Chapter 223: Ming Tong takes the stage

Chapter 223: Ming Tong takes the stage

0At the same time, Young Master Yao Fan was reminded of his own guest. He didn't know much about him. But he could still remember his father's words.     

'You have to treat that man better than you even treat me. He is someone we can't afford to offend.'     

But, that didn't mean he was not infuriated with Young Master Tang Wu's conduct. He couldn't lose face in front of his guest.     

Just as he was about to increase his offer, a sudden voice was heard from the crowd,     

Voice:" I offer 150k$!"     

The entire hall turned their faces towards the voice, it was none other than Ming Tong. The Ming's family, or clan was still in development, but their pace seemed unstoppable.     

Seeing the attention he got, Ming Tong said in a calm and easygoing tone,     

Ming Tong:" Sorry Young Master's, but just like you already might know, I am a lusty man and these fairies are to my taste."     

Nobody expected such an intervention, but this just made the scene even better to look at.     

In the meantime, Tianlong Yun was a bit surprised by this guy's courage and balls. He dared to face the two biggest families of China with an easygoing attitude.     

Either he was an idiot, or he had a powerful backer behind him. And seeing that almost all the biggest organizations were here, then who supported this guy?     

Actually, there was one organization left which could be supporting him, even though this guy seemed Chinese that didn't mean he couldn't be part of them.     

The Masons!     

They were the only organization that hadn't appeared until now. But at the moment this was just a doubt or a lucky guess. Tianlong Yun would need proofs to be able to determine it.     

This lucky guess though complicated even more the situation, and also made Tianlong Yun even more determined in his thoughts that they were here for a reason.     

While Tianlong Yun asked for Ming Tong's file from Jiang Bo, through a mental message, the situation on the second floor's hall seemed to have become more fired up.     

At the moment there were three giants trying at loggerheads trying to overpower and overbid their opponents.     

The two Young Masters of the Yao and Tang families were furious at the entrance of this new opponent, and immediately tried to show him his place,     

Yao Fan:" Master Ming Tong, you seem to be a really wise sage, I wonder if you could show some face for my Yao family tonight!"     

His meaning was clear, if you don't want to mess with the Yao's, then you better pull out from this bid.     

Right after his words, it was Young Master Tang Wu who spoke,     

Tang Wu:" No matter how much I hate to accept it, he is right Master Ming Tong, 'a chicken can't fight with two foxes for food'."     

Even though the Yao's and the Tang's were known enemies, there was one point where they would always be on one mind.     

One Qin family was enough as an example, they wouldn't allow another family to oppose them in China.     

Contrary to their expectations, Ming Tong didn't seem bothered by their words. Quite the opposite actually he started laughing at those words, making the two Young Masters furious.     


Then stopping his laughter after a few moments he said,     

Ming Tong:" Hahah… you are really funny Young Masters. You make it sound like we are here for a fight, and not for having fun.     

Just like you said, it's true, 'a chicken can't fight for food against two foxes' but are you really sure my Ming family is just a chicken?     

Just because we stay low-key, doesn't mean we are easy to bully. Now if you don't have anything better to add, you better start talking numbers, and not bullshit."     

How could the two Young Masters' ego handle those words? So they immediately were about to scream and berate him.     

Young Master's:" Youuu…"     

But before they could start saying anything, they were both stopped from their guests. They didn't say anything but their meaning was obvious, don't say anything further.     

In that anger that they both were, not being able to swallow what happened they immediately screamed their bid at the same time, trying to outbid this guy, and remember this face slap.     

Yao Fan:" 200k$!"     

Tang Wu:" 250k$!"     

This was the highest bid they could give, nothing more than that. They had never thought, that they would have to make such an outrageous bid for three women.     

At the end of the day, they were Young Masters, of the biggest families in China. Since when did they need to pay so much to get three women?     

But before they could enjoy the effect of their bid, Master Ming Tong immediately, calmly, and with an easygoing tone said,     

Ming Tong:" 451k$ and also an opportunity for investment in my new project.     

