Emperor's Reckoning

A Stroll in The Night

A Stroll in The Night

0The sounds of footsteps were heard as a lone young man was taking a stroll inside the small town. The breeze of wind was for his alone to breathe as he saw no nightlife. Only the noise of his own footsteps accompanied him and the crescent moon that provided his sight.      

All of the buildings were closed, even the tavern that was supposed to open had its lights off. The young man looked left but saw nothing was opened. He let out a sigh before he smiled and said, "It seems like you are here for me?"     

A man with tall stature was standing quite a few steps away from Lyon. He had his arms crossed as his face was basked by the moonlight revealing his wicked smile and a burnt scar on his left temple.     

"I like it when the job is this easy," said the man before he opened his arms.      

"Job? What job?" said Lyon as he raised his eyebrows.     

"Heh, don't pretend kid, you just offended Sir Hezar, honestly, please mind your own business in the next life alright?" said the man with a sigh.     

"Oh? Are you one of his lackeys?" said Lyon with a smile.     

"Huh? Heh, you must be a crazy one, huh. Smiling like that even though you won't see tomorrow."     

Lyon shrugged his shoulder. "You see what I did back there, do you think you alone could defeat me?"     

"Don't get too cocky now," said the man as he clicked his tongue. "However, you're right, there is no way that I could kill you alone."     

The man snapped his finger before footsteps came from the corners as laughing figures came out one by one and stood behind him.     

Lyon raised one of his eyebrows as he took a glance that some also stood behind him. He was surrounded, and the small town was still as silent as ever.     

He could see some peaking eyes from the corner of a closed window before he let out a smirk.     

"Do you think this is enough?" commented Lyon.     

"I like your daring attitude, ashamed, you would work well under my wing," the man laughed. "However, your current cultivation is low. You're like what? Godhood level right?"     

Lyon nodded, "That's right, I'm a god now."     

"What? Hahaha!" the man laughed as his men did the same.     

"Hahaha! Good good! Hahaha, damn it!" said the man as he smacked his foot against the ground. "I never had such a good laugh before."     

Lyon snorted before smiling.     

The leader furrowed his eyebrows before he said, "You are not buying time are you?"     

Lyon calmly shook his head, "Sadly, I'm just a broke man with no money, how can I buy time?"     

"Hahaha! Alright that's not funny," said the man before he pointed against him. "Shouldn't have offended the man kid."     

"He works fast, that Hezar guy."     

"H-Hezar g-guy?!" the man sighed. "You shouldn't blabber your mouth like that, that's what gets you into this situation in the first place."     

"Hmm... I wonder why is the town so scared of him?" asked Lyon as he played the fool.     

"What? You don't know? Hahaha! Did you not realize that this town is built for the cultivators from the Mortal World?"     

"Oh is it? I don't know though, you are all looked the same to me."     

The valid point that Lyon just uttered made him unable to reply. Physically, the cultivators from Heaven and Mortal World had no difference at all.     

"Hmph! enough," said the man with the burnt scar on the left temple before he continued. "You can choose the type of death that you want."     

"Oh? I thought you are going to say the 'any last word' or was that too cliche?" said Lyon with a smirk on his face.     

"You joke a lot kid," said the man. "A mere Godhood should stop acting so haughty. The people surrounding you are all Ascending God's cultivators, and I have just broken through to True God cultivator myself yesterday."     

"Wow, would you look at that, a True God," said Lyon with a sarcastic tone.     

"What was that?!"     

"Boss! Looks like this kid needs a beating before kissing death."     

"Keep your yap in the afterlife kid!"     

The surrounding cultivators began shouting and yelling.     

"M-Mother, I'm scared!" said a young boy before he closed the curtain and ran toward his mother's embrace.     


Their shouts immediately brought the residences to a silent restless. The latter would have wanted to complain but their life could be left turn, the calm doesn't deserve the risk.     

Verdu and the others were standing by the window inside the room Lyon told them to wait. The master showed a sign of worry behind his eyes. (Being surrounded by that many powerful cultivators would be suffocating, not to mention being in the presence of a True God, however...).     

