Emperor's Reckoning

They Are Just Many

They Are Just Many

0The dawn had come from the edge of the horizon. The dark world that could only be seen by the blessing of its moon and stars now could be seen more clearly. However, what they revealed was not the beauty of it, it was devastation.     

The shimmering light revealed a mountain without a pointy arch to the top. Pieces of stones could be seen scattered on it as their shadows slowly shrunk with the sun rising up.      

Buildings of high had crumbled down to the ground they once stood. The road had been shattered from the collateral blow and the landmass had shifted. The current map won't work anymore as no statues survived. The usual landmarks were destroyed but a new one could be seen.      

One island was burnt to its entirety, though its size was small, were it not for the raging sea and howling wind, the fire might last as long as time itself. Whilst one was burnt to crisp, the main island that hosted the capital and the palace of the world had been swallowed back to the sea.     


The tall auburn woman slightly furrowed her eyebrows before turning around. She saw her mother coming toward her before the others followed along. One glance was enough to see Jin's face swollen to the brim. It seemed like the best wingman had failed this time.     

"Mother," greeted Cecile.     

Priscila let out a sigh as she put her hands on her waist before approaching her while shaking her head. Though her daughter was definitely taller than her, she hacked it by hovering to a higher altitude.      

"You need to explain to me, now."     

"Explain what?"     

"Don't act dumb, I know you're sharper than this, you got my best genes!"     

"Hey! That's mine!" interrupted Jin before he received a glare that made him docile and apologized.     

(Damn old man, you have no chance huh, fight her and it would only end up worst. Submit and apologize, that's rough) thought Lyon as he slightly twitched his lips. He wondered if he would be in the same position one day, however, he quickly shook his head. He knew with his nature that he would end up in a worse position.     

Cecile looked at her mother with her auburn eyes. They were naturally different from the other. Her mother and father both had natural eyes of black but their daughter was auburn. Though Cecile's feature was different from her biological parents, the latter never asked about it. Even the physician in the kingdom and their network couldn't figure out how was that so. They only had a suspicion that the sword tattoo on her nape that appeared since she was a baby was the cause. The mysterious symbol first brought them to worry that Cecile might have been cursed, but the moment they realized that was not the case, their gratefulness had overcome their daughter's unique features.     

"Cecile..." muttered Priscila as she looked warmly toward her beautiful daughter. The latter had gone and beyond, the word proud couldn't describe her feelings anymore. However, her skyrocketing power that defied the natural law of cultivation must have an answer. Now, the answer was closer ever since the name 'Lyon' actually exist and living right before her very eyes. She had never thought too much of it until recently where everything seemed trying to collapse her peaceful mind.     

Cecile darted her glance toward her husband who was still wearing her bathrobe that he found neatly folded on the table inside her room.      

"You don't need my permission for that, I still don't know who I am fully yet, in fact, I want to hear it from your words too. However, I think you know that I shouldn't hear the story from someone else before I figure them all out by myself."     

Cecile smiled before she took her mother's hand and took off. Jin was initially about to follow them but one gaze glare from his wife made him stood still.     

"So... what now?" asked Lyon as they were left by their wives.     

"I don't know, you know, the more I spend time with you, the more I couldn't figure you out. Lyon, my son, who are you exactly?"     

Lyon let out a sigh as he turned around and avoid Jin's curiosity gaze that fell on him. He put his hands on his back as he looked at the thick white clouds above.     

"I wish I knew that answer too."     

"What's with this gloomy act Lyon!"     

Jin and Lyon raised their eyebrows before the latter turned around and took a look against the voice that he couldn't be any more familiar with.     


"What? Why are you so gloomy? That's not like you at all," asked the woman with the gorgeous purple hair. She might have lost in every aspect against Cecile but she didn't back down.     

"Gloomy? Me?"     

"Yeah you, I know that things had escalated way far beyond the norms, but that just like you isn't it. You came to this ridiculous world naked, what could be worse than that?"     

"Oh, my..." exclaimed Yunesia as she covered her purple lips. She would have never thought that there would be such a story from the illusive Lyon Torga.  She will surely dig into this deeper than two volcanos stacked together.     

"You know... you don't have to tell everyone that..." spoke Lyon softly.     

"What I'm trying to say is, you should take it one way at a time."     

"But I did."     

"No you don't, what you did was taking a few steps forward but not even halfway there, you took another step to the side and went into that direction, thus the whole mess that you piled up yourself."     

Lyon opened her mouth but his words stuck in his throat. He slowly made a harsh swallow as he closed his eyes. He knew that Luna was right, the problem might have been solving if he were not jumping up and around. He took a glance against Lumina and thinking if he were not leaving for that mysterious library, maybe things had changed. However, he shook his head (What's done is done, the fact that I'm here changes nothing).     

"You're right, though I may not change my sudden burst nature, you're right," said Lyon.     

Luna was a little bit surprised that he would agree that easily whilst Lumina's face was slightly annoyed by the superiority display that Luna was shown.      

"Thank you, Luna, for reminding me of this. I need to focus on the problem at hand and finished it. Otherwise, I could never finish the other drafting problems," said Lyon as he clasped both of Luna's shoulders. His eyes were laser focus and they were starring at them.     

The latter was obviously turned a red shade of hue on her cheeks. before it engulfed her entire face. She could feel his breath but obviously, under the sum of spectators around her, she unknowingly boosted her thumping heart due to the romantic demand that increased their love tension.     


Something pulled Lyon's robe before leaving Luna's lips hanging in the air.      


  She almost lost balance before she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the front. It obviously was none other than the dragon woman, Lumina. The two of them may not exchange fists but their rivalry surely sparked between their gazes. The white tiger against the hybrid dragon, if they were to fight on equal grounds who knows if Lyon could come out unscathed, because surely if they were to fight, he will be the victim.     

Lyon smiled wryly as he looked at the two before scratching his head, but because of doing so, he suddenly remembered something before turning around.     

"Father, I need to ask something."     

"Hmm? What is it?"     

"Is Treas family really that influential?"     

"Huh? Why are you asking me that question now?!" asked Jin. He never knew that Lyon actually had not known the scope of what Treas could do.     

"Hahaha! That question is more fitted for me, err.. grandson? Anyway, Treas is not as invincible as the commoners might think," said the old man that was revealed to be Priscila's father. Lyon had saved him from the dread fate that the head of Treas gave him. Bad blood was going to spill and Lyon could foresee it from miles away.     

"Being drowned in riches, he had turned greed as his religion. There was nothing stopping him from what he wanted. Thankfully I'm an only child, or should I say misfortune? I don't know at this point but... he may have connections but not all of them are powerful figures. Some only after his resources, thus making them not a reliable ally for the Treas. Business is different than a kingdom, their relations will only stay as long as the resources are available."     

"HAHAHA! I'm first! I'm first! So that is the guy named Lyon! Your life is mine!" shouted someone from the gate. He had a scrawny build and he hardly breathe as he was drowning in excitement. He looked at Lyon like a golden goose that needed to be caught.     




His neck was deformed and broken right on the spot. He had not even introduced himself before he died in an instant. The hand that grabbed his neck opened his fingers before letting the corpse fell.     

"See.. not all of them is strong, they are just... many," said the old man as he made his first kill after such a long time.     

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