How about that, Young Master Qin Bao?"     

His meaning was clear, he was mocking the two Young Master's of the Yao and Tang family by adding just 1k$ more than their combined sum.     

This meant that even if they joined together it was useless in front of him. And the opportunity of investing in his project seemed like an effort to pull the Qin family with him.     

But while he still had that calm face, the same couldn't be said for the red faces of Young Master Yao Fan, and Young Master Tang Wu.     

They couldn't handle this mocking, this face slap, coming from a powerless and weak family like the Ming's.     

But they had no more money, and even if they joined their money it would be useless.     

At this moment they both thought of their rich guests, no matter how less they knew about their guests, both of them had no doubts over their wealth.     

But just as they turned their hopeful faces towards them, they were destined for another disappointment. Both of them had clear refusing faces.     

This just made the two Young Masters even more wrathful towards Ming Tong. They couldn't get angry or wrathful towards their guests, because they had already been warned by their family.     

There was only one thing in their minds at the moment, and that was teaching that idiot bastard a good lesson.     

A lesson to not mess again with the Yao and the Tang family.     

Seeing their lost faces and hearing no-bid coming from the two Young Masters, Gao Ling started the count,     

Gao Ling:" The situation is really fired up, Master Ming Tong offered last 451k$ and the opportunity of investment. Are there any higher bids?     




Master Ming Tong is the winner of our small Auction.     

We congratulate him on the win, and wish Master Ming Tong to have a good time with our fairies."     

After that, she sent the fairies towards their customer for the night with a round of applause.     

 Just as the winner was decided, Qin Bao stood up from his place, and in the midst of his congratulations for Ming Tong he said,     

Qin Bao:" I would like to congratulate Master Ming Tong on his conquest of this night, and hope that he gets his money's worth.     

Also, I want to clarify one thing, in the investment opportunity with Master Ming Tong, it will only be me Qin Bao as a partner, and not the Qin's family."     

His words were expected in a way, especially after that episode between Ming Tong and the Young Masters from the Yao and Tang families.     

Ming Tong seemed to have expected something like this from Qin Bao, and just accepted the fairies by his side and said,     

Ming Tong:" Thank you Young Master Qin Bao. It will be an honor having you as a partner in my next project."     

Finishing with the courtesy, he left the hall making way towards the VIP pavilion.     

On the other hand, Qin Bao took once again the control over the situation and said,     

Qin Bao:" Our main stars of the night might have left, but there are still many beautiful girls for us to enjoy.     

In the meantime, we can talk and have fun together, while enjoying their company."     

Clapping his hands while he spoke to the people in the hall, immediately the doors to the place opened and around 20 beautiful girls and ladies entered the hall.     

As soon as they entered, the girls started dancing and singing, it was truly a piece of beautiful music and view. It looked like a spring night with the fireflies illuminating the place.     

Even though these girls and ladies were here just as singers, dancers, and companions of the guests, they still managed to bring a warmer atmosphere to the place.     

And while the girls and the ladies sang and danced, a few of them handed letters to each and every family participating in this event.     

The letters were clearly handwritten, inviting them to a personal talk after the show.     

But the main letters were written to Young Master Qing Fang and Master Jiao Wen. Of course, the Young Masters of the Yao and Tang families weren't invited to their talk.     

These letters made both men feel that there was something odd happening here, but they didn't know what, even EITS had no information about this.     

From the writing on this piece of paper, they were amazed by the calligraphy, and it looked like in every letter they could find inspirations about their breakthrough.     

Truly unexpected and surprising. There was no way in hell that Qin Bao had written these letters. Then who did it?     

But their answers would only be answered after this show.     

Since all the guests of the event took a handwritten letter for an after-party meeting, the same happened with the patriarch of the Shao family, Shao Shuo Yang.     

No one knew what was written there, not even his son. they just knew that receiving that letter, the patriarch released a long sigh, and said,     

Shao Shuo Yang:" Sighh~. Apparently…     


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