Lyon's calm demeanor brought him to suspect that he belied his true feelings but a part of him believed that it wasn't the case. Remembering that this man currently held the title of the 'most dangerous person in the Mortal World, he harshly swallowed his own saliva.     

"A True God..." muttered Porealus. "Being an Ascending God cultivator is unachievable by most but here they are nothing but bandits."     

He shook his head at the disparity between the two realms.     

"Big brother must have a plan already," said Zet though his gesture of placing his hand on his sword, belied his own words.     

"He had nowhere to run," said Verdu. "Only level five True Gods could fly in this place, even then is just for a short amount of time."     

The man with the scar smirked, "Hah! Looks like they couldn't wait to plaster you on the ground, your head will be presented in the main event tomorrow as a warning to the others. At least you know your death will be useful for others, hahaha!"     

The men laughed with their leaders but Lyon kept his arms crossed as if he was the one owning this situation.     

Meanwhile, in a narrow lonely alley, a woman was looking at the situation with a click of her tongue. Her icy eyes looked at the young man that was standing in the middle of the parade. "Huh?!"     

Lyon blinked one of his eyes against her before returning his glance toward the man with the scar.     

"Assid," muttered Lyon in a low voice.     

"Yes, young master," the butler immediately showed himself kneeling right in front of him in a split-second smack of the air.     

"W-What..." the man with the scar was stupefied. (Wh-Where did he come from?!) he looked at his subordinates before seeing their gawked expressions. (He bypassed my hundred men?).     

"Is it done?"     

"Certainly, young master," answered Assid as he pushed his glasses up and revealed his sharp eyes.     

"Stand up," said Lyon.     

"Thank you, young master."     

Lyon smiled as he looked at the gawked face that the man with the scar had. "You must be wondering how what and when."     

"Na? Stop acting so cocky! Just because your Godhood butler is here, then he can join you too."     

The veins on Assid's temple started to bulge before Lyon stopped his killing intent from overflowing with a tap on his shoulder.     

Lyon stepped forward before he shouted, "Assid!"     

"Yes, young master."     

"What did you find?" Lyon shouted once more.     

Ivy immediately opened her eyes wide. (Where did he come from?).     


Zet furrowed his eyebrows, "Why is he shouting?"     

Porealus and Verdu stood silent.     


"What the hell are you talking about?" asked the leader of the bandits.     

"We have found their treasury and looted them all. Not a single item from their treasury was worth your sight, young master."     

"What did you say..." the leader was having a hard time digesting the butler's words.     

"I see, where did you put it?"      

"Inside my spatial ring, young master."     

"Good threw it here," said Lyon.     

"Certainly, young master," Assid slowly raised his right hand. The perfectly clean white gloves of his were reaching for the moon before he snapped his fingers.     

Mesmerizing golds and antiques were immediately made their presence in the air before falling down to the ground. Some of them were broken after the impact while one goblet was bouncing repeatedly before rolling to the leader's feet.     

The man immediately picked up the goblet of gold before his eyes opened wide. "This is my treasure!"     

He immediately glared at the butler before pointing at him. "You! How did you bypass the guards!"     

"Bypass?" said Assid before he stared him down. "I just take a walk between two corpses."     

The man gawked at his revelation. "Wha-What! Impossible! You're just a godhood cultivator!"     

"Do you think a frog in a well knows the size of the sky?" said Lyon before he looked up. "Do it, Graham!"     

"Yes, master."     

"Huh?" everyone suddenly looked up in the sky.     

A figure was already hovering above the small town under the crescent moon. He looked at a certain location on the nearby hill before he brutally disappeared from everyone's sight.     


A loud deafening boom was heard before a slight tremor soon followed.     

"It's done," Graham was already back and knelt right in front of him even before the tremor stopped.     

"A..ck..." the man gawked before his knees went weak then slammed against the ground. His eyes were in disbelief as he looked at the crumbling spot from the hill.     

"M-My... hideout..."     

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