Chapter 397: Where did the Old Pouch end up to?

Chapter 397: Where did the Old Pouch end up to?

0Tianlong Yun was a bit surprised by her words, but at the same time, he felt happy that the people around him truly felt their family.     

He had to be careful that even if he expanded his harem, only those who were worthy would be a part of his family.     

Thinking like this, he just gave the cute legal loli a hug and said in a gentle tone,     

"It's true, I and our family will always be there for you, cutie! You will never be alone again!"     

Tianlong Hu Die was caught a bit off-guard by that moment, and that hug, but she didn't refuse it, in fact, she loved the feeling of being safe and protected in his warm hug.     

She truly felt like she was home in his embrace. All the scare, fear, pain, effort she had endured until now, was worth it. Just because of that hug.     

It was a really warm and beautiful moment for the both of them, as they were just staying there in each other's embrace feeling the warmth coming from their partner's body.     

They stayed like that for a few moments, when Tianlong Yun tried to pull back, but the little cutie on his arms just approached tighter, as she said,     

"Can we just stay a bit more like this? Please!?"     

How could Tianlong Yun deny such a request to his little beauty, as he just turned back and hugged her tighter this time.     

He wanted to clearly show his feelings about her through that hug, and it seemed that it worked, as her body temperature was slowly increasing.     

This time they stayed like that for a long time, and it was only when Tianlong Yun could feel that his lust would explode if he stayed longer like that, that he released her from his embrace.     

Without allowing his little cutie to argue or protest his release, he said in a serious voice,     

"For how long have I been unconscious!?"     

Tianlong Hu Die would have liked for them to continue staying like that for much longer. In fact, she had realized that Tianlong Yun was getting turned on, and she wanted to try her chances.     

Since she had already made her decision, which was strengthened even more during that hug, she didn't mind becoming his woman as soon as possible.     

Even though she understood his decision to wait, and give her more time to think about it, she didn't want it. She had already made up her mind.     

But she couldn't force him either, she would just have to wait for 2 more years to pass, and then she would finally become his woman.     

These two years would be like centuries, but still, there was nothing she could do. For that reason, she had a sad and disappointed look on her face as she said,     

"You have been unconscious for three days Master! When you suddenly appeared in the middle of the lake we were all truly surprised and frightened.     

And especially when we saw that you had no vitals and that your insides had turned into mush paste, we thought we had lost you, and everyone was upset and angered.     

It was only yesterday, when we were gathered all around your body, that someone noticed your vitals, and we brought you here.     

I didn't know what to do to cure you, so I just stayed here with you protecting you, and trying to give you as much Qi as I could, to help you as much as I could!     

Please don't do that again Master! I don't think I can bear with it if you leave me alone in this world! Please don't endanger yourself again! Ok!? Please!"     

The more she approached the end, the more she cried. To her Tianlong Yun was like the sun of her world, if he was gone, then she would fall into the darkness.     

Tianlong Yun could of course understand this, but the problem was that to safe keep what he had, and to achieve his goals, he had to become stronger.     

But one doesn't become stronger by living a normal life, if one wants to become stronger, then he would have to live with danger daily.     

Opportunities were engulfed by danger, there was no kind of opportunity that would just fall from the Heavens at one's feet.     

Whoever it was, it had to work hard, face any kind of danger, and prevail over it. To achieve his goals Tianlong Yun needed to be really strong.     

In fact, he had to be the strongest, only like that could he truly protect his family and his loved ones. Otherwise, there would always be idiots who thought they could mess with him and his family.     

In order to become the strongest, he knew that he had to pass the hardest hardships and experiences, and he was fully prepared to face them.     

It was just that his ladies weren't really used to this, and didn't truly understand the value, and importance of strength.     

Most of them were born and raised in this fake life and society on Earth, so they didn't truly understand the truth behind the true world, and jungle yet.     

This was also why Tianlong Yun was taking this little cutie with himself to the Immortal World, he wanted to reveal her the bitter truth, and prepare her for what was to come.     

In his eyes, Earth was just a small particle of dust, while it was really mysterious and precious, it was still really small. The true battlefield was and would be the Immortal World.     

Still, he kept these thoughts to himself, as he just wiped her tears, caressed her face as he said,     

"How come you forgot about your family and sisters so soon? Didn't you just say that they would always be there for you?     

Now stop crying otherwise I will tell your Big Sister Xia about this!"     

Tianlong Hu Die knew that he was just making empty threats, but still remembering the punishments of her Big Sister Xia she almost immediately stopped crying.     

Tianlong Yun was a bit startled as he didn't expect some like that to work out, and could only wonder just what kind of punishment did his Empress give to this cutie, to frighten her like this.     

Still, he had lost enough time in here, and he had to go out and see what had happened outside the Old Pouch.     

With this thought in mind, he spread his senses all over the space inside the Old Pouch, and after making sure that everything was okay, he spread his senses outside of it.     

Of course, he was careful to hide his spirit sense in the space, and not directly check his surroundings. After all, he had no idea on whose hands, had his Old Pouch ended.     

As his senses spread outside he was able to 'see' that his Old Pouch was held on a small belt, at the waist of a person.     

He was wondering in the hands of who he might have fallen, after all, there was a big chance that the one attacking him that night was also the one who found his pouch.     

For that reason, he had to be extra careful in checking the person that was carrying his Old Pouch, as he might get discovered, and then not only him but all his people inside the Old Pouch would certainly die.     

Perhaps if he were alone, he could find a way to escape from any kind of dangerous situation, but these people would surely burden him.     

That was because their strength wasn't enough. Not mentioning them, he himself almost died that night from that attack.     

For that reason, he had to be advance slowly, and patiently without being noticed. It took some time but he had slowly gone forwards and was now able to identify the person holding the Old Pouch.     

It was a red long-haired beauty in fact. She had beautiful pale skin, that almost looked like it was totally white.     

Her ears were a bit pointy, and her nails, and canines a bit longer than normal. While her curves were more than dangerous.     

Her appearance was young, really young, around 20 years old, but Tianlong Yun could see that her real age was 43 years old to be exact.     

This wasn't a big surprise, since a lot of lady cultivators were able to keep their beauty, and freshness due to their cultivations, or pills, and medicine.     

The big surprise was her clothing, as she was wearing some kind of a Royal commander outfit, with all the complementing accessories.     

She looked like a beautiful goddess of war, that was about to go and purge her enemies. She had a natural aura of a bloody cold beauty.     

But just as Tianlong Yun was about to divulge more information on the surroundings he felt his instincts ring like alarm bells for him to retreat, and he didn't dare to doubt his instincts.     

If it weren't for his instincts he would have already been dead the other night. So, he immediately pulled his spirit sense inside the Old Pouch.     

Reconcentrating on Tianlong Hu Die who was in front of him, he said in a serious voice,     

"I am not able to define where we are at the moment, so we will have to leave this for later. You go ahead and deal with what you have to do, I have some things to take care of.     

I will tell you before I leave this place, don't worry!"     

Tianlong Hu Die didn't want to leave, but she couldn't question his words, and orders, so she immediately wore her clothes and left the room.     

Right after her, Tianlong Yun wore new clothes, checked on his conditions, and then got out of the room, towards the lab.     

Since he wasn't able to check outside, it was time to take care of his experimental subjects. This time he would also try to infuse the Vampire bloodline!     

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