Emperor's Reckoning

Craving For Attention

Craving For Attention

0Ayumu spared no time before she went inside the room that his father was resting on. The guards quickly caught up with the foul smell before one of them even puked on the spot. Despite the horrendous regime to become a guard, he still couldn't handle that stench that could kill a rat, or at least that was what Lyon proclaimed.     

Disregarding the smell that could shrink one's nose into that of a pug. The pink-haired woman rushed to the side of the bed. She tightened up her upper lips as she looked at his father.      

His chest heaved up and down and was looking nothing out of the ordinary. He was as it is as she first saw him went into a vegetative state coma. He couldn't move a muscle except for his respiratory. It was probably the last effort of his body to stay alive.      

"The Gallant and Benevolent, Garuda. The righteous noble.... wake up... father..." muttered Ayumu as she gritted her teeth before her tears followed.     


Meanwhile, the young man that came and go as he pleases was washing his hands and face with soap whilst complaining words escaped out of his throat with every rub. Taking the white towel on the side of the faucet he dried his face first before drying his hands afterward.      

With one simultaneous clap to both of his cheeks, he smiled against the mirror before walking outside of the bathroom. His eyes were quickly greeted with a jade-haired beauty that was casually flipping up some sort of magazine right on the sofa. With her slender legs cross-legged to one another, the mature dragon seemed so relax while munching on some snacks on the sides.     

Seeing her eyes that perhaps only he found beautiful getting excited to a gleam, made Lyon puckered up a smile. The silver pupils were moving up and down, despite a dragon being not a domesticated beast, she sure was quite comfy.     

"Lumina, if you see anything you like, just tell me, I will... er... steal it for you," said Lyon before a slight thought.     

(Right, I don't know if I'm broke or rich at this point) thought Lyon before letting out a sigh.      

"Heh? Steal?" asked Lumina as she averted her gaze from the content of the page toward the young man that was out of the bathroom.     

"Yeah, well, it's not the first time, right? Remember that bowl of noodles and other kinds of stuff."     

Lumina squinted her eyes, "You really... well I think this emerald would fit nicely around my neck don't you think?"     

(I thought you are going to reprimand me for being a thief not to actually pick one from that catalog!)     

"Emerald? Got it, is that all?"     

"Hmm... I guess that's all for now."     

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?"     

"No it's fine," said Lumina as she flipped another page.     

Lyon pressed his lips against one another to the side before he approached her and sat right next to her on the sofa.     

"Hm? What are you doing?"     

"You know... I'm just thinking if the last time I got lost when searching for that mobile illusive library. I wonder if I got lost too if I went and stroll the town to find an emerald necklace. Hmm... what do you think?"     

Lumina squinted her eyes before she slowly closed the catalog in her hands. She threw it on the coffee table without averting her gaze from Lyon. To her slightly annoyed look Lyon grinned out a grin of victory.     

"And that's how we are all out here on a date haha!" shouted Lyon as he stood in front of the mansion with a hearty laugh that caught the passerby's attention.     


A pair of hands suddenly caught him from behind. The wondrous orange hair was fluttering before Lyon felt a pack on his cheek out of nowhere. Ryona was not playing games to show her wilderness side. Despite Luna and Lumina was standing on each side of Lyon's figure, she was obviously not giving a damn.     

"Hey Lyon! check this out! They got this meat with a skewer, look! It's still piping hot! You can see the steam coming out of it!"      

The voice was none other than from Cecile. The tall auburn beauty surely garnered unneeded attention from the people. Not caring if they were a male or a female, her beauty captivated them with no mercy.      

She looked at his husband was surrounded by the other beauties but she couldn't care less as she rushed to in front of him and showed what she had found. The meat was glistening with honey that mingled with the heavenly juices. The bright medium-rare pink of the meat was inviting his hunger as the burnt strip mark of the meat was unbearable to the foodies. He couldn't have but making a harsh swallow before his face drown in ecstasy.      

