Chapter 270: Tempering the Marrow

Chapter 270: Tempering the Marrow

0The thunder immediately pushed away the darkness of the place and a blinding light conquered the cave, while the thunder continued and rammed on the first protection layer.     

Even though this Divine Punishment Thunder was only the first and the weakest, it still crashed with a Big Boom on the protection layer, which could only hold out for 20 seconds.     

At the 20th second the first layer broke like a small glass bottle which was suddenly hit by a big rock. That it was all it could go.     

Contrary to logic though, Tianlong Yun didn't activate his second layer of defense, no he let the remaining Divine Punishment Thunder, hit his body.     

While it hit his body, most of the coming thunder was absorbed from those three small black stones, and not more than 1% of the original thunder didn't hit Tianlong Yun's body.     

But even that would be too much for a normal person, not to mention Tianlong Yun who was already on the brink of the dead, it seemed like it would be a suicide if he faced even that head-on.     

The worst thing actually was that Tianlong Yun was not just planning to face this Divine Punishment Thunder head-on, but he was trying to temper his body with it.     

That's right, it seemed like Tianlong Yun had lost his mind, even in a situation like this where people would do anything just to survive this ordeal, and escape from it.     

He was trying to temper his body with this energy. One small mistake and he was as good as gone. If people didn't know him, they would think this guy was a Masochist.     

The truth though is that even though it looks like such stupidity to do something like this, it is in fact the opportunity of a lifetime.     

While there are many materials and herbs that can help someone with body tempering, and body cultivation, there was nothing more pure and useful thing that the Divine Punishment Thunder.     

That was why Tianlong Yun was decided not to lose this lifetime opportunity. The World belonged to the brave and crazy.     

With this thought in mind, he let a part of the thunder fall down on his body, while he protected only his heart and internal organs to some degree with his Qi.     

The moment the thunder met his body, he felt as if millions of mosquitoes attacked his body, and started biting at the same time.     

Right after those mosquitoes started entering his skin and doing the same to his cells in the way. Their stings became worse and worse with the passing of time.     

He felt like there were at least more than 10 mosquitoes for each of his cells, and nothing could escape their senses, not even a cell could.     

The same happened when it reached the bones, it was just that since some of his bones were already broken, they started getting more cracks and some parts even started to become pieces.     

After that, it entered the bone marrow, but it didn't have enough left to sting on the bone marrow.     

Tianlong Yun had no time to think about this right now, on one side he was clenching his teeth due to the pain he was going through, and on the other side, trying to be ready for the second.     

Right at this moment the second Thunder's started falling down towards him. Without daring to get late even for a second, Tianlong Yun activated the second layer of defense.     

The second Thunder seemed to be around 4 times more powerful and bigger than the first. But Tianlong Yun was kind of expecting something like this.     

That was why each layer of defense was much more powerful than the previous one. In accordance with the possible power of the upcoming Thunder.     

He was in a really difficult situation right now, and he couldn't afford to make even the smallest mistake, otherwise, he was a goner.     

He had a lot of knowledge about the Divine Punishment Thunder, and he had even been able to witness and live through it twice in his previous life.     

But none of those two times had he ever thought of using the Tribulation thunder as part of his cultivation or tempering his body, this would be the first time he did that.     

That was his security over this situation and risqué he was taking. He wasn't so foolish as to go at death's door unprepared.     

Furthermore, this was also a great opportunity to advance in his Body Cultivation. Now with his new bloodline, his body would itself cultivate through his blood.     

But why not speed this a bit. He needed to be as strong as he could, as soon as he could.     

With this thought in mind, Tianlong Yun lied down there waiting for the second Thunder. Since it was clearly more powerful, the light was even more blinding than the first time.     

Nobody could keep a look at that, and especially Tianlong Yun who could only see whiteness attacking him. It seemed like the Thunder wanted to erase his trifling existence in this place.     

Tianlong Yun didn't seem to feel bad about it though. Quite on the contrary, he wanted this to go on, only like this, he could go on with his plan.     

Just like with the first, even the second Thunder was kept mostly at bay by the protection layer, while Tianlong Yun consumed one 'blood potion' and one 'life-giver potion'.     

The first one was to stimulate the blood production of his new bone marrows, and the second was to shake the cells from their numbness.     

While he finished consuming those two the second layer broke just like the first, and the thunder hit his body. Once again the majority of it was absorbed by the small black stones.     

Leaving only 1% of the total towards his body once again. But this time there was a small difference, the Thunder was almost 4 times more powerful than the first, and so was this 1% of it.     

It was at least 4 times more painful than the first time, but Tianlong Yun didn't give up in the least. This time thunder reached his bone marrow, and he finally felt for the first time, numbing pain.     

He had felt pain so many times, but never something like this. Even when he did the bone marrow explosion he didn't feel something like this.     

It was so different!     

He felt as if this was the first time he felt true pain, and he didn't like this in the least. But he had no choice but to go on.     

He could already feel his cells starting to change a bit and become stronger, not to mention his bone marrow, it was getting more condensed, and more clear.     

Seeing these changes he was feeling like his majestic wings were coming back to his body. Thinking about it, he was really curious to know what kind of wings his bloodline would have.     

But he didn't have the time to stay and think about this anymore, because it was time for the third Thunder to come down, and this was 9 times stronger than the first.     

Things would only get rougher from here, there was no doubt about it. It was a good thing that Tianlong Yun had taken his precautions though.     

So even though he knew that things would only get rougher he had the confidence to face it. That's why he only clenched his teeth and prepared for the third Thunder of the tribulation.     

This time it was a part of the dark cloud that seemed to get lighted for a moment, and then it started falling like it wanted to crush everything on its way.     

It was truly terrifying, just looking at that thing coming down on you, let alone the fact that it was coming especially for Tianlong Yun.     

But this crazy guy, in place of being frightened from that view, started laughing like a mad man. Like he didn't care even if that powerful Thunder managed to erase him.     

In the meantime, while Tianlong Yun was facing the Diving Thunder Punishment for the creation of his new bloodline, Gao Ling was taking care of Tianlong Xia inside the Old Pouch.     

Differently from Gao Ling though, Tianlong Xia could understand what was happening outside. Not to mention that she also had that weird connection with Tianlong Yun.     

At first, she could feel that Tianlong Yun was a bit insecure about what was going to happen and if he would be able to face this thing off.     

But now she could feel he was excited, yes that was right he was excited for each Thunder's punishment coming its way.     

She didn't understand why, but she knew that her hubby was doing something crazy that worked fine once again.     

She could only hope it went everything according to its plan.     

And apparently, everything was just according to Tianlong Yun's plans, he had already faced 8 peals of thunder and this was supposed to be the 9th and the last one.     

Until now Tianlong Yun had managed to take each time some parts of the hitting thunder, to temper his body, and his bone marrow, and he had been able to manage it.     

He had tempered his marrow totally, right now he had passed that stage of body cultivation, and he either should avoid this one, or go for the opening of one of the gates.     

The safe choice would be avoiding it, but this was the chance of a lifetime, he might never get a chance like this one once again.     

Not to mention that the clouds above seemed to be angry at him, not only facing them off but also using them to his benefit.     

And it seemed that in place of relaxing, the dark clouds were getting darker and darker. Like it would start a second Divine Thunder Punishment, but in actual fact, it was just one last Thunder.     

So what should Tianlong Yun do???     


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