Chapter 289: Jake Long (One-man Show)

Chapter 289: Jake Long (One-man Show)

0Jake Long was a poor orphan who had grown to what he was because he grabbed the attention of a strong and powerful woman.     

Actually, it was Zhi Hu who had seen the boy and notified his lady about this kid. Jake Long was frightened at first, but everything changed later.     

She gave him life, an identity, and a goal. She was the one who trained him personally and taught him cultivation.     

Slowly he forgot his past and started living the present with her. He was so happy that even killing became too easy for him.     

He would do anything she asked, but at the same time, since he did so, she would spoil him. So he was raised more like an orphan who became a prince.     

His cultivation though made him more open and real about his feelings, and he discovered that he had sexual desires towards women, earlier than a normal teenager.     

So he started with molesting and forcing to have intimate relationships with the maid around the mansion, and then one day he felt the same for his benefactor.     

While with all the other women he was rough and very violent, he couldn't stand to do the same to the person who gave him this second life.     

Just before he could say anything though, he was given the mission to join some unknown organization, find its hidden leader and poison him.     

Which brought him to the current position, where he lost his control and jumped towards Tianlong Yun to poison him.     

When he exploded with all his cultivation his presence was made more than known to the people in the room. But he was a Golden Core Realm cultivator.     

So even though they knew what was happening, Tianlong Xia and Qin Bao could do nothing to protect the Patriarch Tianlong Yun, who still had a frightened face.     

It didn't take even 2 seconds for Jake Long to reach the trio on the bed and stuck a small needle into Tianlong Yun's heart.     

He was so pissed off right now, that he wanted to make Tianlong Yun piss blood, for taking what was rightfully his.     

How could such a scared brat create an organization, and have so many beautiful women? He couldn't let trash like him pretend to be tough.     

He didn't care about this guy's connections because behind him was the biggest hidden power at the moment.     

Right now he felt like he had fulfilled his mission already, and that from now on this guy would be around his little finger.     

If he didn't want to meet death that is!     

But while he was concentrated on Tianlong Yun, Qin Bao and Tianlong Xia took out two knives god knows out of where and stabbed towards Jake Long.     

It was a useless action though, they were against a Golden Core Realm cultivator, it was impossible for them to be faster than him, or more powerful than him.     

Before the knives could even come in a close distance to his body, he slapped their hands, and the knives flew towards the walls.     

Then not wanting any more stupid attempts on him, he gave them both a slap and sent them flying towards the walls too.     

Then pressing his leg into Tianlong Yun's throat, he said in a solemn but still angry voice,     

Jake Long:" Little scared b*tch you have been inflicted with the 'Life Searing Poison' and I am the only person who has the antidote to this poison.     

You can check it yourself if you want, not to mention that your life is under my leg right now. So you better tell those b*tches to stay down.     

I don't want to lose precious wh*res after all."     

Tianlong Yun seemed like silk pants who had been given the worst news of his life. Completely terrified, he said in a shivering voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" O-okay! Sta-stay down!"     

Hearing that, Jake Long seemed to be satisfied for a moment and said,     

Jake Long:" Very well, at least you value your life, and can listen easily! But that doesn't make my anger leave my body you piece of sh*t.     

How dare you try a woman I have an eye for before I do! Who the f*ck do you think you are!?"     

With that said he took his feet off from his neck and gave him a powerful kick to the left side of his stomach.     

The kick made Tianlong Yun fly towards the wall just like a useless potato bag. He hit the wall and fell down on the ground, opposite side from his women.     

Jake Long jumped behind him, and before he could fall on the ground, he started joggling him in the air, with slaps and kicks.     

Tianlong Xia and Qin Bao looked like their hearts were about to explode from pain and anger, but couldn't go against the Patriarch's order.     

They had to stay there, and watch this heart-wrenching situation and do nothing about it. The true definition of Might makes Right.     

After a few minutes, Jake Long seemed to have had his fun kicking and slapping the crying Tianlong Yun, and let him fall on the ground.     