His drolling mouth was helpless to in front of the street snack. Without further ado, he sunk his teeth into them. The tenderness of the meat flows and dance on his tongue before he ripped it out quite easily. The meat was cooked to perfection and not rubbery at all. The seasoning was having a festive inside his mouth and he could only imagine the marination process and how many days did they store the meat to achieve such coherent taste.     

"Now that's a good start of a date haha! Let's have fun everyone!" shouted Lyon.     

The five of them went off and stroll together despite the jealousy that was permeating out of two of the women at the same time. Lyon was all smiles as he enjoyed the stroll inside the town. Some of the males were clearly jealous by his prowess of captivating those women together so that they clad on to him. Ice cream, crepes, even pizza were there to his surprise. From the street snack to the highest end one. They never went separate ways as they filled their belly with the delicacies they could offer. At one time, Lyon even drag out Yunesia who was hiding in the corner, and asked her to join with no shame in his eyes.      

The five turned into six in a blink of an eye. Despite the young man was wanted by whole experts in the world they were all relaxed and just enjoy the moment. If it were any other person they would have collapsed just from the thought alone.      

"Jin, who is he exactly?" asked the old man who was brooding over the town with his arms crossed.     

"My son," answered Jin.     

"I'm serious."     

"Heh, stop being so uptight old man, the fact that he is not on the opposing side of ours, it's already a blessing."     

"Hm... it's really hard to see you praising someone like that."     

"I know right, but I'm not joking around. He is really strong despite his cultivation realm. I bet you saw it with your own eyes."     

"I did, though not entirely."     

"I think my wi—" Jin suddenly furrowed his eyebrows as his eyes turned sharp. All this while he had been following Lyon's movement from above.     

"Look's like someone is trying to test his luck," said the old man as he followed Jin's gaze.     

"Mingling with the public, but he is like a sore thumb. Look's like an amateur is trying his luck, meanwhile, my son is... Eh? Where is he?" muttered Jin as he turned slightly confused.      

(He is gone?) thought Jin as he was trying to look for the group of six.     

"Hahaha! What a fellow!" praised the old man before he nodded.      

Despite being experts on the battlefield themselves, they could not manage to find him nor the five other women that were with him.      

"All it took is one glance away and he is gone, but what's more amazing was, his surrounding was also gone alongside him! This is unprecedented!" praised the old man once more as he grinned.     

"Meanwhile, that guy is confused and had nowhere to go. Old man, do you want to greet him?" muttered Jin.     

"Hmm... What are the chances that Lyon has caught up that he is being followed."     

"Considering him, it's pretty high."     

"Then... we don't need to," the old man smiled before he continued, "he will show himself soon."     

(Impossible!) thought the man that was tailing on Lyon and the other five women. His eyes were looking as wide as possible. Looking left and right before turning around. He saw nothing but regular passerby who looked at him differently. His sudden and suspicious movement definitely caught on their attention and his forehead couldn't help but exert out some cold sweat.      

(Calm down, calm down) thought the man as he heaved up and down to calm his heart rate. The thumping sound of his own heart was making him nervous. Never in his entire career that his prey would gone missing from his sight.     

"It must be luck, there is no way that he knew... damn it! I was so close too..."     

"I'm closer than you think..."     

The cold tone froze his spine from the base up in an instant. His goosebumps didn't manage to rose before his pupils constricted. (He is behind me!).     

"Your killing intent is leaking and your cultivation realm is too weak," Lyon took a deep breath before placing his palm on his back.     

"Shattering Palm," muttered Lyon before he put a slight force to the center of his palm.     

His meridian lines instantly broke to pieces as the absurd pain didn't even manage to make him scream before his eyes rolled up. Lyon turned around before blending in with the crowd like water joining the ocean.     


The loud thud caught the attention of the passerby before they noticed his twitching body as blood flowing out of his mouth.     

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