Chapter 324: Wei family dissappears

Chapter 324: Wei family dissappears

0In a flash, all of the people that were under the effect of the black mist started falling down like puppets whose strings had been cut.     

It was truly a frightening and weird scene to watch, people were falling dead in a blink like they were just some ants being crushed by a bigfoot.     

At that moment, Patriarch Wei was completely stupefied, he didn't expect such a thing to happen, even after he was turned into a slave of Tianlong Yun.     

Seeing all the juniors of his family fall on the floor with no heartbeat, his heart was filled with grief and anger, but there was nothing he could do.     

He wasn't strong enough to fight Tianlong Yun, not to mention that it was already impossible for him to escape the slave seal he had right now.     

His only way left seeing all this was death, his heart couldn't handle it anymore, he wanted to die, but while he was thinking of leaving this world, he heard an order inside his soul,     

Tianlong Yun:" Don't you dare die, or kill yourself until you have completed your purpose. You can only die after I give you my permission!"     

Cruel! Ruthless! Merciless! This kid wasn't even letting him die so that he could escape this horrible reality.     

He couldn't bear watching it happen, but he couldn't die either. He could only suffer in anger and rage as his bloodline was getting evaporated from this world.     

At that moment he thought about all the women, and the little kids of his clan, if he were to die here, then all those vultures around his family would take this opportunity to take them down.     

He had a lot of complex feeling right now, what could he do? This was the first time he really regretted being greedy, and not knowing how to educate the younger generation.     

There were no tears coming out of his eyes, it was like the pain and shock was too big for him, like his eyes were dry of any liquid.     

Looking at his state Tianlong Yun kind of felt sorry for him for a moment, but it was their own fault for messing up with someone they shouldn't.     

No matter what World it was, there was one thing in common, the strong make the rules, and the weak can only abide by them.     

While the Wei family was powerful in their own right, they made one mistake after the other and directed their eyes towards something they shouldn't.     

But things weren't finished yet, while he had killed almost all of the Wei family members and disciples, there were still a lot of members left in their mansion.     

The women, and the kids! While they were innocent and pure at the moment, not prompting any danger, the same couldn't be said for the future.     

It wasn't like they could create big nuisances for him in the future, but at the same time, he had to set a clear example for the others.     

With this thought in mind, he decided to stop wasting his time in here, and head towards the Wei's Mansion.     

Immediately after, a black flame started to erupt out of everyone's body, turning them into ash in just a blink of an eye.     

It was truly frightening and terrifying, even for Yu Qing who was still behind the small table inside the box, at that moment she felt the evilness of that black flames, and made her soul shiver.     

it was clear to her that those flames were cultivated using evil arts. Were the rumors about Tianlong Yun true after all? She didn't know what to think, but as she was about to question him, he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Everything on its own time little demoness, now we need to head towards Wei's Mansion, we have other things to take care of right now."     

Hearing those words Patriarch Wei's heart seemed to have finally broken in two, as his mind seemed to be losing its health too.     

Noticing this, Tianlong Yun understood that perhaps he had been thinking too highly of this old man, but he couldn't let him lose his mind here.     

He had plans about how to use him, and it was still too early for him to die, or go crazy for that reason he sent him a mental message to keep his hopes alive,     

Tianlong Yun:" Old Man I can't have you lose your mind right now, so I am giving you a chance. Complete the assignments I give you and I promise you I won't mistreat the rest of your family."     

The Old Patriarch Wei that seemed to be losing his soul at that moment, seemed to have regained a drop of hope at that moment.     

While it seemed weird that he believed Tianlong Yun that fast, he was in a desperate situation, in eternal darkness, and suddenly a ray of hope passed by him.     

In that moment of eternal darkness, that ray of hope is enough to keep a man living and give him the courage to bent mountains and drain oceans.     

It was the same thing with Old Patriarch Wei, who seemed to have aged so much in just a few moments, but that didn't matter, as long as his family and descendants had a choice to live, he didn't care.     

Seeing that his words had the desired effect Tianlong Yun didn't continue any longer, as he, Yu Qing, Jake Long, and Patriarch Wei took a car towards the Wei Mansion.     

It wasn't difficult for them to reach there, and with Patriarch Wei's help all the women in the Wei family, including their descendants were gathered inside a big hall, in the Mansion.     

Since he wasn't a fan of drama and tears, Tianlong Yun just directly covered them with his spirit sense and sent them inside a special area inside the Old Pouch.     

Right now they had to disappear from the eyes of the World, from today onwards Earth would totally forget about the Wei family of Shanghai.     

In just one night, one of the 2nd rate families of China had been erased from the face of the earth, just because they couldn't control their greed, and didn't educate well their descendants.     

Who would dare to have thoughts about Tianchang City from this day onwards? It was clear that the Shadow Clan was its owner, and that anyone had to think twice from now on.     

But while the world would learn of this only the next day, the biggest families in China and the biggest organizations worldwide were already notified.     

They had gotten the information from the moment this all thing started, but they thought it was just a trifle matter, and not worth considering.     

Who would have thought that it would end with the erase of a whole 2nd rate family, and the only one left would be for irony its patriarch, who now could only mourn the ashes.     

Nevertheless, this happening was sure to create many ripples not only in China but in the whole world. Lately, too many powers had started to show themselves, and get out of the shadows.     

This little planet was heading towards a chaotic time, and it seemed like World War 3 would be inevitable soon.     

While normal people lived peacefully in the bliss of their ignorance, the powers that were emerging seemed to be working hard to have a foot on this planet once the war was over.     

The chaos was getting bigger and bigger, with all of these wild powers showing up, but to the really big powers, there was only one possible opponent, the Shadow Clan.     

That was why while this might seem worthless at first sight, it was a piece of critical information for the big powers, this was the first major event from the appearance of the Shadow Clan.     

It clearly showed their arrogance, and power, and also stating their claim to participate in this World War 3. They were in the same position as their current partners.     

This was a piece of bad news for the balance that was created until now because they were able to topple that balance any time.     

Especially since the other powers didn't know the extent of the Shadow Clan's reach and strength. Not to mention that right now they had a connection to all the big powers.     

They seemed like a decisive piece in the upcoming war. Thought this didn't mean that the big powers truly thought of the Shadow Clan as an opponent.     

While they were mysterious and seemed to have comparable power to them, they had a long tradition and well-hidden power that could easily crush them in their opinion.     

To them, the Shadow Clan was just like a good chess piece that could perfectly play the role of the cannon fodder.     

That was why they all intended to show their goodwill to the Shadow Clan, and stay out of Tianchang City, even though it was a good piece of meat.     

This was also the reason why Tianlong Yun was so daring as to completely erase a 2nd rate family from China's history.     

It wasn't that he feared the other big organizations, quite on the opposite they had already lost all their opportunity against him, especially with Yu Qing join his ranks.     

But there was one more thing he had to be careful on this planet, and that was 'public opinion'. He couldn't have the big powers start shifting the public opinion to him as a dangerous being.     

While in his eyes was just a stupid and nonsense notion, on this planet the strong used that as a weapon towards the weak.     

He was sure to have the upper hand in a direct clash with the other powers, but the losses would be too big, and it might affect his future plans.     

He couldn't allow that to happen, otherwise by the time he returned to the Immortal World his big brother would have already unified it, and it would be a bigger pain in the ass.     

So for the moment, the best thing he could do was muddling the waters, while not allowing the war to break out…     


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