Chapter 331: Humiliation & Hurt Idiot Beast

Chapter 331: Humiliation & Hurt Idiot Beast

0The guards had been waiting for their Young Master's order, and immediately used all their strength and cultivation to jump towards Tianlong Yun.     

While they were overly confident in their skills, and almost had no doubts that they would win against someone as young as Tianlong Yun, they didn't dare to underestimate the Shadow Clan.     

Most probably this guy must have one or two protective treasures with him to keep him safe. As for the powerful butler that was accompanying him, their main force was dealing with him.     

They had planned so long for such an opportunity so they could attack Tianlong Yun. That was why placed every ounce of strength they had to attack him.     

It was just that the moment they were about to raise their first foot from the ground, they found that it was really difficult to even think about moving.     

It felt like their bodies had become really heavy, like hundreds of thousands of tones heavy. They felt like even their thoughts were getting heavier at this moment.     

They couldn't even move any of their muscles and were stoned in their position. They had turned into human statues in their place.     

All this time Tianlong Yun hadn't even turned his head to look at those two, or even Young Master Qin Tuo, they weren't worth it of his attention.     

While those two guards were 2nd level of the Golden Core Realm they weren't anything more than that. Also seeing that they were close to a century in age, it was even more average.     

They were just better trash than the rest and nothing more, as for their Young Master, he was just an idiot, a puppet used to test his strength, and he couldn't even understand his own role.     

This kind of idiot was the most dangerous one as they did everything without taking into consideration the situation. It was like one of those death soldiers whose only purpose was to die for their master.     

With these thoughts in mind, Tianlong Yun didn't deign these trash with his attention as he kept walking out of the party venue, while Young Master Qin Tuo was clearly angered to death.     

He had been humiliated like never before. This was the first time in his life that he had lived through something like this and he couldn't do anything about it.     

Most of the people at the party were surprised to see Young Master Qin Tuo receive such humiliation without saying anything.     

But the really few important, and strong people knew that it wasn't that Young Master Qin Tuo had done nothing, it was just that his move was too feeble.     

In front of Tianlong Yun's strength and might, his guards weren't even able to move from their position, let alone attack him.     

Faced with this situation, Young Master Qin Tuo, immediately asked for forgiveness, as he made his way towards the entrance following behind Tianlong Yun.     

The whole crowd thought that he was following behind him to take revenge and make him regret messing with him, but the truth was he was too ashamed of himself to stay there.     

That just made his hate towards Tianlong Yun even more lively, and deep. If he could he would be drinking Tianlong Yun blood right now.     

As if his bad luck hadn't finished while he was leaving the venue, with his eyes blinded by fire, he bumped into someone at the entrance.     

The person opposite him was a woman with her young girl, who seemed to be really afraid of the blunder they had just done, especially the young girl since she was the one who bumped.     

Young Master Qin Tuo was already in a bad mood with everything that happened, and now these two ruined his day even more by bumping into him.     

There was no way for him to follow Tianlong Yun and try for revenge as he wasn't as stupid as not to understand that Tianlong Yun was much stronger than him and his guards.     

He wouldn't go looking for his own grave, at least he had that much brain. But he still had a lot of pent up anger inside him, and looking at the duo in front of him, he got an idea.     

His idea was simple actually he would use them like a sandbag for his pent-up stress, hatred, and anger. The two ladies seemed to have sensed that nothing good was bound to happen, as the woman said,     

Woman:" Young Master Qin Tuo, it's a pleasure to meet you! I am…"     

But before she could continue and introduce herself, Young Master Qin Tuo snapped his fingers, as his guards went forward and captured the two women, and started sending them to the car.     

They were already used to their Young Master behaving like that, and lately, it had also been a way to curry favor with their Young Master.     

As for the victims this time, Young Master Qin Tuo knew them well even before they introduced themselves, they were Mayor Fu Chen's wife and daughter.     

