Emperor's Reckoning



0"It's Elder Tamuh!"     

"Damn two of the four elders are here!"     

The alchemists were awed by the presence of the two elders. These two were amongst the most influential figure in Alchemy Union. One word from one of them could change the fate of an alchemist's career.     

"Tamuh, what a surprise," Elise rolled her eyes.     

Tamuh snorted in contempt.     

"Nice to meet you, Elder Tamuh," Ark bowed before the three women immediately followed suit.     

"Ah, Ark, nice to meet you too, how is it going with your alchemy art?" asked Tamuh with a smile.     

"It's been developing fine Elder Tamuh, thanks for asking!" Ark smiled.     

Tamuh nodded twice, "En, en, keep up the good work."     

"Ah, absolutely!" Ark was definitely elated.     

Tamuh nodded one last time before looking at Elise and crossing his arms, "See, you should pick up a student like me, don't bundle up your knowledge all by yourself, teach others, hahaha!"     

"Tch!" Elise was not keen on his condescending tone.     

"Tamuh, that's not a way to treat an elder like yourself," an older woman walked calmly to the scene.     

Her hair was pale white and her skin was clearly in constant battle with time. Her hand was frail and skinny to the bone. She might not have a hunch back but the youthful spirit in her steps was not for shame. She was smiling.     

"Tch!" Tamuh frowned.      

"It's Elder Malaqa!"     

"It's her!"     

"The oldest Elder!"     

Malaqa frowned, "Who said that?!"     

The alchemists were dead silent.      

"Hm! Ungrateful brat.." she muttered before looking at Elise with a smile. "Good afternoon, Elise."     

"Good afternoon, teacher," Elise smiled.     

"Please drop the teacher part, my duty of teaching you is a time for the past in the present you are the same as we three."     

Lyon raised his brows.     

"And good afternoon to you, young man," Malaqa smiled at Lyon.     

"En," Lyon smiled, "Good afternoon."     

"Oh?" Malaqa raised her brows, "You're not going to call me Elder Malaqa?"     

"Haha, sorry, but you're not my elder," said Lyon with a gentle smile.     

Alchemy Union was gawked by his words. Even Griffie couldn't believe her eyes.      

(That brat!) Tamuh's eyes almost turned bloodshot as he gritted his teeth.     

Elise gaped in disbelief as she averted her glance toward her teacher. She might be old, but her influential value had exceeded her. If she wanted to make Lyon dead, it would only need a few of her Summoning Ruby Stones to do the trick. Nobody knew how many powerful people she knew, nor the numbers, but based on her age, she might even hold an arsenal of an army rivaling that of a kingdom at her disposal.     

Malaqa smiled, "That is true."     

The alchemists let out a sigh of relief.     

Lyon chuckled with a snort.     

"Oh, what seems to be amusing?" asked Elder Malaqa with a smile. The alchemists gasped once more.     

"Please excuse my humor," said Lyon as he shook his head.     

"Oh, you have an unusual humor," Elder Malaqa chuckled. The alchemists let out a sigh of relief once more.     

"I know," said Lyon as he glanced at Elise and raised both of his eyebrows.     

(What is he implying? Why do I feel bad?) Elise frowned.     

"Well, it seems like you need to go somewhere, but this kunpeng, will be troublesome due to its size, who does it belong to?" asked Elder Malaqa.     

Tamuh grinned, "Young man!"      

He approached Lyon and his group before saying, "We never have a full-sized kunpeng deliver it for us, if you and your group could hunt this beast several times over then you and I can have some business."     

"Tamuh, can't you see that I'm talking here?" said Elder Malaqa.     

"Hahaha, sorry, but I can't help to jump on the opportunity."     

"Clearly," said Malaqa before returning her glance at Lyon. "So who does it belong to again?"     

Lyon smiled, "This kunpeng belongs to my client, Renduval. If you want to buy it off of him then you will have to ask him and not me."     

The elder's eyes landed on Renduval as the latter's nervousness hit a threshold.      

"Ah, Renduval, yes I remember you," said Tamuh with a smile on his face. "Tell me, young man, how much do you sell this."     

"I'm sorry Tamuh, but I'm interested in this fledgling as well, a full carcass without any loss of organ is pretty rare," said Elder Malaqa. "Name the price, Renduval."     

Renduval was overwhelmed by the situation as he looked at both elders. If he sold it to one of them it would offend the others.     

His eyes looked at Elder Tamuh. (If I sell it to him then I would offend Elder Malaqa, is it worth it to offend such an elder?)     

Then his eyes averted at Elder Malaqa (If I sell it to her then... I think offending Elder Tamuh is quite frightening).     

His lips trembled as he opened them. "I-I—"     


"SADLY!" Lyon smiled as he applied an amount of force in his grip against Renduval's shoulder. "My client here still has the duty to bring us somewhere, surely you guys won't pressure this young boy to make a decision right now? Right? After all, you are all the elders of the respected Alchemy Union."     

The three elders were taken back by his response but Lyon couldn't care less as he pushed Renduval. "C'mon, show us the way, hahaha!"     

"W-Wait! I—"     

Lyon pushed his back again.     

"I still—"     

Lyon pushed again.     


Lyon pushed again.     

"Alright fine! I can walk!" said Renduval as he adjusted his azure cloak.     

Lyon pushed again.     

Renduval quickly turned around and pointed at him, "You!!"     

Lyon raised his chin with his arms already crossed, "What?"     

Renduval squinted his eyes before he turned and walk a few steps before turning around with a glare.     

"What?" Lyon nonchalantly asked.     

Renduval let out a sigh before he turned around and got pushed again.      

Tamuh and Malaqa were speechless looking at him.     

Elise sighed. (I can't believe he is the one that I gave my recommendation scroll).     

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