Chapter 309: Visiting Nanjing city once again

Chapter 309: Visiting Nanjing city once again

0Yao Wu Zi:" That b*tch of a mother that gave birth to him should have better swallowed him!"     

But now was too late to think about something like that. what he had to do now, was thinking of a way to deal with this situation.     

He could understand that the Tianlong family had risen through the ranks quickly in recent years, at least economically.     

Most probably his unwanted son had bought the protection of a powerful master, but no matter how much money he had, he couldn't compare to his Yao family.     

And yet he dared to say that his Yao family was just an ant in his eyes. He truly wanted to give his 'good' son a beating, and torture him while he had that sl*t Tianlong Xiangyun under him.     

She had made him angry too, he would make sure that from now on she truly understood his, and his family's real power.     

She would regret going up against him. Truly a short-sighted woman, not knowing what was best for her. Thinking all this though, he was enraged, and threw his glass away, breaking it in pieces.     

As this happened in the Yao family's residence, Tianlong Yun and his harem had a nice meal at the Immortal Hall, and then everyone went about their business.     

Leaving only Tianlong Yun, Tianlong Xia, Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing at the place. They were his wives, and also the people who could stay more by his side.     

Seeing their faces, and their smoking bodies, Tianlong Yun couldn't hold back his desire anymore and without any warning jumped over them as a ferocious beast.     

The three ladies had no thought of resisting as they all four started a long battle for dominance. This time though it lasted for more than 8 hours, and they were still conscious.     

After their increase in cultivation, the ladies stamina and power had certainly increased, so even after that long battle, they could still be conscious.     

If the batter continued, it would surely be Tianlong Yun's victory but they didn't have more time to continue, it was time for Tianlong Yun to leave.     

Biding goodbye to his beautiful wives, and kissing tenderly their foreheads, Tianlong Yun got up with a refreshed look, wore his clothes and got out.     

Jake Long was waiting for him at the door, together with Tianlong Huo and Tianlong Shui. While Jake Long seemed normal, the girls had a red hue on their faces.     

Tianlong Yun just grinned at them seeing their faces, and then said with a solemn voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" How did the preparations go? Did our useless dog take the bite?"     

Jake Long:" Reporting to Master, everything went perfectly, and our target has definitely fallen for the trap."     

Satisfied with the answer, Tianlong Yun said with a carefree tone,     

Tianlong Yun:" Very well, let's go now. We have a trip to make."     

With that said he started walking ahead while the two girls and Jake Long followed behind him. Jiang Bo waited for them at the door, ready to drive for his master.     

The reason he was being Tianlong Yun's driver these days was because he was in a mission handed over by the clan. And with his position he would attract less attention.     

Without much courtesy they got in the limousine and Jiang Bo started driving towards Nanjing city. His master had something to deal with there, and after that would take a flight to Shanghai.     

During the way, Tianlong Yun was meditating and concentrated on his cultivation, just like people by his side.     

The reason why he was going to Nanjing city was to meet his little slave, and also because there had been a great discovery in that place.     

Apparently there was news from the city that some workers had found a new strange stone while they were mining.     

This stone was blue in color and had a strange light to it. Not to mention that it was really tough to break, almost like steel.     

The weirdest fact was that it seemed like this strange stone contained a powerful energy inside it. But no one had any idea how to extract it.     

This was the biggest reason Tianlong Yun was going to this place, to inspect this strange stone. According to the description he had it was most probably a Qi stone.     

These stones were the currency of the Immortal World, but also a great resource of cultivation, since they contained pure Qi inside them, and was easy to extract that Qi.     

Tianlong Yun couldn't let a chance like this escape him, if it truly was a Qi stone, than he had to buy the mine there at any condition, and mine it carefully, and discretely.     

It was his good luck that there were his spies inside the mine, and after this was reported, they had made an information closure.     

At the moment the miners were still alive, and only detained. Everything depended on their attitude and the if the fact was true.     

