Chapter 286: Each with its own plan

Chapter 286: Each with its own plan

0The representative seemed to be still a bit startled from what she saw but she had to recollect herself and announce the end of the fight.     

All the clamor and noise that had been building these days, was for a fight that lasted only two punches, to the eyes of the audience.     

But some people saw more in that fight. Jake Long used a double-layered attack in that hit, the first to neutralize his opponent's power.     

While the second was like a timing bomb that exploded inside their bodies. This type of attack needed a lot of control over Qi, and also a higher level of cultivation.     

This guy was anything but simple. With this thought in mind, the representative announced loudly,     

Representative:" This challenge ends with Jake Long's victory. As the winner, he will be taken to the clan headquarters where he will get his prize from the Patriarch himself.     

This ends here!     

Jake Long tomorrow morning we leave for Clan Headquarters. I hope you are ready to go."     

On the other hand Jake Long didn't seem to have any contradiction to that, well all for one part, so he immediately expressed his concern,     

Jake Long:" I am sorry Miss Representative, but what about the girl!?"     

Turning around to have a better look at him, the representative, said in a cold voice,     

Representative:" What about the girl!?"     

 Without losing voice, or courage he said,     

Jake Long:" She was part of the bet, so she should belong with me now, right?"     

Nobody could see inside her face cover, but some people could already imagine her face, like looking as if he had hit his head or something, while she said,     

Representative:" Didn't you hear me when I said that the prizes would be handed over to you by the Patriarch himself?     

Are you trying to rebel, and go against your orders?"     

Jake Long didn't understand why, but he felt like this girl was being protected from the Clan. On the other hand, he was just obsessed with her.     

He wanted to have her in his bed, from that night that he saw her, he had been vying and getting more obsessed with her.     

He didn't know why or how, but she had to belong to him. At the moment though there was no way for him to do that, he had to wait for her to be handed over.     

He couldn't show signs of rebellion now that he was so close to his goal. All he had to do was meet that guy once, and he would easily take his place.     

He had confidence that one meeting was all it took, so controlling himself from doing anything stupid, he said,     

Jake Long:" Of course not, I was just wondering if I would be able to have a talk with her before the ceremony."     

Hearing his answer, the representative said coldly,     

Representative:" What's the hurry, you will have a lot of time to do anything you want after the ceremony. Do not forget that Shadows need to be patient, and obedient."     

Saying that she turned around without waiting for an answer, and started walking towards her room. Qin Bao and her maid were walking behind her.     

Of course, the rings that were as stakes of the bet were returned into Jake Long's possession, and now with his new position, nobody dared to even think of attacking him.     

They were taught that power and strength had the final say, and with Jake Long's strength and power, they didn't want to hit a steel block.     

Tianlong Huo and Tianlong Shui were immediately sent to their tent and were being treated by the camp doctor.     

The doctor looked like a good person, but everyone on the camp knew what kind of scumbag he was. He would always try to take advantage of the females in the camp.     

Seeing the camp queens in the bed, and no one around him, except some normal guards, he thought that this might be his chance.     

With that thought in mind, he took out two small syringes, with some dark green fluid in them, and was about to inject that into the girls' bodies, who were unconscious now.     

Just as the first syringe would make contact with Tianlong Shui's skin though, the doctor felt a small pinch at the back of his head and fell unconscious.     

Then as if someone had cast black magic on the syringes they disappeared from the place, and white and red potions appeared from thin air and were feed to the girls.     

Nobody on the outside noticed a thing, and soon silence was returned to the place.     

Meanwhile in another part of the camp, inside a well secured and closed room, three ladies were looking at each other.     

The first one who was supposed to be the representative and Qin Bao were looking and staying in reverence to the third lady.     

The third lady that was supposed to be just a simple maid, took off her mobcap revealing her fiery red hair and fixed her standing to turn to a swan from an ugly duck.     

