Chapter 806: 4 days & Idiots don’t know when to Stop

 Chapter 806: 4 days & Idiots don’t know when to Stop

0That night, despite being a strong cultivator, the beauty Tang Li didn't manage to hold on for long, but she managed to regain a bit of face the next days.     

For the next 4 days, Tianlong Yun and Tang Li didn't leave their room. Even their meals and drinks were brought to their room, clearly angering a few of the Tang Family people.     

The ones that were angered the most were clearly the young admirers of the beauty, but now none of them had an opportunity, as they couldn't believe that something could last that long.     

How could someone not get out of their house for 4 full days, it was crazy unbelievable, making them feel extremely inferior and unhappy with the current situation.     

Unfortunately for them, neither Tianlong Yun nor Tang Li cared about their thoughts and opinions, as they were fully concentrated on each other.     

Well, the truth was that during those days Tianlong Yun didn't just have fun with Tang Li as he even taught her a new cultivation art, that would help her achieve the potential of her physique.     

It seemed a bit difficult right now to be able to awaken her physique as he needed some materials that he didn't have, but surely once he reached the Immortal World it was going to be easier.     

With these thoughts in his mind, Tianlong Yun even taught her a few more practicing skills, as they both started getting ready for the Secret Pond.     

This trip to the Secret Pond was bound to be full of happenings but it wasn't only the Yao Family who would want to make trouble now, but even EITS, and some other unimportant remnants.     

Just because he had been inside his room for 4 days didn't mean that Tianlong Yun had no idea of what was happening outside, because his people were working hard in order to accomplish their missions.     

Qin Bao and the Qin Family had already started to act and take control of more than 30% of the country's resources, even though they were having resistance to taking over control of the army, and government positions.     

After all, no matter how strong the Qin Family was now, there were still dissatisfied people who didn't want to leave, and also those that had a bit of public power.     

All these dregs who didn't want to leave their positions for different reasons were trying to pressure and block the Qin Family's advance.     

Since none of these dregs was actually important, Tianlong Yun told Qin Bao to act with an iron fist, killing whoever didn't obey, and controlling the public opinion after.     

A lot of these dregs were involved in dirty business, corruption, and black trade, so it was easy to convince the public that they deserved to be eliminated.     

Of course, a lot of rumors spread around that this was the Qin Family's attack upon the opponents, but with the rumors about the Qin Family's increase in power, not many people dared come upfront.     

Furthermore, with the two big families, the Yao's and the Tang's not making a public and real move, everyone else was left with no choice.     

At the same time, Patriarch Tang had already sent Tianlong Yun a list of all the possible rotten apples of the Tang Family and had also helped him to get 5 more Elders under his orders.     

He could continue like this and slowly eat the whole place up with Patriarch Tang's help, but there was the Secret Pond matter in sight.     


Today was the day that Tianlong Yun and Tang Li would go to the Secret Pond accompanied by the rest of the Tang Family.     

When the new couple came out of their bedchambers, Tang Li had a rosy expression that was constantly turning redder, while Tianlong Yun looked just like a second-generation Young Master.     

"They finally got out of their bedroom! Everyone was thinking that they were dead inside the room due to exhaustion!"     

"Hmph~! Most probably they just stood inside there and played cards!"     

"But I heard the maids say that there were continuous moans, and sounds coming from the room!"     

"Acting, I don't believe it! How could someone go at it for 4 days! Impossible!"     

No one knew who started the whispers and rumors, but in a short time, the whole place was turned into a grocery market.     

It was mostly about not believing in the skills and abilities of Tianlong Yun to not be able to go for that long, but at the same time, they chided upon the actions and shamelessness of the two.     

If one heard all these people talking they would think that Tianlong Yun and Tang Li were some kind of adulterous couple and not a newly married couple.     

Tianlong Yun didn't really care about these guys' opinions, for him they were nothing more than dogs barking but for Tang Li, these words were too much.     

There was no way he was going to let his woman suffer like this under the barking of some dogs, as he looked at everyone with a scary gaze and said,     

"I would really appreciate it if some dogs stopped barking! While I don't really care about what you think and say, because it's completely worthless, my new wife does seem to care.     

If you have something to say, just come out here and say it to my face!"     

The whole crowd of the Tang Family people was startled and stunned as no one dared to step forward. They had no idea of the situation of Tianlong Yun's injuries.     

If this dark horse had managed to make a full recovery then they were just sending their selves to embarrassment.     

Seeing this reaction, the Tang Family Elders seemed to be displeased, while Tianlong Yun seemed to have been expecting this, as he continued,     

"Since you don't dare bark in front of me, then don't bark again, otherwise you will suffer the consequences!"     

"Tianlong Yun don't be too arrogant, where do you think you are!? Is my Tang Family a place where you can act so unbridled!?"     

Just when everyone thought that there would be no reaction, someone came out of the crowd and pointed to Tianlong Yun while screaming.     

It was none other than Young Master Tang Feng's father, who seemed clearly angry and displeased with Tianlong Yun. In fact, it looked like there was a truly big enmity between the two of them at this point.     

Seeing this guy Tianlong Yun snickered in his heart. He had yet to go to them to make trouble and ask for an explanation for what his stupid son did, yet the father actually appeared in front of him.     

"Hehehe~! Then do you have something to say, Master Tang!?"     

"Of course I have, you appeared in my Tang Family all of a sudden and bewitched the Family Head into marrying you with his daughter and become a son-in-law of my Tang Family to steal from us.     

Not only did you rob away the quota for the Secret Pond that had been won through sweat and efforts from the younger generation, but I even suspect you of stealing important resources from the Treasury!"     

The whole crowd was speechless, even Tianlong Yun would have a bit of a problem following this if he didn't know what this idiot was after!     

"Hahahah~! You surely know how to joke around Master! I thought that after your own blood son colluded with outsiders, and even set up an assassination on me, you would be ashamed of appearing again.     

But who would have expected that you would not only appear, but even spout such nonsense!     

I took that quota due to my own talent, strength, and potential. Because there is no one from the Younger generation that can stand against me, even if they are twice my age.     

Not even you can stand in front of me! If you aren't convinced just try it!     

What I truly wonder right now is what ploy are you trying this time to act against me!"     

Hearing those words the man's face went dark and ugly! Try it!? Try it your mother, while he hated Tianlong Yun he knew he was no match for him.     

For that reason, he was trying to use reason and coerce the Family into acting against Tianlong Yun.     

"Tianlong Yun don't try to twist reason, and force logic! There is no evidence of your venomous words, my son was coerced into doing what he did!     

Furthermore, it's not me trying to set you up, but the whole 'Family' knows about the robbery of the resources from the Treasury, and only you an outsider can be guilty of it!"     

"Hehheeheh~! What a good, you an outsider can be guilty! Hahaha~! Master Spokesperson, don't you think that you have come to bark at the wrong tree!?     

Your whole 'Family' knows that I and my new wife have been inside our room the whole time, trying to make a descendant for the Family.     

Everyone was whispering and mocking around just a moment ago, yet now you come forward and say something like this.     

Are you trying to say that my new wife is complotting with me against the whole Family!? Are you saying that the Family Head doesn't know how to educate his daughter!?     

Or could it be that the Family Head is an accomplice as well, and he is trying to betray his own Family as well!"     

Tianlong Yun's words and reasoning made the poor Spokesperson have some heavy cold sweat, as he couldn't believe that the situation had been twisted like this.     

"Tianlong Yun don't go overboard, these are all your words trying to set me up! I am just saying that everything will be cleared once we check you, and your room!"     

"Really!? That simple!? Ok, then…"     

Check out my newest book! Return of Lust!     

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