Even the owner of the mine had no idea that there was such a discovery in his mine. But sometimes even the walls had ears, so Tianlong Yun had to personally go there, and have a look.     

Soon Tianlong Yun's limousine entered Nanjing city, and it directly went towards the red district of this city.     

Getting out of the car at one of the biggest and most famous pleasure houses in there, he was followed behind by Jake Long, the girls were left to stay in the limousine with Jiang Bo.     

Of course his arrival caught the attention of a big crowd, and also of the management of this place, since he was a new face to the city.     

None of them had seen him before, but they thought it was most probably some young master from another city, which had come here due to the fame this place, had.     

As soon as Tianlong Yun stepped inside, a smoking hot lady in her late 20-ies came forward to receive him. She had really dangerous curves, and her dress made her look even hotter.     

Reaching close to Tianlong Yun, she bowed in front of him, making sure that the deep valley between her soft mountains could be seen and said with a seductive voice,     

Hostess:" Welcome to our 'Seven Fragrances' Young Master. How may this little woman serve you?"     

Looking at her body with a bad smile on his face, Tianlong Yun said with a teasing tone,     

Tianlong Yun:" I have come here to taste the 'Seven Fragrances' this place has to offer. How about you take me for a walk around this place?"     

The hostess was clearly startled for a fleeting moment, but quickly recomposed herself and said,     

Hostess:" Of course Young Master! It's this little woman's honor to show Young Master around. Then if you please!"     

She made way for Tianlong Yun to walk beside her, or in front. Tianlong Yun started walking forward, but upon reaching her, he grabbed her by the waist, and continued with his tease,     

Tianlong Yun:" It would be a shame to go close to the spring and don't drink water, don't you think? Not to mention when it's such an exotic spring."     

The hostess was clearly surprised by his sudden move, and his words. Since she was just a hostess this much was okay, but she had never let someone do something more than this.     

A lot of Young Masters tried to touch, and roam through her body, and she was disgusted by that. But for some odd reason right now she wasn't.     

Being just a hostess, kept her away from having to give someone her purity, but from what she had seen everything had a price.     

Perhaps one day she would have to hand over her purity to some rich Young Master, or Master that took a liking to her.     

She kind of liked the warm coming from Tianlong Yun's body, and was frozen for a second in her thoughts.     

She was awakened from her reverie hearing Tianlong Yun's next words.     

Tianlong Yun:" While I do not dislike doing this, but I don't think we should be blocking the door, should we?"     

Quickly recomposing herself, the hostess immediately said,     

Hostess:" Of course, then let us go Young Master."     

She didn't try to escape Tianlong Yun's claws, on the contrary she started swinging her hips more, and enjoying his touch, while she said,     

Hostess:" Our 'Seven Fragrances' has three floors Young Master, the first floor it has a dancing saloon, and the mortal tier rooms, for our ordinary clients.     

The second floor or the earth tier is composed of private boxes that offer all kinds of services, for all the desires of our clients. Of course the prices sharply increase too.     

The third floor, is only one big suite, where the guest could enjoy the 'Seven Fragrances'. Of course each time the place is reserved, the girls inside are pure and untouched."     

What is Young Master most interested in?"     

Hearing all that Tianlong Yun seemed to be really interested in that 'Seven Fragrances' idea, probably he might have a look after, but now he had something else to do.     

After a pensive look on his face, he pulled on her closer, as her soft mountains crashed on his chest, as he said with a grin on his face,     

Tianlong Yun:" After thinking about it, I think I am more interested in tasting your, and your Master's fragrance."     

Not having expected such an answer the hostess was ready to say him not to crack jokes, but then the owner's secretary suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and said,     

Secretary:" Please Young Master follow me, the owner wishes to see you."     

The secretary in front of him wasn't bad either, while her curves weren't as dangerous as the woman he had by his side, her temperament and outfit, made one wish to sully, and dominate her.     

The hostess by his side was clearly surprised by what was happening, but remembering his first words, she could kind of understand what was happening.     

So she just followed without saying anything, soon everything would be clear…     


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