

Because of their words, I felt sad that I didn't sleep that night.     

Because of this, everyone was unhappy. When I asked to change the ward, my parents seemed to have heard something and agreed this time.     

Although they had misunderstood me, this made me feel very uncomfortable, but before I left, I still reminded them that this old man would be in trouble in the near future and asked them to seek help from an expert.     

However, they didn't pay attention to me and even cursed at me.     

After my father had changed to a different ward, I was relieved to go back. A week later, a group of people surrounded my door early in the morning and insisted on giving me an explanation.     

I was still in the bedroom when I heard a group of people clamoring. Before I even opened the door, I heard the general contents of their discussion.     

It was the third night after I went back that the old man died. They thought that it was all because of me, so I must give an explanation.     

I felt very sad and felt very wronged. I couldn't understand. Could it be that helping someone was wrong? Why did this happen?     

Just as I lowered my head and was feeling sad, a soft voice came into my ears." Are you stupid?"     

I raised my head and looked at a familiar figure. Wasn't that a male god? He usually did n' t see his figure, or did he say that I was dreaming?     

When the male god saw that I was stunned at him, he didn't stand on ceremony. He punched me in the head and I covered my head and shouted' It hurts'. The male god only smiled and said," It still hurts. Looks like it's not too stupid."     

I asked him curiously," Male God, what are you trying to say?     

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