Chapter 201: Slaves and resolve

Chapter 201: Slaves and resolve

0Immediately after cleaning them up, Tianlong Xia started drawing symbols on their foreheads and chests. The symbols were similar to those Tianlong Yun did usually, but a trained eye could spot some difference.     

When she finished with the symbols, Tianlong Xia bit her left-hand finger, mixing a bit of her Qi with her blood, she dropped one blood drop on each of their foreheads, and one blood drop on their hearts.     

As soon as the blood drops reached their predestined locations, small red and black seals started emerging from their foreheads and chests.     

The seals started moving in their bodies and were gathering towards the left side of their chest, under their soft mountains of jade.     

But while the double's seal was gathering and getting completed smoothly, the seal on the Lady Manager's chest seemed to have trouble in gathering and getting completed.     

At this moment her body started shaking and convulsing, she seemed to be struggling really hard against the seal on her body.     

This was not something normal, and it showed that it was her own conscience that didn't accept something like this, or more like a reflexive action to not give up.     

At this moment Tianlong Xia couldn't use her soul power to deal with that, because she was already focused on completing the seal on the double.     

Normally cultivators would put this kind of slaving seals one by one, and that was for people with lower soul cultivation than them.     

But the Lady Manager was on the 7th layer of the Foundation Establishment Realm, and her soul power should be higher than that of someone in the 5th layer of the Qi Refining Realm.     

If it weren't for the fact that Tianlong Xia's soul had passed through the Nirvana Flames baptizing she would have directly lost the battle with the Lady Manager, and she would be awake now.     

Right as she was feeling like she was fighting a losing battle, a dense and powerful soul power came to her help. It was like she turned from an ugly duck to a swan in a moment.     

At this moment Tianlong Yun was standing behind her and using his soul power lavishly to help her in completing the seal.     

In front of someone who had already entered the stages of soul cultivation the extra soul power from breaking through to the Foundation Establishment Realm was useless.     

Seemed like, once again, everything would go smoothly. The seal on the double got completed and the Lady Manager was the only one left, so Tianlong Xia together with Tianlong Yun focused totally on her.     

Just as the seal seemed close to getting complete, Tianlong Yun made a move that completely shocked Captain Mao.     

Tianlong Yun quickly got close to the Lady Manager and started kissing her forcibly, it looked like he was about to rape her mouth because he immediately stuck his tongue inside her mouth.     

Captain Mao didn't understand what was going on, but after his experience with his daughter, he wouldn't let a woman suffer her fate. Even, if that woman was an enemy.     

But he couldn't get close to Tianlong Yun to stop him, because his hand was grabbed by Tianlong Xia. She had grabbed him so hard, that he could swear that his bones were making cracking noises.     

Just how powerful were these two freaks? He had thought that he already defied all logic, by being a werewolf, but these guys just destroyed every bit of this dream.     

Just as he was about to protest against her grab, he heard a dark and gloomy voice, coming from the woman that until now he thought it was an angel,     

Tianlong Xia:" You better not try to meddle in my husband's actions and plans again. Otherwise, you won't just hear the cracking. You will feel them turn to dust!"     

Captain Mao was startled but he would never back down so easily, he had been a Special Forces agent for a long time after all. With that determination, he said angrily and questioningly,     

Captain Mao:" Are you saying that you will back him up even if he rapes and kills whomever he wants? Are you saying you will watch him rape and kill in front of you and not even flinch an eye?"     

Hearing Captain Mao's words Tianlong Xia started laughing. Her laugh was like the song of a bird, then stopping suddenly she looked Captain Mao directly in the eyes and said assertively,     

Tianlong Xia:" Yes I would, Captain Mao."     

Then softening her look and voice a bit she continued,     

Tianlong Xia:" Don't misunderstand something Captain Mao, my husband is giving you an opportunity. He has seen something in you and is giving you a chance to become his servant and aide.     

And you should thank you lucky stars for that, because, in our eyes, not to mention an artificial weak werewolf like you, but even the strongest people on this planet are ants and insects.     

As for the supposed rape you are talking about, throw a look towards the scene and the situation once again Captain."     

Turning his head again towards the scene of Tianlong Yun and the Lady Manager, Captain Mao saw Tianlong Yun putting his hand on her jaw, keeping it open and then pulling out a bloody tongue.     

It was Tianlong Yun's tongue, it was bloodied inside her mouth. At first Captain Mao didn't understand what was happening, but then he seemed to have realized something.     

At this moment Tianlong Xia's sweet voice was heard once again and she explained the situation to a stunned Captain Mao,     

Tianlong Xia:" Yes it's just like you thought Captain Mao, she was reflexively trying to kill herself and my husband stopped her.     

But don't create false hopes, we are not humanitarians Captain, we do everything we do for ourselves. This world belongs to the strongest and most powerful.     

Her fate isn't going to be a field of flowers, from this moment on she is a slave under my orders. Not like the slaves, you know with laws but one whose soul disappears if it goes against me.     

This is the reality, Captain Mao, you better wake up and start living the reality and stop your delusions.     

And for fu*k's sake stop being a hypocrite, someone who kills for a living doesn't have a right to judge others on that front."     

Captain Mao was completely shocked at this moment, he didn't expect such a reaction from her, and the cursing made it seem more surreal.     

But, she was right. He knew what the real world looked like, he knew the strongest and the most powerful ruled.     

Just like she said killing was his living. How many innocents he might have killed, and how many lives he had taken, truthfully he had lost count of the lives he had reaped.     

The thing is that after his daughter's death he had started to doubt himself and his actions, he had started to change as a person, and live a delusional life of being a good man.     

But that was just delusional from his part, all this time he had been a killer, someone who followed the orders to the last. Even, if it meant killing and torturing innocent people.     

Thinking like this he started to think about his past, about what he did in the past. Wondering how many of the people he killed might be innocent.     

At this moment Tianlong Yun's voice came suddenly in front of him,     

Tianlong Yun:" There is no point in remembering your past Captain. There is only one rule in this world, and that is the strong prey on the weak.     

If you want your family and the people you love to live happily, you need to be the strongest, so no one dares to even think about hurting them.     

I have a clear conscience for myself, everything I do is for me and my family. Even if I have to kill, rape, or torture for them, I will do it without flinching my eyes.     

I have my firm resolve Cap, what about you? Do you have one?"     

These last words made Captain Mao fall once again in deep thoughts. Did he have a firm resolve? A reason why he did all this?     

If someone asked this question before his daughter had been raped and killed by that fu*king useless silk pants, he would say that his daughter was his resolve.     

But now? Did he have something to hold on to, now? He had almost lost all purpose in his life. The only thing left was his revenge, and sometimes even that resolve was lost.     

So right now he didn't have something like a strong resolve to push him forward. He was like a zombie, walking forward without a beating heart.     

No matter how hard he tried there was nothing he could find, something he could put as his goal, as his resolve.     

Seeing him in deep thought once again Tianlong Yun said calmly,     

Tianlong Yun:" Stop trying, you lost your resolve with your daughter, and lost all will to live when she died. Now even revenge seems useless because you know it can't bring her back to you.     

For the moment stay in the corner and think about what you want to do from now on."     

Saying that Tianlong Yun turned towards Tianlong Xia to look into her beautiful eyes and feel that warm love once again.     

This situation reminded him of when he got crippled and lost his cultivation, it was like his life had ended. But differently from Captain Mao he had her to keep alive, he had one last straw of hope.     

And now looking in her beautiful eyes, that straw had become an unshakable tree and was still growing. He was so lucky to have her in his life.     

Thinking like this he approached her with a warm smile and kissed her sweet lips, but at this time…     


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