Chapter 388: 4 new sex-slaves (2/2) [R-18]

Chapter 388: 4 new sex-slaves (2/2) [R-18]

0She felt two strong hands, grab her legs and pull them apart as her secret garden was in full view, and then a really big steamy rod entered her secret cave.     


She could only scream in pain as that big flaming dragon spread the walls of her secret cave and penetrated her purity in one go.     

Tianlong Yun's move startled even the other ladies surrounding him, as they didn't expect him to move so fast, or do something like that in one go.     

When they heard the loud scream of Maria they felt their hearts bleeding, and were ready to jump over him, and kill him, or die trying.     

While they were trained on how to please a man, and how to make him feel good, none of them had actual experience in intimate relationships.     

Due to the fact that most Master and Young Masters liked to pop the cherries themselves, none of these ladies had an actual training experience that could damage their purity.     

Had it been any other girl Tianlong Yun would have been more careful and attentive and wouldn't go so fast and far in one thrust, but the face she was making didn't let him any doubt that she was pleased.     

Maybe at first, she was truly in pain, as she even contracted her muscles really strongly, as her body tried to protect itself from the unknown object that threatened to rip him apart.     

Yet the next moment, she seemed to have forgotten about that pain or to be more precise that pain had changed into something else, lust, and satisfaction.     

Her breathing got rough again, as her face turned even redder, and she had her tongue out to better feel a bit of the cold air around her.     

She looked like she wanted to feel that she was breathing at this moment, while she enjoyed the pleasure of that big hot dragon inside her secret cave.     

The sudden pain had interrupted her climax, but with Tianlong Yun's hot rod inside her she was racing towards that peak once more, and this time even faster.     

She felt like a young bird who had learned how to fly, as she felt that huge burning rod start moving inside her. She couldn't do anything else besides moaning like a madwoman.     

'Aahhnn, mhhnmm, oohhmm'     

With each small movement, she felt like she was losing her soul, as her body started convulsing and shaking from the pleasure and 'pain' she felt.     

Just as the other ladies were recollected themselves and were about to jump over Tianlong Yun, they saw this weird scene in front of them.     

More than being in pain, Maria seemed to be enjoying the fact of being tortured or hammered like that. She looked like some different kind of person altogether from the usual her.     

The ladies were clearly startled, and surprised by this revelation, but they couldn't change their sister's tastes and character.     

All they could do was approach the duo, and once again trying to integrate their bodies into the steamy session.     

They were becoming more and more hungry for the man in front of them like their bodies were calling up to him, as their love juices were flooding their thighs and secret gardens.     

It would be meaningless to try and resist or oppose in these moments, as their fate was already decided, and one of them had fallen.     

The only thing they could do at the moment was to try and make this experience the more enjoyable they could, and why not an immemorable experience.     

After all, this was the moment they gave their lives to their new master. Even though it was a skeptical decision, and they knew nothing about him, there was no turning back anymore.     

With those thoughts in mind, two of them approached Tianlong Yun from the back, while the third one went to play with Maria's upper body.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was enjoying the pulling force of Maria's body, her secret cave, and her muscle contractions, as he continued to hammer her body.     

He didn't give time to her body to get used to the pain, because this little lady was someone who enjoyed being basked in 'pain'.     

And true to his thoughts, Maria started speaking in a weak voice amidst her loud moans,     

'Ahn, harder, ahnnn, please harder, mhhmn, faster…'     

Taking his cue Tianlong Yun just followed her wishes, just like a hammer trying to put a nail to the wall, he started pounding her harder and faster, as her moans increased in pitch.     

'Aaah, Hahn, Hahn…'     

It didn't take long for her to reach the greatest peak she had felt up to now embrace her, as she even lost her voice and couldn't say anything as she could only feel her body shake and tremble.     

Her surrounding turned white for a moment and then black, she felt like she was flying in the sky without stopping, as her body couldn't stop but tremble in excitement.     

