Emperor's Reckoning



0Grizzling bells that tolled away the mark of her death. She was standing choked without hands strangling her neck. The power of the glare was felt even by the others, especially for the alchemists. The whole seventh floor seemed to be under Assid's mercy with his bladeless weapon.     

(What enormous killing intent!) thought Mavis as his goosebumps ready to pluck itself out of his skin.      

(TH-THis is?!) Azleid couldn't believe it. His soul was not able to withstand the killing intent that was permeating out of a butler.     

(Oh no no no no!) Hilde freaked out. She would have never thought that the group could, and might very well be, killed Ning of Red Lotus. It would incite a war that would never be won.     

Lyon raised his hand, "Assid."     

"Guha!" Ning immediately raced for breath with her knees both on the floor. She was madly coughing with her eyes bloodshot. Her whole face had turned red before she heard Assid saying.     

"Forgive me, young master," said Assid before he resumed his walk to throw away the trash in his hand.     

Ning slowly looked up with her teeth gritted. She saw Lyon raising his hand still before calmly putting it down. He leered at her for a second before returning his glance back to the front.     

(Dang) Mavis smiled wryly. He had never seen the Red Lotus's beauty that furious before. (However, things might not be good moving forward for them).     


A loud thud was heard as Assid threw the unconscious alchemist against the wall. The head was hung down before the body sled down to the floor. Assid readjusted his glasses before returning back to Lyon and the others.     

Ning furiously got up before pointing at Lyon's group. "You!"     

"Hush!" Lyon put his finger on top of his lips. "It's starting any moment now."     

(This bastard!) Ning clenched her fist before she raised her momentum. She was about to jump out before Mavis stood in front of her with his dumb smile.     

"Mavis! Out of my way! I will teach him a lesson," glared Ning.      

Mavis shrugged his shoulders, "You said about the honor of this place, where did that go?"     

"Kh! You! Don't tell me you are picking his side?!" said Ning.     

"I'm picking neither here, I'm here to have a good time and buy some stuff, can't do that with you fighting him."     

"Huh? What are you talking about? Fight? With him? You think he even worth more than a fist?" said Ning with her high pride tone. "Hmph!"     

"You should shut your mouth when you can woman," Cecile said loudly.     

"What did you say?" Ning pushed Mavis away before finding Cecile towering her. (W-What a tall lithe woman!).     

"We are here for an auction and enjoy our time, please don't force my subordinates' hands," said Cecile before she looked at the three on the verge of pulverizing the Red Lotus's beauty at any given moment. "I can't control them if they want to sever your head."     

"I-Is that a threat? Are you threatening me?" Ning glared.     

"No, this is a warning," said Cecile as she turned around before she muttered audibly with her head shaking, "Unbelievable."     

"Kh!" Ning tensed her shoulders as she glared at Cecile's back. She gritted her teeth as she was ready to paunch her.     

Mavis immediately got a hold of her waist as she was glaring at Cecile.      

"Let me go, let me—!!" Her eyes opened wide the moment Cecile leered over.     

The image of a True Dragon, a Devil Ape, and the Calamity Goat, was staring her down. It was a flash of a smirk from Cecile before everything vanished.     

Ning was stunned as she saw the images flash her eyes. She blinked in disbelief before realizing her hands were trembling.     

"Good, you calmed down," said Mavis. "Phew! I thought everything would go south there, haha!"     

Ning furrowed her brows as she leered at Mavis, "Hmph!" She sat down with her arms crossed and her face pouting. However, she couldn't shake the feeling that Cecile gave her. She could feel that she was a pinch away from dust. After Mavis sat back to his seat with a sigh of relief, she occasionally looked at Lyon's group.     

"Who is she... more importantly, who is he?" Ning muttered.     

Disregarding Hilde that let out a sigh of relief with her back sled down the chair, Lumina was furrowing her brows.     

Lumina leaned to Cecile's side, "Are you sure it's alright to antagonize her?"     

Cecile chuckled, "Don't worry about it, a prideful woman like her won't even tell a single soul, not even the other people here would dare to expose what happened as they cannot afford it."     

"Prideful, huh," said Lumina before she straightened her back against the seat.     

Azleid who was observing like the rest of the onlookers was furrowing his eyebrows. Even he had to show respect against Ning of Red Lotus, however, this group show none. He knew what transpired on the first floor, he was the direct witness of it, never thought that Lyon would retaliate. Furthermore, so soon.     

(Who is he? Why is he unknown?) Azleid furrowed his brows.     

Lyon smirked as he made himself comfortable. He was nonchalant and unfazed by what had happened, in fact, he only lift his hand the whole time to settle the situation.     

Minutes went by before the auctioneer made her way on the podium provided.     

Lyon's eyes went brighter the moment he realized the auctioneer was a woman whereas Lumina rolled her eyes seeing his reaction.     

"Good evening everyone! I hope you all have a fantastic day beforehand.... eh?"     

She twitched her eyebrows as she could feel the awkward atmosphere filling the seventh floor. (Did I miss something?) then she looked down to see if she had a wardrobe malfunction, but there was not any.     

"W-Well, I will use this chance to greet our esteemed guest!" the woman tried and live up to the moment. "Good evening young master Mavis! Good evening young master Azleid! Good evening Miss Ning! I hope you all get the items you are looking for."     

Then she noticed another young man sitting between two astonishing beauties with his legs crossed. The supreme charm that he exuded immediately brought the reds on her cheeks.     

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