Immediately, Qin Bao started communicating with her mentally,     

Qin Bao:" Big Sister Xia are you sure with your decision to take him to the Clan Headquarters. I am afraid that he has some kind of plan against the Patriarch.     

That arrogant pr*ck wouldn't show that much composure earlier if he didn't."     

Apparently, the puny maid that anyone seemed to look down upon, was in actual fact Tianlong Xia. Looking with satisfaction at Qin Bao's worry about Tianlong Yun she said mentally,     

Tianlong Xia:" Don't worry everything is already settled for that matter. Now tell me how are your preparations for tomorrow going?"     

Qin Bao was still a bit worried but hearing Tianlong Xia's reassuring words, she knew there was nothing to be worried about.     

So returning to the matter at hand, she continued with their mental communication,     

Qin Bao:" Everything is ready Big Sister Xia, they will be in for a treat tomorrow."     

Satisfied with this answer Tianlong Xia said with a calm tone,     

Tianlong Xia:" Very well then, you can go and cultivate. I will take care of the rest."     

Hearing that Qin Bao went to a corner and started meditating and cultivating when in the middle of the room, the two syringes of earlier appeared and fell to Tianlong Xia's hand.     

Looking at those syringes, and what she had seen in the two rings during the fight earlier, her doubts were totally confirmed. She finally had no doubts about who was behind this.     

This just made things easier from now on, knowing who was behind this gave her a lot of ideas about how to deal with all these nonsense created situations.     

While Tianlong Xia had a big grin on her face thinking about what would happen from now, there was someone who didn't seem to be happy at all with how things went.     

Surprisingly it was Jake Long himself, he was pissed off right now. He had thought that he would have Qin Bao under him right now, but now there was only Jia Meinu there.     

He was throwing all her anger at her body pounding her like there was no tomorrow without even caring about her state or anything at the moment.     

Time upon a time he would slap her face and her body while pounding her like an animal. Anyone that saw this scene would think that this guy was crazy.     

With everything happening though, Jia Meinu didn't let even a small sound or noise come out of her mouth. Even her moans were only throat noises.     

She was behaving like she was exercising or something at this moment, and not like she was having an intimate relationship with a human being.     

The reason being, a small noise from her, would earn her a much tougher beating and torture. While she was the physical person being violated, in Jake Long's mind was another.     

Who knew, who might this beast wearing a human skin be thinking of doing this right now? But there was definitely someone else.     

On the other side of the corner, Zhi Hu was doing the same thing to some girl slave that Jake Long had brought the day before.     

Differently from Jia Meinu though, her face was covered in bruises and blood, she was just a normal girl, after all, she had no cultivation to protect herself.     

This animalistic scene continued for some time until both of them seemed to have let down their anger on the ladies under them, and relax a bit.     

While Jia Meinu had rough breathing but seemed still in a good shape overall, the slave girl had gone unconscious and looked like a victim of a truck accident.     

They didn't seem to care much about that though, at this time Jake Long said in a dark and gloomy voice,     

Jake Long:" That b*tch should just wait until I make that guy my toy. I will make sure to play a lot with her after."     

Hearing that, Zhi Hu seemed to be in a better mood, and said excitingly,     

Zhi Hu:" Don't forget to let me play with her too little brother."     

Nobody looking at their faces would ever think that they were brothers. Not to mention that one was a foreigner, while the other was a Chinese guy.     

This didn't make sense at all, but Jake Long didn't seem to negate that statement, and he said with a grin on his face,     

Jake Long:" Of course big brother, everything that is mine, it's yours too. It's a shame that we will be away from each other for some time.     

But soon we will have new toys to play with, and also don't forget the Master's gift promise. I just can't wait to see what that is."     

The look on their face changed totally while remembering that, and stars started to take shape in their eyes. It truly made one wonder what that gift could be.     

Like this though, the day made way for the night, and the night surrendered to the day again. It was finally morning…     


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