But that wasn't all as for a moment, a small red flame covered her body and slowly gathered at the bottom of her belly, pretty close to her secret garden, turning into a beautiful flamy heart-shaped symbol.     

This was the slave symbol that Tianlong Yun had developed himself, earlier while he was hammering Maria he had thought of using the sex-slave seal with the knowledge that he got for the soul.     

In that way, he was able to immediately cast the seal on the soul and didn't need to use his blood to draw the symbols as he planted them directly over the soul avatar using his soul power.     

At the same time, he planted his soul print, activating the seal on the consciousness of his target, making it a foolproof seal.      

After that, the sex-slave would be unable to break from the seal if she wasn't at least one Realm higher in Soul cultivation.     

Just as he finished planting the seal though he had no time to think about these boring stuff, as he was enjoying the convulsions of Maria's body, and the warmth of her love juices.     

But Maria wasn't the only one by his side, as he had Alexa, and Nina on his back, that were pushing their assets behind him, as they tried to kiss as much of his body as they could.     

At some point in time, Nina had even started to lick his body like a little puppy, but her charming, and caressing licks, were making him lose his mind.     

For a moment he thought he would lose his concentration and be unable to complete his seal on Maria, but fortunately, he was able to make it, as he filled her belly immediately after her climax.     

He released so much that he was able to even see a little bulge in her belly while his burning dragon was still standing tall inside her secret cave.     

But now that he was done with Maria it was time to deal with the other three, and especially with Nina and Alexa who were in for a little punishment.     

Thinking a moment about it, he grabbed Nina by her shoulders and placed her by Maria's side as he took his big dragon out of Maria's secret cave and show it to her.     

Nina had been one of the best trainees of her generation, and that included even the pleasuring section. As a matter of fact, she was pretty good at it, and really wanted to try real intimate bonding.     

But looking at the angry, and ragging monster in front of her she didn't know what to think. It was big, huge, she had never seen anything like this. Even their toys had been a bit smaller.     

She didn't know how to feel about it, as she didn't even know if it would fit inside her or not, after all, whenever she touched her special spot it looked really small.     

She wasn't able to think hard about that, as she saw Alexa being thrown over her, with her front on top of her, as their pillows crashed on each other, and their faces were pretty close.     

That wasn't all as even their secret gardens were on top of each other, as they could feel that from the heat each one was releasing.     

They weren't embarrassed by the situation, just they didn't expect this to happen at first, but still, they weren't uncomfortable in this position.     

While they were waiting for Tianlong Yun to position himself on the back of them, so he could finally plow them, they felt another weight on top of them.     

It was Natalie, Tianlong Yun had positioned her above the duo on the floor, she had her front over Alexa's back, as Alexa could even feel her warm love juices drop over her perky butt.     

He had created a small pyramid of bodies in front of him, and he had to say it was a really good view to look at, especially at the love juices dripping from their secret gardens.     

Each of these three ladies was enthusiastically waiting for him to penetrate their secret caves, and shape their insides to his shape.     

And how could Tianlong Yun resist such a show in front of him, he immediately approached the trio slowly as he placed his member in between Nina, and Alexa's secret garden to prepare.     

Even though they were similarly dripping wet, he could feel that there were still differences between the girls, as he started caressing their thighs, and supple butts.     

Their supple jiggling was really mesmerizing as it looked even better than jello, but now wasn't the time to think of that suppleness, as he finally decided to pop his second cherry of the day.     

The lucky winner this time was Alexa, as he wanted to leave Nina a bit more in waiting, and consideration, this would be her little punishment.     

Feeling the sudden guest, Alexa released a gasp, and then a little painful little scream,     

'gasp~! Uughh~!"     

But that was all she did as Tianlong Yun was really gentle with her, as once again he popped a cherry, and started plowing the garden in front of him.     

Like this, he continued for some time, as he had two more cherries to pop, and secret gardens to plow, even though the battle seemed difficult he was confident in his abilities, and skills.     

And truly the end…     

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