He was bruised and bloodied all over his body. He didn't have any resemblance to the previous charming and handsome Tianlong Yun.     

He seemed like worthless trash that had gotten the beating of his life. Now getting a moments rest, he started saying stammering,     

 Tianlong Yun:" Don't do this, I will give you everything you want! I will do anything you want, please don't kill me!"     

He was a typical silk pant at this moment. On the other hand, Jake Long seemed really happy at hearing this, and said with a dominant and powerful voice,     

Jake Long:" Of course you will do everything and anything I order you to. For starters you are going to watch me f*ck these two b*tches in here! Hahaha…"     

With that said he turned towards Qin Bao and Tianlong Xia to have fun, he had just started dealing with this trash.     

Not to mention, that both of them Qin Bao and Tianlong Xia were smoking hot women, and he couldn't wait to have them under him.     

So he approached them with a devilish grin, they didn't have the least idea of what was going to happen to them. Right in front of their Patriarch.     

While this was happening inside the room though, on an adjacent side of that room, Tianlong Yun, Qin Bao, and Tianlong Xia were looking at the show.     

If Jake Long witnessed this, he would be confused as f*ck. Didn't he poison and make Tianlong Yun unrecognizable just now?     

And yet here he was drinking tea with the same two beauties he was supposed to be venting his steam and lust upon, quietly and watching at the scene as if he was watching a movie.     

Tianlong Yun didn't care about the situation beyond the glass he was watching from though, he was concentrated on the poison.     

Carefully checking that poison, he said with a calm voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" It seems you were right Xia'er they are finally coming upon us. I didn't expect them to be so quick about it though.     

But seeing what they have sent us, it's more probably like they are testing us, then really trying to deal with us.     

I bet they will be surprised by the gift though."     

Tianlong Xia who was sitting on his right showed a dazzling smile at that moment. If Jake Long could see her now, he would surely not recognize her from the one inside the room.     

She was like a really downgraded version of the Tianlong Xia that was in here drinking tea with Qin Bao and Tianlong Yun.     

Only Qin Bao didn't quite understand what was going on, and what was going to happen but this didn't stop her from blindly believing in her Master.     

Looking towards the room behind the glass though, Tianlong Yun said with a smile,     

Tianlong Yun:" Looking at that guy's face though it seems like he is having a lot of fun. I wonder how would he feel if he knew he is doing us a favor?"     

The truth was that the people inside the room were some difficult people to deal with. They were spies sent here from the other organizations.     

While Tianlong Yun could deal with them himself, he needed some dummies to replace him and his ladies in that chamber.     

Not to mention, that after the treatment they were getting from this animal in human skin, they would think twice about their position.     

That was a different matter altogether, now he just needed the people inside the room to break, and do everything Jake Long asked for.     

He would give Jake Long 24 hours after that he would have to help him a bit, so this could end as soon as possible.     

Then thinking for a while he turned towards Tianlong Xia and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Xia'er I think it's time for Yue'er and Bing'er to experience the camp. Tell them that we leave in two days.     

If I am not mistaken then the news of his disappearance has reached their headquarters. One day is the most time they will give him to appear again."     

Tianlong Xia seemed a bit perplexed at first, she didn't want her little sisters to experience difficulties, but this was the life of a cultivator and they needed to get used to it.     

Thinking like this she said with a sigh,     

Tianlong Xia:" Sigh~, ok hubby I will tell them. They need this, after all, just take care of them."     

Tianlong Yun knew she was worried for her little sisters and said tenderly,     

Tianlong Yun:" Don't worry I will take care of them. Bing'er's place will be taken care of by Xiangyun until she gets back, while Bao'er could take care of Yue'er's.     

All other shadows beside the guardians are to be sent to the camp, and also tell the scouts to be more careful with the selections.     

I want a report with all the most prominent shadows, for every group, and they should be searched in detail.     

All the spies found, will be sent to a different camp that will be set up there. Let them spy on each other for some time."     

But while Tianlong Yun talked, Qin Bao seemed lost in her thoughts…     


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