Chapter 364: Puppets, and Rocky Fortress

Chapter 364: Puppets, and Rocky Fortress

0The next moment Tianlong Yun had already passed through the 'door' that lead to the space where the Ancient Ruins were located.     

As soon as he entered inside the scene around him changed completely. The mountainous range had now turned into a wide rocky field.     

Everything seemed to have taken some golden hue, with a big red ball crystal playing the role of the sun in this space.     

No matter who entered in there would directly think that that red crystal was the most precious resource in this space, and it looked so close.     

There were a lot of free cultivators, and people driven by greed that jumped high in the air, in hopes of capturing that red crystal, but none of them could jump higher than 5 meters.     

Let alone wanting to fly towards the red crystal it was a pipe dream. In that space, there was some kind of flight restriction only, because they could freely use their strength.     

They had no choice left, but to start walking towards that magnificent-looking city on the horizon. There they could find some answers and wealth.     

While every one of them had their own goals and ideas, Tianlong Yun was looking around this place and the surroundings.     

The space inside was really stable, there were traces of greenery still inside the space, the structure was pretty solid, and the Qi concentration inside was at least double of that outside.     

Just like everyone he had also seen that red crystal hanging in the sky but different from all of them, he was looking at it for a different reason.     

That red crystal was an 'Eternal Flaming Stone' it was said to be one of the most precious stones for the Royal Phoenix Clan, as it was their most personal belonging that helped them during nirvana.     

Every 'Eternal Flaming Stone' was formed only after the death of the pureblood Royal Phoenixes, and it was extremely precious.     

The biggest benefit coming from that stone though was the fact that it purified the Qi in a big range, and increasing its concentration.     

But seeing an 'Eternal Flaming Stone' outside of the Phoenix Royal Clan was a huge taboo. If word of this got out, the Phoenix Royal Clan would destroy Earth just to get it.     

Whoever had manufactured and used this space was someone either really powerful or part of the Royal Phoenix Clan. One thing was for sure though he was really old.     

There was no record on Tianlong Yun's memory about any 'Eternal Flaming Stone' leaving the possession of the Royal Phoenix Clan.     

Thinking like this, a big question mark appeared in his mind. If all the conditions were this good, then what happened to the people inside!?     

According to the scouts there were built cities inside the space, but these cities were old, built only with big rocks, reminding them of the old Earth history, that's why they called this place as Ancient Ruins.     

There seemed to be something fishy with this entire situation. He would have to pay more attention to this place, and the people that entered inside here, from now on.     

With those thoughts in mind, he started following the Qin family, and Master Qin's leading towards the first city that the scouts had found.     

He could feel some piercing eyes on his back from the moment he set foot in this place, but he didn't seem to care in the least, as he continued walking with the group.     

It took a while for them to finally see the first signs of fighting and war happening with the famously said zombies. But Tianlong Yun was extremely surprised when he had a look at them.     

These weren't zombies, these were fighting puppets! Clearly, their bases were human bodies, but they had wrathful souls inside them that were clean of any emotion, and only following orders.     

The most surprising thing about these puppets was that their faces were a mix of faces, different countries, and nations.     

They also gave a fresh feeling to them, as they seemed to have turned into these puppets not long ago. While their strengths differed from Foundations Establishment Realm to Golden Core Realm.     

Surely for someone who had no idea about puppets, these guys could be called zombies at best, but to Tianlong Yun something like this was truly clear.     

Most probably that abandoned city ahead that the scouts had been able to find was just a trap for them. The people inside were playing with the explorers.     

Seeing that the big powers and the big families had sent powerful experts this time, they must have some idea of what was going on.     

But if that was the case, then there was no way this was the first time the big powers had entered this place to pillage.     

Also looking at their powerful line-ups and experts gathered, then most probably they had an idea of the strength of the people inside this space.     

Otherwise, they wouldn't have sent exactly this much strength to deal with this place. Their biggest problem at the moment was most probably their enemy's ability to turn their people into puppets.     

Tianlong Yun was clearly astonished by his connections but this seemed to be closer to the truth at the moment.     

Thinking like this, then most probably the treasure that the Qin family had found, which helped them grow strong so fast, was precisely something from this place.     

Actually, now that he had a look around, Tianlong Yun could see that the Qin family members were a bit on the edge, but there were a few people that seemed familiar with this place.     

Amidst them, the people who gave him the biggest surprise were Master Qin, Elder Tao, and Elder Yun. This meant that everything happening inside the Qin family was staged.     

There was no opposing faction inside, it was all just a staged play to keep the dissatisfied people in check. If Tianlong Yun was really in the mess he claimed to be, then he and his clan were finished.     

This small planet had too many foxes and snakes lying around. He had to be careful not to be stabbed in the back by one of them.     

A bit relieved he had found out about this, Tianlong Yun kept going forward with the Qin family group towards their destination, as he left a sign for the Shadow Clan behind them.     

He instructed them to collect all the bodies they could, and place them in a safe location at the moment, he had a use for them later.     

It took the group of the Qin family around 2 to 3 days to reach the outside skirts of the abandoned city, where everyone had set-up camp.     

The city was build only with stone and was upon a rocky hill. It looked more like a fortified post than a full-fledged city, but it was the only way to pass through the 'entrance' towards the interior.     

The truth was that after entering this space, both left and right sides were blocked with high mountain chains and some kinds of dark forests.     

The only way through the mountains brought people to this rocky fortress in between the two mountain chains that led towards the inner area of the space inside.     

The problem was that the fortress was protected by powerful barriers each time, and they had to spend a few days breaking the barriers before they could proceed.     

Until now they hadn't been able to go too far inside due to the resistance that came from the people inside.     

While the Qin family did the same as the rest, Tianlong Yun was having a look at the mountains, and the dark forests on top of them.     

In the eyes of a normal ignorant cultivator, they were just a source of fear and nightmare, but in his eyes, those were just powerful formations, that were impossible to break with these people's half-baked knowledge.     

Even the defensive formation in front of the rocky fortress was powerful, but not that much. At a better look, they weren't the original defensive formation, just cheap copies.     

The true defensive formations were surprisingly off for some reason, because if those formations were on, then even he would have problems breaking them.     

Thinking deeper into this, the energy that those formations needed was extremely massive, and it should be difficult for the people inside to sustain them.     

Furthermore, those formations totally blocked the area and didn't allow anything in or out of this place. But now Tianlong Yun was concentrated on something else.     

The people who looked familiar with this place, and didn't have any drop of worry on their faces. Tianlong Yun had a really bad feeling about these guys.     

Anyway right now there was nothing he could do, he could only wait for the Experts to break the defensive barrier of the rocky fortress and pass into the other part.     

He didn't have enough information about this place, so he had to lay low at the moment, and let the others take the front.     

Beginning from that day, the powerful Experts, and the free cultivators started bombarding the defensive barrier of the rocky fortress all together.     

It was a spectacle of colors, and skills, as all of them contributed with their strength to dispose of the defensive barrier as soon as possible.     

It took 7 nights and days to finally break the defensive barriers of the rocky fortress, and for the doors to open.     

As soon as the city doors were open, people started running like crazy towards the fortress. They all wanted to be the first people to enter and pillage the place.     

They were all greedy bastards who wanted wealth, power, and resources. Longevity and power were the biggest reasons for the greedy idiots to run like that.     

Different from all of them Tianlong Yun was a bit dark and gloomy. He didn't understand why but he had a bad premonition about all this…     

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