Emperor's Reckoning

The Ones Pulling The Strings?

The Ones Pulling The Strings?

0The four of them faceoffs as suddenly the battle had shifted. The cultivator experts that were hunting the bounty immediately gulped. They didn't notice how Lyon got past them without any hint of him making a move.     

(He... if he wanted to, he could kill us all. With that speed, my head would be off my neck before I even know it! Who really is he?!) thought one expert as his eyes refused to make a blink.     

(There are over a thousand of us! That's over two thousand pairs of eyes! But no one sensed him moving?!) said another as he looked at the others having the same expression as them.     

"Look's like you're not boasting after all. With that flawless technique, they could have never beat you one on one," said the blonde young man before his eyebrows furrowed. His eyes turned sharp as he looked at the duo, "Fairly, I would have killed you by now. It irritates me to see a mortal could punch my face, but if you think my ego would get a hold of me, then you are fairly mistaken. Who taught you... and that woman... are you from a giant race?"     

"You talk too much and I thought that you two are a man and a woman, turns out you are both noisy women," said Lyon. His sharp tongue immediately brought out a chuckle from Cecile.     

"Watch your mouth!" shouted the blonde woman as killing intent was exuded from the glare of her eyes.      

Lord Treas raised his eyebrows before his astonished gaze turned into a glare as the words went inside his ears, "You insolent fool! Don't you know who you are talking to?!"     

"Shut up old man, I have no spare words for you left. Do you think I would get a hold of a value against a man who killed her own wife because of what? Greed? From your son, it looks like your wife is a good woman. Shame, she is married to an old turtle," said Lyon before he averted his glance toward the pair in front.     

"From the looks of it, you both are not his backing, but rather, he is being controlled by you. Since you brought mortal this mortal that. Looks like you're not from here either. So this is the power behind Treas. Also let me guess, the resources that they have come from both of you or your family."     

"One more thing, since you acted all high and mighty then your objective goal that I can guess is controlling the mortals. You guys are pulling the string from behind, making the image of heaven as noble and mighty as possible but in your eyes, mortals are nothing but garbage that can reproduce. However, you craved that attention, that praises, that feel-good feeling inside when everyone admires you."     

The pair immediately turned ugly as they looked at Lyon differently an instant. Their words stuck inside their throat as their mouth locked open. The disbelief was written all over their faces.      


"That face of yours is enough of an answer to me. You both are from heaven," said Lyon as he laid down his verdict.     

"They're from heaven?!"     

"Those two?!"     

The experts clearly heard what Lyon had just said, there was not a single word missing and they could see the pair's from heaven reaction.      

(This guy!) thought the blonde woman before she nervously looked at her brother.     

The blonde man immediately retracted his panic face before crossing his arms, "It seems like you are not just anybody. What is your name?"     

"Brother...." muttered the blonde woman.      

(Acknowledged! Someone from heaven has acknowledged Lyon Torga!) thought the expert cultivators. There was some whom entire life could never enter heaven so this was one of the greatest achievement one could have, though however, the context was far off.     

"Name? Your great great great grandfather might know it," said Lyon with a chuckle.     

Cecile chuckled at his answer. She knew that he was probably speaking the truth rather than an insult. With him embracing the fact that he had a past life and from the words, he heard, he was a capable man, so there was a chance that the blonde man's ancestor might know his name.     

"Looks like your sharp tongue is sharper than your sword, however, that cultivation level of yours deceived your skill," commented the blonde man before he continued, "Let me guess, that peak Godhood Realm of yours is nothing but a facade. The truth is, you are beyond Ascending God."     

"Beyond Ascending God?!" exclaimed the experts as they heard what the blonde man had just said.     

Lyon only smiled at his answer.     

"Look's like I'm right," said the blonde man proudly.     

"I'm here to kill this old man cosplaying a knight, if you interfere, then so be it. I won't mind killing an angel in broad daylight either... or whatever you are," replied Lyon quickly. With him shaking the topic over, the experts were locked in their belief that he was beyond Ascending God realm cultivator. The subtle trick was only noticeable by a few of his allies, one of them was, of course, the one that was standing right beside him.     

"You wretched fool, enough with your words!" the blonde woman leaped forward and left her brother. "Come giant woman! Fight me!"     

"Giant woman...?" muttered Cecile before her auburn eyes turned jade in a shift.     

"Huh?!" the blonde woman opened her eyes in disbelief.     

"Felicia be careful!" shouted the blonde man in distress.     

However, Cecile showed no mercy as she leaped forward like a dragon swimming in the sky. The blinding speed almost felt like a flash before her fist buried Felicia's beautiful face with a roar of dragon reverberated during the impact.     


The loud impact sent her body backward and forced her brother to catch her. But even with the help of his push, the two of them were still dragged by the unbelievably heavy force a few meters away.     

"T-Thanks Altre..."     

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