This wasn't the first time he had met with them, and from the first meeting he had desires to put them under him, but he never had the opportunity, until now.     

Today they wouldn't be able to escape his clutches he would make those two beg under him. At least these thoughts made him calm down his nerves a bit.     

As he and the rest of his guards were walking towards the car, he didn't notice two shadows observing at them from a distance.     

It was Tianlong Yun and Yu Qing, who immediately after had left the venue and disappeared from the entrance of the place, escaping their surveillance at the same time, were waiting across the street.     

Their awaited guest was of course Young Master Qin Tuo. While he was just an idiot with a death wish, this didn't mean they would forgive him that easily.     

Not to mention that he was going to be a really important piece in the big families cooperation plan. So it wasn't a waste of time making him a piece on his side.     

He already had plentiful information on Young Master Qin Tuo, and knowing his temperament he was sure that he would do something like this, that was why he was lying in wait.     

What he didn't expect though, was that Young Master Qin Tuo not only was surrendering himself to him, he was also giving Mayor Fu Chen a motive to break connections with the Qin family.     

This was hitting two birds with the one stone, and in the meantime, he could have some fun, until that person managed to arrive here.     

As for Yu Qing, she was already pissed off earlier and she needed a good sandbag to let off some steam.     

Earlier she had wanted to kill those two guards that tried to move against them, but she was stopped by Tianlong Yun. These ants not only didn't know their place but even dared to think of attacking them.     

She was completely enraged, that was why when she heard Tianlong Yun say that they would be waiting here to have some fun with Young Master Qin Tuo, she was more than willing.     

They had to follow Young Master Qin Tuo's entourage for a while until they stopped in front of a big, and luxurious mansion.     

This was Young Master Qin Tuo's personal playground. This place was totally under his control, and all the servants working here were ladies he had subdued, and fighters his father had personally gifted him.     

In this place, Young Master Qin Tuo was like a God, and none of the people inside the premises of this mansion dared to oppose him or do anything other than his biddings.     

As soon as Young Master Qin Tuo arrived there he immediately ordered his servant girls to prepare his prey, as he would be there in a moment.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun and Yu Qing were waiting for someone outside of the mansion. Yu Qing had no idea who they were waiting for, but she would always listen to Tianlong Yun.     

It didn't take long for the person they were waiting to finally arrive at the place, but she didn't seem to be anything special.     

In Yu Qing's eyes, she was just a slightly better ant than the others, as she was still in her mid-twenties and had a cultivation of 7th level Golden Core Realm.     

Of course, she was a bit surprised seeing her killing intent, but that only because she had it. It wasn't easy for women to have this kind of killing intent in their bodies, at least here on Earth.     

But still, her killing intent was too thin, she had to work a lot more, and a lot harder to eventually have a killing intent that was worth considering.     

She didn't understand why they had to wait for her, it wasn't like they couldn't enter that place by themselves. With all the respect she was only a dead weight for them.     

Seeing her expression and understanding her thoughts, Tianlong Yun was lost in his own thoughts for a moment.     

If he hadn't been through what he had, he would probably think the same things as Yu Qing, and have the same opinion as her, that Qin Bao was just dead weight for them.     

But now everything was different, as he looked at Yu Qing's eyes, and said with a reproaching voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" I know what you are thinking little demoness, but you are being rude to your sister. You better stop that, you will understand later why her presence is needed.     

With that said, he turned towards Qin Bao as he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Tonight I can finally start fulfilling my promise with you, but remember that there is no turning back once you set foot on this road of revenge."     

Qin Bao just looked at him with warm eyes, as she said with determination,     

Qin Bao:" Mhm, I know! Thank you, Patriarch!"     

It was Tianlong Xia's instruction that only the women with the title of 'Wife' could call him hubby, all others would call him patriarch when other people were present.     

But now was not the time to bother about it, as they entered the premises of the mansion stealthily…     


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